Not so bold predictions for next episode:
(1) Cersei burns the city down with Wildfire;
(2) Dany sets sail for King's Landing;
(3) we find out what actually happened at the Tower of Joy.
Why should I give a damn about what happened 25 years ago at some tower? Who cares? THERES A HORDE OF ZOMBIE SNOW MONSTERS WHO CAN RAISE THE DEAD COMING TO KILL EVERYONE!!! Whether some guy stabbed some other guy in the back at the Tower of Joy 25 years ago doesn't freaking matter!!!
With that said, I think watching Cersei burn the city to the ground would be kind of neat and finally seeing Dany finally kicking it up a notch and finally getting on some ships to sail to Kings Landing after 6 seasons would be cool. But again, anytime I think of the white walkers, I think that anything associated with non-white walker stuff is irrelevant.
Sometimes I think this show gets caught up in the finer details of a bunch of stories that make no difference. Whether Cersei likes Margery or if some old white bearded guy (generic term for 50% of the characters of GOT) likes some other old white bearded guy, none of it matters. Once the zombie snow monsters who can raise the dead show up, they'll all jump on the same side in a matter of seconds to fight the zombie snow monsters who can raise the dead.
I think we've drug this out far enough. I'm ready for the ultimate showdown!!!