Pending indictment against Trump in Georgia

207,299 Views | 2421 Replies | Last: 4 days ago by aggiehawg
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Perhaps the most important part of these future charges is that Trump, if elected, will not be able to pardon himself or cancel the investigation. Nor will the governor of Georgia be able to pardon him if he was so inclined.

This might be the most important legal case he faces.

The significance of accessing the voting machines in Coffee County seems to be highlighted by Trump's lawyer pointing fingers. Rudy's lawyer saying he had nothing to do with it, that was Sidney's thing. However it appears his fingerprints are all over it. If this was no big deal, I don't think Rudy's lawyer would be so keen to deny any involvement.
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Wow! A political prosecution that has no basis in fact! Who would've seen that coming?
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Trump will be in his grave , plus ten years, and the left will be prosecuting him for unpaid parking tickets and still trying to make it a federal felony.
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fixer said:

Trump will be in his grave , plus ten years, and the left will be prosecuting him for unpaid parking tickets and still trying to make it a federal felony.

Those unpaid parking tickets are ten years old which, as you know, is defrauding the federal government and basically treason. Therefore, Trump's skeleton deserves time in pmita prison
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I predict Rudy will also be indicted with Trump in Georgia.
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Thanks libs, don't cry when the shoes on the other foot now.
BMX Bandit
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while true trump could not pardon himself of stop the investigation, its also not like georgia can or would ever arrest him if he is ever convicted
fka ftc
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Persecuting and jailing political enemies. Man, what a glorious Country the libs, CMs and squishy Rs have brought us.

Used to be we had open primaries, fair elections, a free press and did not weaponize the DOJs and judiciary to silence political dissenters.
Old Army Metal
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If the person I voted for is guilty of a crime, me voting for them does not mean I think they should not pay for their transgressions.

Have at it. Go nuts.
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fixer said:

Trump will be in his grave , plus ten years, and the left will be prosecuting him for unpaid parking tickets and still trying to make it a federal felony.
"This time we're really gonna get him!"

"But he's been dead for 5 years..."
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Kvetch said:

Wow! A political prosecution that has no basis in fact! Who would've seen that coming?
But...this time it's legit. This time they're really trying to save democracy. This time they're gonna save us from the big bad Trump.
agz win
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Ags77 said:

I predict Rudy will also be indicted with Trump in Georgia.

News reporting likely around a dozen indicted, including Sidney Powell.

"Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is expected to seek charges against more than a dozen individuals when her team presents its case before a grand jury next week. Several individuals involved in the voting systems breach in Coffee County are among those who may face charges in the sprawling criminal probe.

Investigators in the Georgia criminal probe have long suspected the breach was not an organic effort sprung from sympathetic Trump supporters in rural and heavily Republican Coffee County a county Trump won by nearly 70% of the vote. They have gathered evidence indicating it was a top-down push by Trump's team to access sensitive voting software, according to people familiar with the situation.

Trump allies attempted to access voting systems after the 2020 election as part of the broader push to produce evidence that could back up the former president's baseless claims of widespread fraud.

While Trump's January 2021 call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and effort to put forward fake slates of electors have long been considered key pillars of Willis' criminal probe, the voting system breach in Coffee County quietly emerged as an area of focus for investigators roughly one year ago. Since then, new evidence has slowly been uncovered about the role of Trump's attorneys, the operatives they hired and how the breach, as well as others like it in other key states, factored into broader plans for overturning the election.

Together, the text messages and other court documents show how Trump lawyers and a group of hired operatives sought to access Coffee County's voting systems in the days before January 6, 2021, as the former president's allies continued a desperate hunt for any evidence of widespread fraud they could use to delay certification of Joe Biden's electoral victory.

Exclusive: Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump's team is behind voting system breach | CNN Politics
oh no
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oh no said:

The prosecution team is on its way...

fka ftc
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I was told last week that we have to await this indictment to learn about all the new information and evidence of Trump's crimes in Georgia.

Should be interesting.

Going back in time, the other 12 colonies should have granted Georgia its request to not be part of the founding of the United States.

Been nothing but a cesspool of crime, debauchery, racism and sex trafficking ever sense. Not to mention the rampant down-low homosezuality in the greater Atlanta area.
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"We have a law and by our law he ought to die. John 19:7.
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Kvetch said:

Wow! A political prosecution that has no basis in fact! Who would've seen that coming?

Welcome to the US court system.
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From that link.


Six days before pro-Trump operatives gained unauthorized access to voting systems, the local elections official who allegedly helped facilitate the breach sent a "written invitation" to attorneys working for Trump, according to text messages obtained by CNN.
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Old Army Metal said:

If the person I voted for is guilty of a crime, me voting for them does not mean I think they should not pay for their transgressions.

Have at it. Go nuts.

Lol you voted for a pedophile that used his crackhead pedophile son to sell out the U.S. for tens of millions of dollars. You couldn't care less about those crimes.
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Kvetch said:

Wow! A political prosecution that has no basis in fact! Who would've seen that coming?

Except there is seemingly evidence of fact that will be presented to a grand jury and again to a jury if indicted. Are you confused on what "fact" means?
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fka ftc said:

I was told last week that we have to await this indictment to learn about all the new information and evidence of Trump's crimes in Georgia.
And if this indictment doesn't get the desired political results...the NEXT indictment will become 'the one' that we have to await to find out the REAL TRUTH. The goalposts are ever moving.
BMX Bandit
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aggiehawg said:

From that link.


Six days before pro-Trump operatives gained unauthorized access to voting systems, the local elections official who allegedly helped facilitate the breach sent a "written invitation" to attorneys working for Trump, according to text messages obtained by CNN.

saw that also. so what is the claim? that the local official didn't have authority to let the trump lawyers have access?
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TheTruthsLastHope said:

Kvetch said:

Wow! A political prosecution that has no basis in fact! Who would've seen that coming?

Except there is seemingly evidence of fact that will be presented to a grand jury and again to a jury if indicted. Are you confused on what "fact" means?

User name does not check out.
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Totally agree this is a hitjob and a witch hunt but Trump definitely is a complete idiot when it comes to asking for more of this stuff. Either that or he just wants more charges. I can't imagine a day in the life of being Trump's attorney.

"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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aggie93 said:

Totally agree this is a hitjob and a witch hunt but Trump definitely is a complete idiot when it comes to asking for more of this stuff. Either that or he just wants more charges. I can't imagine a day in the life of being Trump's attorney.
Trump believes the more indictments he gets, the better his chances of winning. It is delusional, that's Trump. It also means his cult will keep sending him more $$$ for his legal defense because fighting all the legal charges means he is "winning."

Heck, there is a Republican Congressman from Florida who said the reason he is backing Trump over DeSantis is because Trump has been indicted.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
Funky Winkerbean
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aggie93 said:

Totally agree this is a hitjob and a witch hunt but Trump definitely is a complete idiot when it comes to asking for more of this stuff. Either that or he just wants more charges. I can't imagine a day in the life of being Trump's attorney.

Yea, he should just ball up and run a basement campaign like Biden.
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BMX Bandit said:

aggiehawg said:

From that link.


Six days before pro-Trump operatives gained unauthorized access to voting systems, the local elections official who allegedly helped facilitate the breach sent a "written invitation" to attorneys working for Trump, according to text messages obtained by CNN.

saw that also. so what is the claim? that the local official didn't have authority to let the trump lawyers have access?
I assume so. We'll see if those officials are indicted as well.

Although no one apparently went to jail back in 2017 when the entire election server was wiped under their former electronic voting system and Kemp was Sec of State back then. From 2017.


A computer server crucial to a lawsuit against Georgia election officials was quietly wiped clean by its custodians just after the suit was filed, The Associated Press has learned.

The server's data was destroyed July 7 by technicians at the Center for Elections Systems at Kennesaw State University, which runs the state's election system. The data wipe was revealed in an email sent last week from an assistant state attorney general to plaintiffs in the case that was later obtained by the AP. More emails obtained in a public records request confirmed the wipe.

The lawsuit, filed July 3 by a diverse group of election reform advocates, aims to force Georgia to retire its antiquated and heavily criticized election technology. The server in question, which served as a statewide staging location for key election-related data, made national headlines in June after a security expert disclosed a gaping security hole that wasn't fixed six months after he reported it to election authorities.

The Kennesaw elections center answers to Georgia's secretary of state, Brian Kemp, a Republican running for governor in 2018 and the suit's main defendant. His spokeswoman issued a statement Thursday saying his office had neither involvement nor advanced warning of the decision. It blamed "the undeniable ineptitude" at the Kennesaw State elections center.

After declining comment for more than 24 hours, Kennesaw State's media office issued a statement late Thursday attributing the server wiping to "standard operating procedure." It did not respond to the AP's question on who ordered the action.

Plaintiffs in the lawsuit, mostly Georgia voters, want to scrap the state's 15-year-old vote-management system particularly its 27,000 AccuVote touchscreen voting machines, hackable devices that don't use paper ballots or keep hardcopy proof of voter intent. The plaintiffs were counting on an independent security review of the Kennesaw server, which held elections staging data for counties, to demonstrate the system's unreliability.
fka ftc
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aggie93 said:

Totally agree this is a hitjob and a witch hunt but Trump definitely is a complete idiot when it comes to asking for more of this stuff. Either that or he just wants more charges. I can't imagine a day in the life of being Trump's attorney.

Pretty sure Trump has a 1st amendment right to share his opinion.

How is what he said intimidating? Trump, a private citizen, can give his opinion on this.

But I am sure Madame Gang-Banger Indicty Pants from Atlanta will claim otherwise.

Anything to silence political opposition.
BMX Bandit
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don't know if this is the statute they are looking at, but seems the bolded is kind of a big deal and hard to prove when a local authority invites you to look at the computers:


Computer Trespass. Any person who uses a computer or computer network with knowledge that such use is without authority and with the intention of:
  • Deleting or in any way removing, either temporarily or permanently, any computer program or data from a computer or computer network;
  • Obstructing, interrupting, or in any way interfering with the use of a computer program or data; or
  • Altering, damaging, or in any way causing the malfunction of a computer, computer network, or computer program, regardless of how long the alteration, damage, or malfunction persists
  • [/ol]
    shall be guilty of the crime of computer trespass.
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    Funky Winkerbean said:

    aggie93 said:

    Totally agree this is a hitjob and a witch hunt but Trump definitely is a complete idiot when it comes to asking for more of this stuff. Either that or he just wants more charges. I can't imagine a day in the life of being Trump's attorney.

    Yea, he should just ball up and run a basement campaign like Biden.
    As the Bible says, "there is a time to speak and a time to be silent."

    Many of Trump's legal problems are because he simply cannot shut up. He makes it far too easy for the Democrats to go after him because of words and actions that simply were/arenot necessary.

    Now all he is doing is throwing the daily dose of red meat to his followers, thinking 25% of the electorate is enough to win it all so he needs to keep them stirred up.
    "If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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    Do grand juries have studio audiences? How is all this such public information?
    fka ftc
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    Rapier108 said:

    As the Bible says, "there is a time to speak and a time to be silent."

    Many of Trump's legal problems are because he simply cannot shut up. He makes it far too easy for the Democrats to go after him because of words and actions that simply were/arenot necessary.

    Now all he is doing is throwing the daily dose of red meat to his followers, thinking 25% of the electorate is enough to win it all so he needs to keep them stirred up.
    Lawd invoking scripture to justify Trump rolling over whilst the DOJ and Dems prison rape him. Got it. Turn the other "cheek" or simply spread the cheeks as you would prefer him do.

    Sorry, but I am going to have to recommend to the Trump inauguration committee that your invitation be cancelled.
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    Why wouldn't the Governor of Georgia be able to pardon him?

    the most ironic thing of all:

    is that Trump because he is such a @$#@#$ completely slandered and worked to defeat Georgia Governor Kemp the last several years...

    no way will Kemp pardon him now.

    another 5D stable genius chess move!
    fka ftc
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    LMCane said:

    Why wouldn't the Governor of Georgia be able to pardon him?

    the most ironic thing of all:

    is that Trump because he is such a @$#@#$ completely slandered and worked to defeat Georgia Governor Kemp the last several years...

    no way will Kemp pardon him now.

    another 5D stable genius chess move!
    Trump would have to be convicted. Which this "indictment" is not even meant to make it to trial. As with the others, it will be so fundamentally flawed on the law, facts and evidence that it also will become an example of prosecutors setting aside their oaths of office in order to perform political prosecution for monetary and political benefit.
    No Spin Ag
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    Rapier108 said:

    Funky Winkerbean said:

    aggie93 said:

    Totally agree this is a hitjob and a witch hunt but Trump definitely is a complete idiot when it comes to asking for more of this stuff. Either that or he just wants more charges. I can't imagine a day in the life of being Trump's attorney.

    Yea, he should just ball up and run a basement campaign like Biden.
    As the Bible says, "there is a time to speak and a time to be silent."

    Many of Trump's legal problems are because he simply cannot shut up. He makes it far too easy for the Democrats to go after him because of words and actions that simply were/arenot necessary.

    Now all he is doing is throwing the daily dose of red meat to his followers, thinking 25% of the electorate is enough to win it all so he needs to keep them stirred up.

    It honestly seems that Trump and his maga are in a relationship where they need to feed off each other to get their fill of whatever it is they need. It was cute in '15. Now it's turning into a study for so many in the social sciences in academia.
    There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the later ignorance. Hippocrates
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