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Time to buy HDY

240,117 Views | 1784 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by Decay
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I'm not really sure what's going on with this stock so I put in a stop order for 3.35 (bought at 2.93)
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Just "beware of guessers, pumpers and read the CHARTS"
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Great, someone made a trade at 3.33 and it triggered my order for 3.35 stop (executed at 3.33) and then went straight back to 3.40

Now at 3.29 and sinking. Bizarre.

[This message has been edited by ClickClack (edited 11/29/2011 12:31p).]
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roller coaster today, was hoping to bust
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it's not bizarre, it's just the big boys making money off manipulating stocks. This is all a game whether it goes up or down.

Las Vegas east.
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Fine, but those are some pretty wild swings.
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very wild swings IMO. I had my hopes up so high when it popped on the open.... was hoping it was great news.
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Where did our resident chart expert fahraint go?

No doubt he would preaching TA to this board again and warning everyone of "guessers" had he not gone 0 for 2 with his latest chart signals in both directions....

Nothing against TA, in fact I would encourage a new B&I thread on currency as much of fahraint's analysis is actually relevant and reliable when applied correctly.

Very little value can be gathered from the hdy charts other than volume trends at this point in the game.
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totally agree. One of the many dangers of a $1 stock. The swings are caused by 100% manipulation. Just hope you're on the right side when the big boys decide to make a little cash..
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How do you expect logging results will be released? Will it be a press release during trading hours?

Just trying to figure out what to be on the look out for.

I can't imagine what unfounded volatility would occur if they set up another press conference with no press release.

So what do you think? should we see a press release by the end of the week?
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Official prs are released after or before market hours.

I believe that there could be delay related to either of the issues below:
-New rig/crew (operating equipment)
-port infrastructure/manpower (getting equipment)

I believe mgmt is making the most of this situation expanding the logging program and also exploring other properties for stability diversification. I do not believe any of the delay/silence is related to the geology.

I was surprised the rig arrived on time. I don't expect to be surprised about a quick PR....wouldnt expect anything before 12/10...after that is anyones guess.

Im investing in the geology of the site and mgmts ability to ultimately prove that geology. I am ready to hedge against shareholder expectations.

[This message has been edited by thirdcoast (edited 11/30/2011 1:06p).]
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Where did our resident chart expert fahraint go?

No doubt he would preaching TA to this board again and warning everyone of "guessers" had he not gone 0 for 2 with his latest chart signals in both directions....
Hey Dick, that is your name, right? I'm not 0 for anything....I sold my first trade after a double digit gain to take profit....I could have made more if I held it, but, I dont call that a zero. How do you define a zero trade?

I was not invested for the second trade. The scenario was to buy in from 3.75 to 3.6 to 3.1, with a stop at 2.98 for risk management. If I were invested, I would have been stopped out with a loss on that trade, so what? I dont win all trades, neither does TA. Had I been stopped out, I could well have reentered at 2.78....after a further 7% fall.

As a reminder, HDY is lower than when you first posted on 4/7, so does that make you 0 for 7 months, big boy? Seems like over 7 months, you are negative, and for one month, I am quite a bit positive......

Actually, since you seem content to keep it going, there is a fifth wave down coming on the daily, and a good buying opp looms.

[This message has been edited by fahraint (edited 12/1/2011 7:49p).]
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So, let's compare....thirdcoast recommends a buy on HDY on 4/7 closing price 4.65. Today's close 12/1, 3.74.

4.65-3.74 = 0.91

0.91/4.65 = 19.5% red, loss, over the 7+ month time period.

I have made one trade, up 22% in a few days. Granted, I would have been stopped out if I had invested my second trade, but, if so, would be looking for the next buy in....which will come with a fifth wave down shortly. If I had executed the second trade, I would still be up over 10%, which still exceeds thirdcoasts 19.5% in the red for over a 7 month period.

I'll take my TA over thirdcoasts methods any day, but, to each his own. Go back and reread the thread.....I never gloated or criticized prior to thirdcoasts caustic comments. Dick, er thirdcoast, is inappropriately defensive....especially since he is red for 7 months, -19.5%. Someone else observed and commented on this thread, that one could be wealthy trading this stock over the last 7 months if they chose. Seems to me he should let those who use TA go their way without comment, especially if they are making money when he is not.

[This message has been edited by fahraint (edited 12/1/2011 8:24p).]
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I could have made more if..... If I were invested, I would have.... Had I been...I could well have....

I would have been....if I had ....but, if so, would be....

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Yeah....I would have lost 12.5% on the second trade, after a stop out. And I would still be a double digit gain over 10%, vs thirdcoast's 19.5 % loss.

what is a 19.5% loss over 7 months annualize to anyway? Got a chart for that, Dick?

Oh, you got my stop average on the second trade was 3.4, and my stop was 2.98...

Still beats the hell out of your record!

[This message has been edited by fahraint (edited 12/1/2011 8:29p).]
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22% black (one trade) vs 19.5% red (7 months)

Scoreboard, Dick!
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For the record, I have posted several buy recs over the course of this thread. Most recently when you said sell sub-3. Go through all these pages and find my buy would see the average down from my OP.

Oh yea, one more little detail....NO SELL RECs or stops, that means NO LOSS genius.

Study hard my friend, and hold on tight when you enter the real world
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The real world in my investment account is up 22%.....

Yours? How far down are you since 4/7, pumper?

I didnt pick this disagreement, you did, it is clear from the, how far down are you? I'm sure it's at the tip of your based your buy recs on...wait for it....guesses? How did you pick your "buy" recs, anyway? Did you actually average in over the last 7 months, after a whole year of dabbling?

When I trade, I set is foolish not to, especially dealing with a high beta unproven risky low cap stock....most I win, some I lose, it works well for me...


For the record....there is a good chance this goes to 2, or even less with no hit, imo....buyer beware. "IF" it hits, bully for all! "IF" it doesnt, you better have a stop, and the descending triangle on the chart still stands, with alot of air all the way to 2, or even 1. I hope it hits, and goes to the moon, I dont short....

Most recently when you said sell sub-3.
You repeatedly make the mistake of misrepresenting pig headed are you, anyway? I stated, based on my theoretical entries, that I would stop my short term trade at 2.98. It was a good stop, the price went to 2.78. It was not a general sell recommendation, Dick.

[This message has been edited by fahraint (edited 12/1/2011 10:21p).]
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Dick, what are the odds HDY hits, in your opinion? I think it is only fair for you to personally state this, given all those you have enticed to invest.

If it doesnt hit, a lot of people will be hurt financially based on you, the true believer

The fact remains, HDY is 19.5% below your buy rec of 7 months ago......are you advocating all of those you have enticed to invest, to average in even more at lower far are you willing to advise this?

[This message has been edited by fahraint (edited 12/1/2011 9:18p).]
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My main concern with price this low is that we never see the first spud and HDY gets bought out before October between $10-20 per share

My concern at this point is not the is that those who have bought in at your rec of 4.75, are down 20% after 7 months, and continuing to throw more money in at your recommendations, and who will be hurt badly if it breaks down.

What are the odds it hits, in your opinion? 75%? 85%? 95%? 99%?

[This message has been edited by fahraint (edited 12/1/2011 9:44p).]
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There is something wrong when a low cap high beta stock has over 40,000 views and 800+ posts, to dwarf all other threads on a general investment board by gigabytes.....

HDY is an interesting stock, and I wish all well who are long, but, it is high risk, yet tradable
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Your 15 mins was up awhile back.
Move on.

[This message has been edited by thirdcoast (edited 12/1/2011 9:53p).]
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You asked where I I am. I'm gonna hang around until you answer some of the questions above.
Nom de Plume
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Premarket $6.47, only 200 shares
Someone is goofy.

[This message has been edited by nom de plume (edited 12/2/2011 7:39a).]
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I show 3.90 premarket
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strategy to get it rolling?
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I think 2 of the posters should just go ahead and cut their ***** off and measure them and get it over with. Fact is, you are both correct, this stock is a speculative risky, high reward potential stock, well described as such by thirdcoast, and has been very tradeable using TA over the past few months. I am in it in a small way, and have only been reluctant to trade in and out because an announcement of good news could make for a rapid spike upward, which has been my main reason for owning HDY. I don't think either view is right or wrong, just different, so let's get back to sharing info and quit the bickering.
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Fair enough, Im good with your suggestion, and completely agree with your post.

Just to say, in no way did I pick the argument, did not impugn thirdcoast in any way initially, in fact was polite and complimentary, tried to politely rebuff him, but for whatever reason he felt compelled to attack.....I responded

My apologies to other posters for the derail
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fact is both are right. I enjoy far's point of view. I do third's as well.... third is more much involved financially and emotionally. Thats a fact.
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”sounds like you are pimping tullow...long shots usually crash and burn”
-RobertLudlum (thumbs down)

”Some perfomance stats since the original post (4/7/2011) to keep all of the sunshine pumping in perspective.”
-David Carr

”im not sure how you know this unless you work for Russell Investments. seems like speculation to me... you have been spewing a bit of conjecture on this thread. you put out there blanket statements, that is really more so just guess work... all this guess work, suppositions and conjecture is all futile. no need for this on the board. either the lemmings buy the stock or they dont.”

so basically this position is down 17.5% since it was first pimped by the OP?
this is horrible, this idea of yours... If some of you are under the impression that I have invested in this, think again. I would never look to a message board for an investment idea. I am merely amused that it has gone 13 pages! ...And I don't deal with small accounts”

- Money Game

” This stock is my worst nightmare. Wish this thread was NEVER started...
I'm not doing anything else with HDY except praying that is quickly gets back to my avg entry level, so I can get the hell out and move on... I had my hopes up so high when it popped on the open... was hoping it was great news.. third is more much involved financially and emotionally. Thats a fact”


”I think you are a pumper, and emotionally attached to your could be wrong, and could lead others over the cliff like lemmings...Got a chart for that, Dick?...Scoreboard, Dick!...How far down are you since 4/7, pumper?...It was not a general sell recommendation, Dick...Dick...Just to say, in no way did I pick the argument, did not impugn thirdcoast in any way initially, in fact was polite and complimentary, tried to politely rebuff him...”
- fahraint

I was doing just fine investing in HDY 2 years before this OP, I thought with financing it might be a good time to start a discussion. My expectations of the type of discussion/demographic on this board were pretty far off.

I don’t know whether to be flattered or embarrassed of my degree when ignorant posters believe I can manipulate the price of this stock via texags posts and consistently post pumper accusations....Guess its just a matter of time on any free forum.

Anyway, I have provided info/links/graphics/updates ect. I don’t have insider info, and at this point everything is pretty clear what this venture is about. No need to waste my time here.

I may chime in on the IV discussion group from time to time as there is usually some worthwhile discussion/info on that board. I was at the last annual shareholders meeting and plan on attending the next.

Best of luck to everyone!

[This message has been edited by thirdcoast (edited 12/2/2011 7:13p).]
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So - who thinks we get some news this week?
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From another forum. Someone called IR.

Just got off the phone with Jack (IR)...
It would appear that batspeed is correct and that TD is still up ahead, ie, that we have NOT hit TD yet...which means we probably haven't started logging yet either.

Jack is obviously limited in what he can say, but did say that he and Ray, et al, are very well aware of shareholder's angst and genl unhappiness with the delays. I said I can imagine Ray is not exactly too happy these days either, and he gave a half-laugh and said he couldn't comment but wouldn't doubt that that's correct.

The plan he said is to let us know as soon as the landmark (TD) is hit or maybe even before. What more we might be told he didn't know. I told him I felt that given the deadline of 12/9 at the last conference, it would seem appropriate to hear something in regard to it somewhere close to it. He agreed.

He said he's gotten some calls from angry shareholders more or less accusing them / HDY of withholding information or even covering up information, and he said that is not the case at all. He said there have obviously been delays significantly beyond what Ray and Team (and IR) expected initially. We already knew that. Apparently the delays and slowness of the JE has continued. He didn't say there were any particular problems beyond that, and said that in reality it just means it is taking longer. I told him that was really my only concern, ie, that the JE not "mess up" the drilling or the logging. In the end, time won't probably matter that much (we hope).

I didn't ask him about our "transformational" deal or how these delays might affect it b/c I didn't feel he could comment at all on that. Someone else might want to call and ask and see what you might gather from tone of voice or whatever, but i don't think you'll get much. We'll just have to wait for Ray to let us know...again, hopefully soon.

If I think of more as I go over our conversation in my mind, I'll post it...jt

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