**** Game of Thrones Season 6 - Show Only ****

367,857 Views | 2616 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by Rex Racer
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Yara's leather breeches didn't fit bad, though!
+1. I noticed that, too
Legal Custodian
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1. Tyrells / Tywin saving Lannisters at Blackwater
2. Stannis saving NW at the Wall
3. Dothraki sweeping in to take down ground forces of the Sons of the Harpy (not nearly as critical a save)
4. Knights of the Vale crushing Boltons

All tributes or ripoffs of LotR.

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So who takes over as the main villain? Does Littlefinger start making his push?

Euron Greyjoy is making a case for himself but dont think that character can to reach Joffrey/Ramsey status.

Sandsnake leader is pretty crappy but would never want them in the show further.

Cersei I suppose is about to take the cake for lead villain for now... you know with the whole burn the city mentality paired with her distaste for anyone not named Tommen or Jamie.

Maybe the Nights King turns out to be a total dbag if he every talks, who knows!

High Sparrow is setting himself up pretty well, especially with what I'm assuming is Cersei's trial on Friday. That's going to be an interesting confrontation. Cersei isn't going down without a fight, Jamie is on his way back after beating The Blackfish, and grandma might also be doing something on her own. Having Sparrow win out will be a big change in dynamics.

Season 7 could end up being Lord of Light vs Faith of the Seven.
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7. Sansa - Could also see a heel turn with her. Teams up with Littlefinger to take complete control of the North. Goals conflict with Jon's. Could see her try to seduce/use LIttlefinger to get what she wants. Seems to be of mentality that nobody is going to help her but herself, and I think she will take Littlefinger and Cersei's teachings to heart and become a new major manipulator type character.
Gosh, Sansa's actions the night before and during the battle were almost a heel turn! I was so upset that Sansa just LET Jon's men get annihilated before the Knights of the Vale showed up! I get the "oh maybe she wasn't sure if they were actually coming" or "If Jon knew then maybe Ramsay would have found out". But when Ramsay let Rickon loose and it became apparent that Jon was about to do exactly what Ramsay WANTED him to do and exactly what Sansa told him NOT to do, I was like "WHERE IS SANSA TO TELL HIM NOT TO DO IT!" Had she been there she may have stopped Jon from riding out there and then they could have been patient like they originally planned.

Looking at the scene where they were surrounded by the shield wall I thought to myself "well, they certainly evened out the numbers but MAN, they just might have been able to WIN had it not been for Jon going all stupid and chasing after Rickon!"
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You really think Sansa would've been in hearing distance of Jon Snow?

I just wonder why she never mentioned the scale when he said we need more men or when she said wait I can get you more men.

Oh I know. Suspense.
Definitely Not A Cop
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Complaining about stuff that is similar to things that happened in LOTR is silly. Tolkein probably stole the idea from a historical battle. There are no original ideas, only inventive ways to repackage them. If you begin trying to compare everything that is similar between GOT and LOTR, all you are going to do is make yourself and everyone else here miserable.
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You really think Sansa would've been in hearing distance of Jon Snow?

I just wonder why she never mentioned the scale when he said we need more men or when she said wait I can get you more men.

Oh I know. Suspense.
Well she was right by his side when he met with Ramsay the day before and she was right by Littlefinger's side when the Knights of the Vale showed up too. If she were really concerned about Jon falling for Ramsay's trap (like she complained about the night before) you'd think she could find a way to be there and advise him when he needed it most.

I think instead, she realized Jon was being stubborn and she decided she would have to do something herself, so maybe she rode east to try and find Littlefinger. Perhaps, when she set out, she didn't know if they were a mile away or 3 days away, she just knew Ramsay was going to beat Jon and she didn't want to be there to watch it unless she was returning with extra troops. Actually, this kind of makes sense with her line about "he won't take me alive" because she wasn't going to be there to watch Jon lose.

Sorry, I don't mean to say Sansa deserves blame, I just meant that IF she were there with Jon, then Jon's army MAY have been able to win outright by not falling for Ramsay's trap.
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Sorry dude. There is no way a high born "lady" is anywhere near the battle.

She showed up with Littlefinger quite a ways and definately out of shouting range from the battle.

And yes she was there for the parlez and so was the 10 year old. What's your point?
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2. Rickon! Serpentine, man! That's day one stuff.
That's like....Running 101. Run in anything OTHER than a straight line and he will NEVER hit you with an arrow.
Joan Wilder
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Perhaps Sansa didn't know for sure LF was coming, but the information that she'd written to him was still important. Maybe she just doesn't trust anyone but that was pretty key info to withhold.

I felt Joffrey was a better villain than Ramsey, who was just shy of silent film mustache twirling at times. For sure he was a sadist and a monster, but Joffrey's evil had both psychological and Physical components. Both real a**holes though.

As far as villains, though, Dany came close last night with some of her decisions. Tyrion drawing her back from her initial Mad King instincts was interesting - I did like that she listened to his counsel.

It is interesting to see how close so many characters come to being both villain and hero - or their arcs going back and forth. The Hound, Jamie Lannister, khal drogo, Theon...all have had moments of pretty significant evil or violence. Jamie dropped a 10 year old out the window in episode ONE and I was rooting for him to defeat a Stark ally last week.
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What does being high born have to do with it?


Those are all examples of prominent women who wouldn't be out of place on a battlefield. I don't really think it was an issue of Jon telling Sansa "no, you should stay here at the tent and just finish up that new cloak you are sewing me."

Do you disagree that the battle could have gone differently had she been by Jon's side?
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2. Rickon! Serpentine, man! That's day one stuff.
That's like....Running 101. Run in anything OTHER than a straight line and he will NEVER hit you with an arrow.

If only
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2. Rickon! Serpentine, man! That's day one stuff.
That's like....Running 101. Run in anything OTHER than a straight line and he will NEVER hit you with an arrow.
Should just had Ramsay release one of the dogs; it's what I had honestly expected. Would have fit his personality, and made the end that much more fitting an end to him.
Duncan Idaho
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Releasing a hound wouldn't have pulled John out.
Brian Earl Spilner
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If it's chasing Rickon? Why wouldn't it?
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What does being high born have to do with it?


Those are all examples of prominent women who wouldn't be out of place on a battlefield. I don't really think it was an issue of Jon telling Sansa "no, you should stay here at the tent and just finish up that new cloak you are sewing me."

Do you disagree that the battle could have gone differently had she been by Jon's side?


Of course it would've been. But you don't put a woman who can't fight in the middle of it.
Duncan Idaho
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One thing about these big battle charges that always puzzeled me was how exhausted everyone would be by the time they got to the line after running at a full sprint wearing armor And carrying a sword.

Are these kind of running charged over these kinds of distances historically supported?
tk for tu juan
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The hound would have reached Rickon before Jon was in range of the archers, the point of the trap
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Bro, no book talk. Take it elsewhere.
Crap guys, completely forgot what thread I was on. I apologize.
Joseph Parrish
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2. Rickon! Serpentine, man! That's day one stuff.
That's like....Running 101. Run in anything OTHER than a straight line and he will NEVER hit you with an arrow.
I wonder if the fires with burning men were distance markers for the archers.
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7. Sansa - Could also see a heel turn with her. Teams up with Littlefinger to take complete control of the North. Goals conflict with Jon's. Could see her try to seduce/use LIttlefinger to get what she wants. Seems to be of mentality that nobody is going to help her but herself, and I think she will take Littlefinger and Cersei's teachings to heart and become a new major manipulator type character.
Gosh, Sansa's actions the night before and during the battle were almost a heel turn! I was so upset that Sansa just LET Jon's men get annihilated before the Knights of the Vale showed up! I get the "oh maybe she wasn't sure if they were actually coming" or "If Jon knew then maybe Ramsay would have found out". But when Ramsay let Rickon loose and it became apparent that Jon was about to do exactly what Ramsay WANTED him to do and exactly what Sansa told him NOT to do, I was like "WHERE IS SANSA TO TELL HIM NOT TO DO IT!" Had she been there she may have stopped Jon from riding out there and then they could have been patient like they originally planned.

Looking at the scene where they were surrounded by the shield wall I thought to myself "well, they certainly evened out the numbers but MAN, they just might have been able to WIN had it not been for Jon going all stupid and chasing after Rickon!"
I think we will see some kind of explanation for her not saying anything to Jon this next episode, and I think it will simply be her saying "Would you have allowed it if you knew about it?" Or something like that. Basically saying Jon's honor would have prevented him allying himself with Littlefinger, even if it meant his defeat, so she didn't tell him for his "own good."
Joseph Parrish
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7. Sansa - Could also see a heel turn with her. Teams up with Littlefinger to take complete control of the North. Goals conflict with Jon's. Could see her try to seduce/use LIttlefinger to get what she wants. Seems to be of mentality that nobody is going to help her but herself, and I think she will take Littlefinger and Cersei's teachings to heart and become a new major manipulator type character.
Gosh, Sansa's actions the night before and during the battle were almost a heel turn! I was so upset that Sansa just LET Jon's men get annihilated before the Knights of the Vale showed up! I get the "oh maybe she wasn't sure if they were actually coming" or "If Jon knew then maybe Ramsay would have found out". But when Ramsay let Rickon loose and it became apparent that Jon was about to do exactly what Ramsay WANTED him to do and exactly what Sansa told him NOT to do, I was like "WHERE IS SANSA TO TELL HIM NOT TO DO IT!" Had she been there she may have stopped Jon from riding out there and then they could have been patient like they originally planned.

Looking at the scene where they were surrounded by the shield wall I thought to myself "well, they certainly evened out the numbers but MAN, they just might have been able to WIN had it not been for Jon going all stupid and chasing after Rickon!"
It would have been out of character for Jon not to go after his brother.
Aggie Infantry
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We are all going to need a support group after the season finale. I love this time of year because I can think "Well it sucks the weekend is over, but at least Game of Thrones is tonight."
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We are all going to need a support group after the season finale. I love this time of year because I can think "Well it sucks the weekend is over, but at least Game of Thrones is tonight."
GOT and Orphan Black ending means its time to find the Netflix originals to watch on the weekends.
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100+ replies. It's hard to keep up with you guys!
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Umm... So I just found out that the girl who played Shae used to do porn. I know that's not a timely discovery, but....
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We all knew the story to Apollo 13. We all knew the Titanic was going to sink again. We all knew the outcome of 13 Hours. My point is, that being predictable doesn't mean those movies or scenes can't still be done extremely well.
Thanks for ruining the movie Titanic for me....I haven't seen it yet.
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One thing about these big battle charges that always puzzeled me was how exhausted everyone would be by the time they got to the line after running at a full sprint wearing armor And carrying a sword.

Are these kind of running charged over these kinds of distances historically supported?
well i haven't though of that
Belton Ag
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One thing about these big battle charges that always puzzeled me was how exhausted everyone would be by the time they got to the line after running at a full sprint wearing armor And carrying a sword.

Are these kind of running charged over these kinds of distances historically supported?
I read a piece once on the Battle of Agincourt and about the French charge on the English line - who's longbowmen had already done quite a bit of damage to the French army from a distance - after the cavalry had churned up the ground and made it into a quagmire. By the time the French had reached the English, those who survived the bowmen's onslaught were so exhausted they could hardly fight and were defeated easily. The French suffered 10,000 casualties in that battle.
Dr. Horrible
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  • Indiana Jones was going to find the Arc and defeat the nazis

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One thing about these big battle charges that always puzzeled me was how exhausted everyone would be by the time they got to the line after running at a full sprint wearing armor And carrying a sword.

Are these kind of running charged over these kinds of distances historically supported?
I read a piece once on the Battle of Agincourt and about the French charge on the English line - who's longbowmen had already done quite a bit of damage to the French army from a distance - after the cavalry had churned up the ground and made it into a quagmire. By the time the French had reached the English, those who survived the bowmen's onslaught were so exhausted they could hardly fight and were defeated easily. The French suffered 10,000 casualties in that battle.

You also have to remember the time period. Most common mode of transportation was their feet. They were in much better shape for endurance and I'd imagine you're getting one hell of an adrenaline boost knowing your life is on the line.
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Umm... So I just found out that the girl who played Shae used to do porn. I know that's not a timely discovery, but....

Do you even GOT bro?
Natasha Romanoff
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I just don't see how anyone is unimpressed by that episode. At some point, I just wonder what more someone wants.

Was it more predictable than other episode 9s? Probably, though I too was concerned with the Jon trampling scene. But the actual scenes and effects and everything in this episode was some of the best I've ever seen, TV or movie.

Cast me as another who was happy to see Sansa finally have her own backbone. I think there will be backlash from her brother, and rightfully so, but it's about time she realizes the only person she can depend on 100% is herself. It was also good to see her start to play the game she's been a pawn in most of her life.
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Seems to me that they're setting up all female leaders.

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