*****Official Jan 6th Committee Hearing Thread*****

150,427 Views | 2038 Replies | Last: 6 mo ago by Funky Winkerbean
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My Name Is Judge said:

Liz Cheney is establishment scum just like her father… Sucking the blood of middle America

At least you "held your nose to vote Trump" tho

More than we can say about some other posters on this board
My issue with Liz Cheney is her reasoning for the cause and effect of the riot is wrong.

She claims the riot happened because a bunch of mindless dummies believed every word Trump said and that Trump's utterances are the reason these mindless dummies were upset enough to walk into the Capitol.

But most US citizens aren't mindless dummies and there is so much untouched evidence that the election was dishonest -- and no one was doing (or is doing) much about it -- that thinking people KNOW something was wrong with Nov 3, 2020! No one needed a figurehead like Trump to convince them or to mobilize them into action.

Cheney doesn't want to get to the truth. Her assumptions are not rooted in reality. She starts with a bad hypothesis.
San Angelo LIVE!
Funky Winkerbean
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Cheney doesn't want to get to the truth. Her assumptions are not rooted in reality. She starts with a bad hypothesis.
Liberalism 101.
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This is a communist court, no ands or buts.
Marvin J. Schiller
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All those in the democratic party and rhino republicans are pure evil. They make satan proud.
Marvin J. Schiller
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sanangelo said:

My Name Is Judge said:

Liz Cheney is establishment scum just like her father… Sucking the blood of middle America

At least you "held your nose to vote Trump" tho

More than we can say about some other posters on this board
My issue with Liz Cheney is her reasoning for the cause and effect of the riot is wrong.

She claims the riot happened because a bunch of mindless dummies believed every word Trump said and that Trump's utterances are the reason these mindless dummies were upset enough to walk into the Capitol.

But most US citizens aren't mindless dummies and there is so much untouched evidence that the election was dishonest -- and no one was doing (or is doing) much about it -- that thinking people KNOW something was wrong with Nov 3, 2020! No one needed a figurehead like Trump to convince them or to mobilize them into action.

Cheney doesn't want to get to the truth. Her assumptions are not rooted in reality. She starts with a bad hypothesis.

Most Americans didn't show up on Jan 6th. Just a couple thousand that likely were mindless dummies. Qanon quacks were mindless dummies that believed crazy stuff.

The Qanon, Jade Helm, Pizzagate, Jan 6th crowd was likely a Venn Diagram with heavy overlap.
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January 6 showed us one thing.

The people running this country are just a bunch of ****ing cowards.

They would throw all of us to the wolves without a second thought.

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TChaney said:

January 6 showed us one thing.

The people running this country are just a bunch of ****ing cowards.

They would throw all of us to the wolves without a second thought.

Politicians now see getting elected as a path to riches and power, instead of representing constituents. Eff em all.
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Wtf. Those two literally have plastic bags on their heads. There are no words…
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No doubt - look how much overreaction there is in those photos alone. They act like they are taking active gunfire. Someone probably yelled '"OMG, they are knocking on the door - hit the deck!"
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If the representatives all had AR15s and several 30 round mags they could have just continued. Eventually the bodies piled at the doorways would have formed a natural blockade, giving them peace to complete the certification.

Edit: or 9mm. But there would have been lungs flying everywhere.
The Kraken
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Here's my own representative, Troy Nehls, talking with one of the mob outside the House chamber.

plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
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TChaney said:

January 6 showed us one thing.

The people running this country are just a bunch of ****ing cowards.

They would throw all of us to the wolves without a second thought.

Ugliest upholstery ever.
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I can't wait until they start talking about that black Antifa guy who dressed up in Trump stuff. That's going to be great.
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Burdizzo said:

Ugliest upholstery ever.
Agree, but I guarantee-damn-you it isn't anywhere near being the cheapest ever.
Line Ate Member
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New World Ag said:

Here's my own representative, Troy Nehls, talking with one of the mob outside the House chamber.

Yep. Proud to have been represented by him! But he is a sheriff and has been talking to criminals and misguided souls for years. Hell he still has to do that in Congress.
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sanangelo said:

My Name Is Judge said:

Liz Cheney is establishment scum just like her father… Sucking the blood of middle America

At least you "held your nose to vote Trump" tho

More than we can say about some other posters on this board
My issue with Liz Cheney is her reasoning for the cause and effect of the riot is wrong.

She claims the riot happened because a bunch of mindless dummies believed every word Trump said and that Trump's utterances are the reason these mindless dummies were upset enough to walk into the Capitol.

But most US citizens aren't mindless dummies and there is so much untouched evidence that the election was dishonest -- and no one was doing (or is doing) much about it -- that thinking people KNOW something was wrong with Nov 3, 2020! No one needed a figurehead like Trump to convince them or to mobilize them into action.

Cheney doesn't want to get to the truth. Her assumptions are not rooted in reality. She starts with a bad hypothesis.

There's millions of mindless dummies on both sides who have completely bought in to the CNN vs FoxNews political theatre.

These idiots think of the US government in no more serious terms than football team
rivalries but they're just as rabid as your biggest A&M vs tu fan. It's a sport to them, it's entertainment and they feel like they're part of their team.

Football is a game, and our government should be thought of in more serious terms. Unfortunately these idiots vote and make up an ever growing slice of the American pie

As a result nobody is guarding the hen house. Traditional 4th estate has died and the 5th estate is even worse. We the people have turned the privilege of being part of a democracy into entertainment, leaving actual control to anyone with deep pockets who easily puppeteer the idiots

I firmly believe this is the cornerstone of the end to this country. A democracy can't survive with a voting populace that thinks of its role as this weird team / entertainment thing.
Ellis Wyatt
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Burdizzo said:

TChaney said:

January 6 showed us one thing.

The people running this country are just a bunch of ****ing cowards.

They would throw all of us to the wolves without a second thought.

Ugliest upholstery ever.
Hey now. She-Jack paid a lot for that coat!
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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Ellis Wyatt said:

Burdizzo said:

TChaney said:

January 6 showed us one thing.

The people running this country are just a bunch of ****ing cowards.

They would throw all of us to the wolves without a second thought.

Ugliest upholstery ever.
Hey now. She-Jack paid a lot for that coat!
What's up with the Pope hat she's wearing?

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
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TChaney said:

lady on the ground looking for something she dropped, a guy hanging out on the stairs, another dude taking video for his insta. does anything about this picture indicate something is seriously wrong in the room?
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What in the actual **** is this?

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TChaney said:

reminder that the average age of Members of the House at the beginning of the 117th Congress was 58.4 years; of Senators, 64.3 years (https://guides.loc.gov/117th-congress-book-list)

The current median age for Americans is below 40.
petroleo y agua
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ProgN said:

BallerStaf2003 said:

What's your opinion of a party using the power of government to punish their political opponents?

I'm very interested in your answer.

Baller pretends to be enlightened or to have a heightened sense of national politics. In the end, he is a tightly wound emotional guy that self identifies solely on one lifestyle choice.

Ignore him.
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wbt5845 said:

What in the actual **** is this?

WuFlu "protection."
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Line Ate Member
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May be a small diversion, but if you choke due to "dumbassery" such as the picture above, could you classify that as a true Covid death? Or is it just Darwin?

Also, this is why some of these people need to be removed. ANYONE who thinks it is a good idea to put a plastic bag over your head while trying to breath out of a mask doesn't need to make any sort of decisions that requires rational, logical thought.
Harkrider 93
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TChaney said:

Love the guy in the middle on the right. "and then she was like and then I was like"
As the waves roll, the eagle will fly to the setting sun.
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TChaney said:

Fascinating that in midst of this "deadly insurrection to take over the government" these people had the time to pull out their phones to take photos/videos and position themselves in their seats to watch as the "carnage" unfolded.
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Festival seating at a Who concert killed more people than J6.
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I think we can call this Democrat spectacle a total bust.

Keef abandoned the thread before it started and hasn't been back.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Rapier108 said:

I think we can call this Democrat spectacle a total bust.

Keef abandoned the thread before it started and hasn't been back.

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The hearing was very enlightening. It presented a timeline of events that showed how Trump was at the center of a plot to not certify the 2020 election. There was testimony from Trump's family and staff proving he was lying about the stolen election and wanted to manufacture evidence. We saw definitive evidence of organized groups storming the capitol after the barricades fell. We heard testimony about Trump saying he thought Pence might deserve to be hanged during the riot. This is truly a low point for our democracy.
We believe progress is made through MORE discussion, not LESS, and we believe that to be true even if the topics are uncomfortable and we occasionally disagree with one another. - TexAgs
The name-calling technique making false associations is a child's game. The propagandist who uses this technique hopes that the audience will reject a person and their argument on this false basis.
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Carolin_Gallego said:

The hearing was very enlightening. It presented a timeline of events that showed how Trump was at the center of a plot to not certify the 2020 election. There was testimony from Trump's family and staff proving he was lying about the stolen election and wanted to manufacture evidence. We saw definitive evidence of organized groups storming the capitol after the barricades fell. We heard testimony about Trump saying he thought Pence might deserve to be hanged during the riot. This is truly a low point for our democracy.

I know you're a troll, but the fact that some people actually tune into MSNBC and believe this garbage is both scary and infuriating.

Also, nobody cares what you have to say, and they never will.
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larry culpepper said:

periodic reminder that you can believe Biden sucks as a president but also acknowledge that he won and what happened on 1/6 was not a good thing.
You can also accept the fact that, even if he had enough votes to win, the Dem's cheated their assess off in many different ways, and that there is concrete proof of such.

My position is that I have no confidence either way. The election was tainted beyond belief. Biden won in the courts, not at the ballot box.
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms … disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”

--Thomas Jefferson
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larry culpepper said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

larry culpepper said:

SpreadsheetAg said:

Oh no; look at the violence! People walking and chanting
yeah, that's all they did. walked and chanted. yup. uh huh.

When are the hearings on the tens of millions of dollars in property damage, hundreds of cops and regular citizens assaulted, etc all by the "peaceful protesters" and encouraged by members of congress?
a great number of those people were arrested and convicted.



An Associated Press review of court documents in more than 300 federal cases stemming from the protests sparked by George Floyd's death last year shows that dozens of people charged have been convicted of serious crimes and sent to prison.

The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy. More than 70 defendants who've been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more.

why is this whataboutism always brought up. let me say it in plain English: BOTH THE BLM RIOTS AND JANUARY 6 WERE BAD.
The governments handling of the January 6 trespassing has been atrocious. Keeping all of those people locked up without bail for doing something not significantly worse than protesting Kavenuagh's home is weaponizing of the justice system.

This is like shooting your neighbors dog for barking at you from the street when your dog is crapping all over your neighbor's yard. Super overkill.
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms … disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”

--Thomas Jefferson
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why is this whataboutism always brought up. let me say it in plain English: BOTH THE BLM RIOTS AND JANUARY 6 WERE BAD.
Yeah, but there aren't any hearings to investigate how Dem politicians encouraged and financially supported the rioters. Remember that little thing? January 6th was nothing compared to the Summer of '20 riots that Dems supported... not even remotely close
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