**** Game of Thrones Season 6 - Show Only ****

367,672 Views | 2616 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by Rex Racer
double aught
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Please be permanent! Or at least 60 days (end of this season) but permanent is best. This ass does this EVERY season.
The most offensive part is that it wasn't even funny.
M.C. Swag
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So, wait... Every time in the series that Hodor said "hodor", was he actually trying to say "hold the door"?

I just now made that connection. Every time he would nod, smile, and then say that... Wow... What a sacrificial lamb.

Lol yes, they highlighted that in show quite well. Don't know how you missed it first time through.
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Does anyone really care about the word filters?
Independent George
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I almost forgot about this and nobody has mentioned it yet that I saw but is that mark that the WW left on Bran gonna hang around like Jorah's gray scale?

It appears to be uncharted territory but i'm sure there will be some implications if it wasnt a quick one and done thing to get the WW into the cave.
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I'm thinking it's permanent and it's going to allow the WWs to go through the wall.
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They couldn't go through it before?
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Brian Earl Spilner
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I'm thinking it's permanent and it's going to allow the WWs to go through the wall.
Interesting. So maybe Bran has to stay north of the Wall forever?
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Rewatched last night and caught a few things I missed on Sunday:

On the "previously" highlights, they showed when Bran got to the tree and the chasing skeletons exploded when they hit the invisible magical barrier in the entrance to the cave. Didn't realize that when the Night King put his hand down on the ground, he sent a shock wave to blow up the barrier so that the wight army could get in. That's when the main child girl looked back and said "oh s***".

Looks like the WW have adjusted their armor since Jon killed that one at Hardhome. First attempt by a child with the dragon glass didn't penetrate. The Reed girl hit him in the neck with the spear, above the armor.

This may be the first time that Littlefinger and Varys were put in their place and visibly shaken. Still didn't prevent LF from throwing one last "half brother" ******* insult to Sansa while leaving (to go change his drawers).

Someone mentioned this earlier, but the Dany / Jorah scene was not only touching, but probably the absolute hottest that Emily Clarke has looked on the show.

Hodor scene was just as gut wrenching on second watch. Poor Bran's realization that he caused Hodor's problem was painful.

One question - I don't think Bran has seen the present or future in his vision quests. But when he went rogue and on his own, was he seeing the WW army in present time, but also possibly future time because the tree appeared frozen and dead from above?
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This may be the first time that Littlefinger and Varys were put in their place and visibly shaken. Still didn't prevent LF from throwing one last "half brother" ******* insult to Sansa while leaving (to go change his drawers).
I didn't take that as an insult. More as a warning. Sansa and Jon have both been through a lot, and they are "family", but they also have competing claims to Winterfell. LF is essentially telling her not to trust Jon too much, because if all of the soldiers are loyal to Jon, he might well install himself as Lord of Winterfell and tell Sansa to get lost (or worse).
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Looks like the WW have adjusted their armor since Jon killed that one at Hardhome. First attempt by a child with the dragon glass didn't penetrate. The Reed girl hit him in the neck with the spear, above the armor.

I think this is just more of a case that obsidian sucks ass as an actual weapon (aside from its magical properties) and couldn't penetrate their armor, while Jon's Valyrian steel is both a quality weapon and has the white Walker killing property.

Thumbs down was accidental.
Independent George
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One question - I don't think Bran has seen the present or future in his vision quests. But when he went rogue and on his own, was he seeing the WW army in present time, but also possibly future time because the tree appeared frozen and dead from above?
Good catch with the tree frozen. That would make it most likely the future then since the TER has been there for so long.

They couldnt go through it before?
Never really thought of that, but that would be a good reason that they haven't yet since nothing else was really stopping them. Somebody needs to get the word to Bran if this is the case.

I want to find out how much Bran can do now that the TER passing everything along to him supposedly.
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On the "previously" highlights, they showed when Bran got to the tree and the chasing skeletons exploded when they hit the invisible magical barrier in the entrance to the cave. Didn't realize that when the Night King put his hand down on the ground, he sent a shock wave to blow up the barrier so that the wight army could get in. That's when the main child girl looked back and said "oh s***".
I'm about 99% sure this is due to the fact that the WW touched Bran and left a mark on him. I haven't rewatched the episode, but I distinctly remember him having a conversation with the TER about how the mark meant they could bypass the barrier.
Squirrel Master
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I'm somewhat fascinated by how Bran's story will go from here, and I'm sure we'll have to wait a week. It was nice that they devoted so much time on that part of the story this week, but that means this coming week will be lots of King's Landing, maybe visit with Jon and Sansa since they don't miss many weeks, maybe see Sam, probably some time with Arya, and then some quality time with Dany and also Merreen.
Squirrel Master
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The idea that the mark of the NK on Bran will allow the WWs to go through the wall is a very interesting one.
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One question - I don't think Bran has seen the present or future in his vision quests. But when he went rogue and on his own, was he seeing the WW army in present time, but also possibly future time because the tree appeared frozen and dead from above?
Good catch with the tree frozen. That would make it most likely the future then since the TER has been there for so long.
I took a second look last night when re-watching it and I don't think the TER's tree is the same tree as depicted in the scene with the CotF creating the WWs. That tree was in a big open field and had the stones in circles around it. The tree the crew is under was shown briefly during the invasion of the WWs and it was more of a big tree on the side of a mountain (as you'd expect since they are in the caves).

This makes sense then that the army of the WWs were just sitting and waiting next to the tree they were created at, but then when Bran shows up (in real time) the Night King touches him and then deploys his army to the OTHER tree to go route them out. I don't think it was time travel as there were 4 WWs in his vision and there were 4 WWs who invaded the cave. I think the travel time between trees adds up to the time Meera and crew had to pack up the cave and why Bran and TER started the download.

They couldn't go through it before?
Never really thought of that, but that would be a good reason that they haven't yet since nothing else was really stopping them. Somebody needs to get the word to Bran if this is the case.

I want to find out how much Bran can do now that the TER passing everything along to him supposedly.
I'm not sure if this has been explicitly stated, but still could be the case. There's obviously something with water that stops the WWs because they didn't attack the boats after Hardhome and they've never tried to walk around the wall (around the wall is just water as I'm assuming an ice wall wouldn't make it too substantially far into the ocean). But we haven't seen a WW try to attack the wall yet, so we're still not sure if it is for a strategic reason or a magic reason.
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On the "previously" highlights, they showed when Bran got to the tree and the chasing skeletons exploded when they hit the invisible magical barrier in the entrance to the cave. Didn't realize that when the Night King put his hand down on the ground, he sent a shock wave to blow up the barrier so that the wight army could get in. That's when the main child girl looked back and said "oh s***".
I'm about 99% sure this is due to the fact that the WW touched Bran and left a mark on him. I haven't rewatched the episode, but I distinctly remember him having a conversation with the TER about how the mark meant they could bypass the barrier.
Yes, the Night King touching Bran's arm is what broke the spell protecting the cave. Then when they approach, the Night King tested the magic barrier by doing that shockwave. Since the shockwave made it past the magic barrier, they knew the spell had been broken and they could invade.
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i completely forgot that the white walkers haven't made an attempt at the wall yet. Is it because of some magical thing with the wall?
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i completely forgot that the white walkers haven't made an attempt at the wall yet. Is it because of some magical thing with the wall?

That's what I thought. It was built by the first men with some magic mixed in.
Trident 88
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i completely forgot that the white walkers haven't made an attempt at the wall yet. Is it because of some magical thing with the wall?
I don't know what else it could be besides magic. Based on what we saw in the last episode, the wights wouldn't have any problem crawling right up and over the wall and then just jumping down without a care in the world.
Squirrel Master
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Yeah, pretty sure early in the series they discuss that the evil from the North can't pass the wall because it was made with magic, or somesuch. Paraphrasing from a few years ago.
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Yeah, pretty sure early in the series they discuss that the evil from the North can't pass the wall because it was made with magic, or somesuch. Paraphrasing from a few years ago.

Really? I thought everyone thinks that white walkers are just an old story to scare your children at night?
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LF is essentially telling her not to trust Jon too much, because if all of the soldiers are loyal to Jon, he might well install himself as Lord of Winterfell and tell Sansa to get lost (or worse).
LF is definitely trying to play Sansa with that tidbit. Jon had a chance with Stannis to have Winterfell (although his devotion to the NW prevented him), but I still think he believes in his honor enough that he isn't going to try and usurp Sansa for Lordship of the North.
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Yeah, pretty sure early in the series they discuss that the evil from the North can't pass the wall because it was made with magic, or somesuch. Paraphrasing from a few years ago.

Really? I thought everyone thinks that white walkers are just an old story to scare your children at night?
Right, and the Wildlings spent many generations going over, around, or through the wall. There's been a long need for maintaining a patrol of the wall even without any WWs around, hence the Night's Watch. If there were some actual magic that kept the WWs from crossing the wall, it is probably lost to history at this point and everyone thinks the only thing from stopping them is the size of the wall.

I mean, let's not forget that the size of the wall is ALSO still a deterrent to the WWs. Likely a lot could climb the wall, but it's not like the WWs could get their horses over the wall. They would suffer massive casualties and the Nights Watch would mow down the wights as they were trying to climb the wall. And the WWs only create more wights by new dead bodies so they wouldn't get very many new soldiers from attacking the NW until after the battle. Even without any magic, there's still a strategic advantage to having a massive wall on your side of a battle. It is certainly possible that the WWs are still biding their time for strategic purposes, not just some magic.

Hopefully we'll find out soon!
Independent George
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Also, its not fully winter yet right?

They really had no reason to climb/cross the wall yet when all they could really do was take the North then sit there. I am fairly certain though they knew they couldnt pass the wall due to the spell.
Brian Earl Spilner
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With the new revelation about the WW though, are we sure they even want to cross the Wall? If they were truly just created for defense, where is the aggression coming from leading them to attack castles?

Maybe there's essentially just defending what they perceive to be their own land (the Land of Always Winter).
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With the new revelation about the WW though, are we sure they even want to cross the Wall? If they were truly just created for defense, where is the aggression coming from leading them to attack castles?

Maybe there's essentially just defending what they perceive to be their own land (the Land of Always Winter).
Agree, they seem more interested in defending their land rather than take new land.
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Found this elsewhere on the web. Man she is like a whole different person when she smiles.

marble rye
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Yeah, pretty sure early in the series they discuss that the evil from the North can't pass the wall because it was made with magic, or somesuch. Paraphrasing from a few years ago.

Really? I thought everyone thinks that white walkers are just an old story to scare your children at night?

Magic and ice dragons.
Mozart Paintings
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Found this elsewhere on the web. Man she is like a whole different person when she smiles.

she's hotter when she isn't smiling
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Ok so we've discussed this previously a little bit, but to get further into it, how many WWs are there? I think earlier someone said there were 12 in the scene where they turned Craster's baby into a WW. Now, assuming there's some sort of "growing time" for the baby WW, we'll conservatively say there are 12 WWs that are battle ready. (It's possible some of these weren't battle WWs, but until we know otherwise, probably fair to assume they are).

Then we know Sam killed the one that had been picking up the babies.

Followed by Jon killing the Willie Nelson one at Hardhome.

That leaves 10 going into this week. 4 of those 10 were seen attacking the cave and Meera killed one of those 4. Leaving only 9 total. 2 of them were with the Night King and the other 6 were not seen. Does anyone remember how many were shown in the battle at Hardhome (I know the Night King was there for that battle)?

It's possible this is just a function of production value; it's easier production with 4 WWs attacking rather than all 10. Or it could be evidence that the other 6 are elsewhere about to attack someone/something else. If we are over-estimating though, and there really are only 3 WWs left after Meera killed one, then it makes sense that they are hesitant to attack the wall with such low numbers (of WWs, not of wights).
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Why is everyone assuming the white walkers are limited in number to what we've seen on screen?
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What's the alternative? Are you assuming there are a half dozen packs of them littered about, but it just happens to be only the one pack with the Night King that we always see interacting with the humans?
Squirrel Master
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Well, we keep seeing the NK rolling with 3 others (a group of 4). Atleast thats what we saw at Hardhome, when they were up on the cliff at the start of the battle. Then Jon killed one. Jump to this episode, Nk rolling with 3 others again, again, one dies.

We saw the larger blurry group in that one baby scene, but even then, I think presumptuous to assume we saw them all.

I think the correct answer is... don't worry about the count. When we need to worry about them, more info on their numbers will be made known to us.
M.C. Swag
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I think the correct answer is... don't worry about the count. When we need to worry about them, more info on their numbers will be made known to us.
^This. We now know how they were created and that they can create their own through new-borns. There could be as few as 5 or as many as 50. We don't know.
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