The people have a long way to go. They don't know economy, only fresh water and bags of rice in most regions.
I'm hopeful that elected leadership is realizing international investment is the only means to meet their own selfish objectives and provide some type of infrastructure for their people.
I live in Angola, working on startup and commissioning of an LNG facility here, and I could not agree anymore with this statement.
As for HDY, I am kicking myself for selling a couple weeks back around the 4.50 mark, expecting a pull back where I would jump back in. Still made a good return but it could have been that much sweeter. Still want to jump back in, hoping for a dip but I'm not sure if it is worth it to wait for a decline with a possible HUGE uptick any day now.
Still a relatively novice investor trying to learn. Does anyone else see there being a decline in the next week or so? Any suggestions?
Thirdcoast...thanks for all the great info on this thread. Keep it coming.