*****Official Jan 6th Committee Hearing Thread*****

150,435 Views | 2038 Replies | Last: 6 mo ago by Funky Winkerbean
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Womp womp. They GOT him!

Cleanest politician of all the time!

Bill Clinternet
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The evidence is pretty overwhelming at this point…
"I am neither an Athenian nor a Greek, but a citizen of the world"-Plato, attributed to Socrates, Theaetetus-
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That this has been a failure and nothing will come of it? You are right. The public is no longer interested and the Dems look worse than when they rolled out ***** Ford or Russian collusion.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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Neehau said:

The evidence is pretty overwhelming at this point…

Nice timing there, champ.
Bill Clinternet
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aggieforester05 said:

Watermelon Man said:

aggieforester05 said:

Watermelon Man said:

Maroon Dawn said:

Somebody planned the Kavanaugh assault and encouraged others to participate in it expressly in order to revolt against the legal authority of the peoples representatives in order to overthrow him from being installed

Sounds like it meets your definition again


Let me guess:

It's STILL (D)ifferent

I am not clear on the facts of what you are calling "the Kavanaugh assault" so I am not sure it is an apt comparison. Did it force Congress to shut down, clear the House chamber, and force Congress to go into hiding? Was it targeted towards all members of Congress, or only specific ones? That is, was it a revolt against the whole of Congress, or a protest against aimed at specific representatives? I really don't know, so if you can elaborate on the specifics you might have a point. I can't seem to be able to find anything on it.

Regardless, just for the sake of argument, if you feel there were seditious actions taken against the US Congress during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, you would need to find out who the 'somebody' was who planned it and encouraged others to participate as well as evidence of these actions. I'm sorry, but I can't seem to be able to find anything. Again, if you could provide more information, you might have a point.

But, for the record, if a Democrat planned and encouraged a coordinated attack on the Congress on the United States, I would hope they would be indicted, and if found guilty, punished as prescribed by law. The rule of law (in the US, anyway) should not concern itself on political affiliation. I realize that many Republicans feel that political affiliation should be considered when applying the rule of law, but I think that those people are wrong.

Do you have any self awareness at all? Do you not understand that the primary reason Conservatives are so upset with the political climate is the exact reasons you described above, but in the opposite direction? The problem for example is that we have a 1/6 committee, but there was no Kavanaugh assault hearings. Nobody bothered to get to the bottom of the latter, because it was perpetrated by liberals. If conservatives had done the same they would be imprisoned for decades. The rule of law in todays age absolutely concerns itself with political affiliation and we want that to stop. If conservatives/Republicans or liberals/Democrats break the law or engage in malicious/corrupt activities they should be treated the same, but they are clearly not. The American left is rotten to the core and is completely content weaponizing federal law enforcement to punish their political enemies for crimes that wouldn't even make a news article if it were committed by a lefty. Trying to deny that there is a double standard is akin to being a flat earther at this point.
Such an old trick, it should be called the GOT (Grand Old Trick). Accuse you opponents of your strategies, either before or after you employ them. That way, you can support your "both sides do it" claim.

As for the bolded part, Dr. Ford did testify in front of Congress. Not just a deposition, but in person. Why is it that the Republicans are afraid to testify in front of Congress, and will only submit to depositions? Perhaps they are trying to hide something?
I should have stated in my original response, that neither the Kavanaugh Assualt or 1/6 warranted a politicized committee used to only to sling mud. It would have been stupid and transparently partisan for Republicans to do it as it is for Democrats to do it now.

That being said, WTF are you talking about? Who is afraid to testify in Congress? Why would any Republican agree to testify in front of a transparently partisan witch hunt, where a bunch of lying dirt bag Democrats and Rhinos are going to twist facts into something that fits their narratives and leaves the public with a grossly distorted view of reality? Which will then be selectively edited and played on repeat eleventy billion times to manipulate the simple minds of low information voters. Maybe Republicans would be more apt to take part in these proceedings if they were treated fairly by the committee members and the media. They would be crucified regardless of their statements or the facts of the events in question. The lack of credibility of this committee is the fault of unbelievably dishonest Democrat/Rhino politicians, DNC propaganda outlets, and the ethically devoid liberals that support them.

Dr. Ford was a lying POS that should be in prison for perjuring herself in front of congress. Can you imagine the consequences if a Conservative supported by Republican senators came out and falsely testified in front of congress that a Democrat appointed nominee had sexually assaulted them in a transparent attempt to prevent a confirmation? There'd be committees, a special prosecutor, IRS audits, and the FBI stuck up their ass so far they'd look like a puppet.

It's (D)ifferent has never been more true. The American left doesn't care one iota about the rule of law and they sure as hell hate every word of our constitution because it is the foundation the most successful example of capitalism and freedom the world has ever seen. The antithesis of the progressive/communist agenda.

The bottom line is that any reasonable person should have believed the election was lost. That isn't the case. A deliberate false narrative was utilized to energize the insurgents on January 6th, money was raised that is unspoken for and people died during the insurgency. No spin doctoring can get in the way of these facts.
"I am neither an Athenian nor a Greek, but a citizen of the world"-Plato, attributed to Socrates, Theaetetus-
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Neehau said:

The evidence is pretty overwhelming at this point…
So we finally got him?

No more messing around this time?

This time it's for real?

Any day now?
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Neehau said:

The evidence is pretty overwhelming at this point…
Yes the evidence that this committee is a partisan witch hunt is overwhelming at this point. They know it, we know it, and you know it. Sad that so many tax payer dollars have been wasted on this massively hypocritical Democrat grandstanding show, that could have been used to secure our schools instead. Hopefully voters are smart enough to send these scum bags packing in November.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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Neehau said:

The bottom line is that any reasonable person should have believed the election was lost. That isn't the case. A deliberate false narrative was utilized to energize the insurgents on January 6th, money was raised that is unspoken for and people died during the insurgency. No spin doctoring can get in the way of these facts.

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One person died quit lying about others. An unarmed woman was shot and killed. That was the only death.

You have already been admonished by staff for repeating the police died don't start again. It just makes you look foolish.
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He said police officers the other day and of course was called out for lying. He can't handle people not believing his lie.
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Not saying this is good, bad, or indifferent...but another possible long-game by the January 6th Committee has nothing to do with charging Donald Trump with any crimes. But rather to stir up enough fury to charge a number of former Trump officials, possibly family members even. Who would then be made to flip on the President under threat of DoJ criminal trial/federal prison time. Not saying it's legally justified...but that could be one angle they're taking. There's no way they make any sort of direct criminal referral against Trump himself. But they do appear to be building a groundswell against some of his inner cadre. Y'all can debate the merits of that all you want, but there's enough there that they could make a criminal referral to DoJ. There may not be enough there, but that seems to be what they've moving towards. But I've been outta law school for almost 25 years. I dunno.
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Neehau said:

aggieforester05 said:

Watermelon Man said:

aggieforester05 said:

Watermelon Man said:

Maroon Dawn said:

Somebody planned the Kavanaugh assault and encouraged others to participate in it expressly in order to revolt against the legal authority of the peoples representatives in order to overthrow him from being installed

Sounds like it meets your definition again


Let me guess:

It's STILL (D)ifferent

I am not clear on the facts of what you are calling "the Kavanaugh assault" so I am not sure it is an apt comparison. Did it force Congress to shut down, clear the House chamber, and force Congress to go into hiding? Was it targeted towards all members of Congress, or only specific ones? That is, was it a revolt against the whole of Congress, or a protest against aimed at specific representatives? I really don't know, so if you can elaborate on the specifics you might have a point. I can't seem to be able to find anything on it.

Regardless, just for the sake of argument, if you feel there were seditious actions taken against the US Congress during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, you would need to find out who the 'somebody' was who planned it and encouraged others to participate as well as evidence of these actions. I'm sorry, but I can't seem to be able to find anything. Again, if you could provide more information, you might have a point.

But, for the record, if a Democrat planned and encouraged a coordinated attack on the Congress on the United States, I would hope they would be indicted, and if found guilty, punished as prescribed by law. The rule of law (in the US, anyway) should not concern itself on political affiliation. I realize that many Republicans feel that political affiliation should be considered when applying the rule of law, but I think that those people are wrong.

Do you have any self awareness at all? Do you not understand that the primary reason Conservatives are so upset with the political climate is the exact reasons you described above, but in the opposite direction? The problem for example is that we have a 1/6 committee, but there was no Kavanaugh assault hearings. Nobody bothered to get to the bottom of the latter, because it was perpetrated by liberals. If conservatives had done the same they would be imprisoned for decades. The rule of law in todays age absolutely concerns itself with political affiliation and we want that to stop. If conservatives/Republicans or liberals/Democrats break the law or engage in malicious/corrupt activities they should be treated the same, but they are clearly not. The American left is rotten to the core and is completely content weaponizing federal law enforcement to punish their political enemies for crimes that wouldn't even make a news article if it were committed by a lefty. Trying to deny that there is a double standard is akin to being a flat earther at this point.
Such an old trick, it should be called the GOT (Grand Old Trick). Accuse you opponents of your strategies, either before or after you employ them. That way, you can support your "both sides do it" claim.

As for the bolded part, Dr. Ford did testify in front of Congress. Not just a deposition, but in person. Why is it that the Republicans are afraid to testify in front of Congress, and will only submit to depositions? Perhaps they are trying to hide something?
I should have stated in my original response, that neither the Kavanaugh Assualt or 1/6 warranted a politicized committee used to only to sling mud. It would have been stupid and transparently partisan for Republicans to do it as it is for Democrats to do it now.

That being said, WTF are you talking about? Who is afraid to testify in Congress? Why would any Republican agree to testify in front of a transparently partisan witch hunt, where a bunch of lying dirt bag Democrats and Rhinos are going to twist facts into something that fits their narratives and leaves the public with a grossly distorted view of reality? Which will then be selectively edited and played on repeat eleventy billion times to manipulate the simple minds of low information voters. Maybe Republicans would be more apt to take part in these proceedings if they were treated fairly by the committee members and the media. They would be crucified regardless of their statements or the facts of the events in question. The lack of credibility of this committee is the fault of unbelievably dishonest Democrat/Rhino politicians, DNC propaganda outlets, and the ethically devoid liberals that support them.

Dr. Ford was a lying POS that should be in prison for perjuring herself in front of congress. Can you imagine the consequences if a Conservative supported by Republican senators came out and falsely testified in front of congress that a Democrat appointed nominee had sexually assaulted them in a transparent attempt to prevent a confirmation? There'd be committees, a special prosecutor, IRS audits, and the FBI stuck up their ass so far they'd look like a puppet.

It's (D)ifferent has never been more true. The American left doesn't care one iota about the rule of law and they sure as hell hate every word of our constitution because it is the foundation the most successful example of capitalism and freedom the world has ever seen. The antithesis of the progressive/communist agenda.

The bottom line is that any reasonable person should have believed the election was lost. That isn't the case. A deliberate false narrative was utilized to energize the insurgents on January 6th, money was raised that is unspoken for and people died during the insurgency. No spin doctoring can get in the way of these facts.
The bottom line is that liberals and Democrats are liars and are the one's spinning the narratives. Anyone that believes the fraud in 2020 was insignificant is not a reasonable person and is either lying or hasn't bothered to follow the evidence. "Most secure election in history" - That's the narrative of lying degenerates that despise the rule of law and will happily flush it down the toilet to get political gains.
Maroon Dawn
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Gigem314 said:

Neehau said:

The evidence is pretty overwhelming at this point…
So we finally got him?

No more messing around this time?

This time it's for real?

Any day now?

Two failed impeachments but THIS time the evidence is overwhelming

Also if you could just ignore the YEARS of the DNC and FBIs coordinated Russia Russia Russia lie and completely believe them on this, that'd be great
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Neehau said:

The evidence is pretty overwhelming at this point…

That you live in a fantasy world?
Martin Cash
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Neehau said:

The bottom line is that any reasonable person should have believed the election was lost. That isn't the case. A deliberate false narrative was utilized to energize the insurgents on January 6th, money was raised that is unspoken for and people died during the insurgency. No spin doctoring can get in the way of these facts.
One person died. An unarmed female vet. Murdered by the capitol police.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. Ecclesiastes 10:2
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will25u said:

Womp womp. They GOT him!

Cleanest politician of all the time!

If this is true it's going to be glorious. If true Lot, Shanked and keef will need new usernames again. Maplethorp might off himself.
Bill Clinternet
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aggieforester05 said:

Neehau said:

aggieforester05 said:

Watermelon Man said:

aggieforester05 said:

Watermelon Man said:

Maroon Dawn said:

Somebody planned the Kavanaugh assault and encouraged others to participate in it expressly in order to revolt against the legal authority of the peoples representatives in order to overthrow him from being installed

Sounds like it meets your definition again


Let me guess:

It's STILL (D)ifferent

I am not clear on the facts of what you are calling "the Kavanaugh assault" so I am not sure it is an apt comparison. Did it force Congress to shut down, clear the House chamber, and force Congress to go into hiding? Was it targeted towards all members of Congress, or only specific ones? That is, was it a revolt against the whole of Congress, or a protest against aimed at specific representatives? I really don't know, so if you can elaborate on the specifics you might have a point. I can't seem to be able to find anything on it.

Regardless, just for the sake of argument, if you feel there were seditious actions taken against the US Congress during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, you would need to find out who the 'somebody' was who planned it and encouraged others to participate as well as evidence of these actions. I'm sorry, but I can't seem to be able to find anything. Again, if you could provide more information, you might have a point.

But, for the record, if a Democrat planned and encouraged a coordinated attack on the Congress on the United States, I would hope they would be indicted, and if found guilty, punished as prescribed by law. The rule of law (in the US, anyway) should not concern itself on political affiliation. I realize that many Republicans feel that political affiliation should be considered when applying the rule of law, but I think that those people are wrong.

Do you have any self awareness at all? Do you not understand that the primary reason Conservatives are so upset with the political climate is the exact reasons you described above, but in the opposite direction? The problem for example is that we have a 1/6 committee, but there was no Kavanaugh assault hearings. Nobody bothered to get to the bottom of the latter, because it was perpetrated by liberals. If conservatives had done the same they would be imprisoned for decades. The rule of law in todays age absolutely concerns itself with political affiliation and we want that to stop. If conservatives/Republicans or liberals/Democrats break the law or engage in malicious/corrupt activities they should be treated the same, but they are clearly not. The American left is rotten to the core and is completely content weaponizing federal law enforcement to punish their political enemies for crimes that wouldn't even make a news article if it were committed by a lefty. Trying to deny that there is a double standard is akin to being a flat earther at this point.
Such an old trick, it should be called the GOT (Grand Old Trick). Accuse you opponents of your strategies, either before or after you employ them. That way, you can support your "both sides do it" claim.

As for the bolded part, Dr. Ford did testify in front of Congress. Not just a deposition, but in person. Why is it that the Republicans are afraid to testify in front of Congress, and will only submit to depositions? Perhaps they are trying to hide something?
I should have stated in my original response, that neither the Kavanaugh Assualt or 1/6 warranted a politicized committee used to only to sling mud. It would have been stupid and transparently partisan for Republicans to do it as it is for Democrats to do it now.

That being said, WTF are you talking about? Who is afraid to testify in Congress? Why would any Republican agree to testify in front of a transparently partisan witch hunt, where a bunch of lying dirt bag Democrats and Rhinos are going to twist facts into something that fits their narratives and leaves the public with a grossly distorted view of reality? Which will then be selectively edited and played on repeat eleventy billion times to manipulate the simple minds of low information voters. Maybe Republicans would be more apt to take part in these proceedings if they were treated fairly by the committee members and the media. They would be crucified regardless of their statements or the facts of the events in question. The lack of credibility of this committee is the fault of unbelievably dishonest Democrat/Rhino politicians, DNC propaganda outlets, and the ethically devoid liberals that support them.

Dr. Ford was a lying POS that should be in prison for perjuring herself in front of congress. Can you imagine the consequences if a Conservative supported by Republican senators came out and falsely testified in front of congress that a Democrat appointed nominee had sexually assaulted them in a transparent attempt to prevent a confirmation? There'd be committees, a special prosecutor, IRS audits, and the FBI stuck up their ass so far they'd look like a puppet.

It's (D)ifferent has never been more true. The American left doesn't care one iota about the rule of law and they sure as hell hate every word of our constitution because it is the foundation the most successful example of capitalism and freedom the world has ever seen. The antithesis of the progressive/communist agenda.

The bottom line is that any reasonable person should have believed the election was lost. That isn't the case. A deliberate false narrative was utilized to energize the insurgents on January 6th, money was raised that is unspoken for and people died during the insurgency. No spin doctoring can get in the way of these facts.
The bottom line is that liberals and Democrats are liars and are the one's spinning the narratives. Anyone that believes the fraud in 2020 was insignificant is not a reasonable person and is either lying or hasn't bothered to follow the evidence. "Most secure election in history" - That's the narrative of lying degenerates that despise the rule of law and will happily flush it down the toilet to get political gains.

There is no evidence. Zero.
"I am neither an Athenian nor a Greek, but a citizen of the world"-Plato, attributed to Socrates, Theaetetus-
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Neehau said:

aggieforester05 said:

Neehau said:

aggieforester05 said:

Watermelon Man said:

aggieforester05 said:

Watermelon Man said:

Maroon Dawn said:

Somebody planned the Kavanaugh assault and encouraged others to participate in it expressly in order to revolt against the legal authority of the peoples representatives in order to overthrow him from being installed

Sounds like it meets your definition again


Let me guess:

It's STILL (D)ifferent

I am not clear on the facts of what you are calling "the Kavanaugh assault" so I am not sure it is an apt comparison. Did it force Congress to shut down, clear the House chamber, and force Congress to go into hiding? Was it targeted towards all members of Congress, or only specific ones? That is, was it a revolt against the whole of Congress, or a protest against aimed at specific representatives? I really don't know, so if you can elaborate on the specifics you might have a point. I can't seem to be able to find anything on it.

Regardless, just for the sake of argument, if you feel there were seditious actions taken against the US Congress during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, you would need to find out who the 'somebody' was who planned it and encouraged others to participate as well as evidence of these actions. I'm sorry, but I can't seem to be able to find anything. Again, if you could provide more information, you might have a point.

But, for the record, if a Democrat planned and encouraged a coordinated attack on the Congress on the United States, I would hope they would be indicted, and if found guilty, punished as prescribed by law. The rule of law (in the US, anyway) should not concern itself on political affiliation. I realize that many Republicans feel that political affiliation should be considered when applying the rule of law, but I think that those people are wrong.

Do you have any self awareness at all? Do you not understand that the primary reason Conservatives are so upset with the political climate is the exact reasons you described above, but in the opposite direction? The problem for example is that we have a 1/6 committee, but there was no Kavanaugh assault hearings. Nobody bothered to get to the bottom of the latter, because it was perpetrated by liberals. If conservatives had done the same they would be imprisoned for decades. The rule of law in todays age absolutely concerns itself with political affiliation and we want that to stop. If conservatives/Republicans or liberals/Democrats break the law or engage in malicious/corrupt activities they should be treated the same, but they are clearly not. The American left is rotten to the core and is completely content weaponizing federal law enforcement to punish their political enemies for crimes that wouldn't even make a news article if it were committed by a lefty. Trying to deny that there is a double standard is akin to being a flat earther at this point.
Such an old trick, it should be called the GOT (Grand Old Trick). Accuse you opponents of your strategies, either before or after you employ them. That way, you can support your "both sides do it" claim.

As for the bolded part, Dr. Ford did testify in front of Congress. Not just a deposition, but in person. Why is it that the Republicans are afraid to testify in front of Congress, and will only submit to depositions? Perhaps they are trying to hide something?
I should have stated in my original response, that neither the Kavanaugh Assualt or 1/6 warranted a politicized committee used to only to sling mud. It would have been stupid and transparently partisan for Republicans to do it as it is for Democrats to do it now.

That being said, WTF are you talking about? Who is afraid to testify in Congress? Why would any Republican agree to testify in front of a transparently partisan witch hunt, where a bunch of lying dirt bag Democrats and Rhinos are going to twist facts into something that fits their narratives and leaves the public with a grossly distorted view of reality? Which will then be selectively edited and played on repeat eleventy billion times to manipulate the simple minds of low information voters. Maybe Republicans would be more apt to take part in these proceedings if they were treated fairly by the committee members and the media. They would be crucified regardless of their statements or the facts of the events in question. The lack of credibility of this committee is the fault of unbelievably dishonest Democrat/Rhino politicians, DNC propaganda outlets, and the ethically devoid liberals that support them.

Dr. Ford was a lying POS that should be in prison for perjuring herself in front of congress. Can you imagine the consequences if a Conservative supported by Republican senators came out and falsely testified in front of congress that a Democrat appointed nominee had sexually assaulted them in a transparent attempt to prevent a confirmation? There'd be committees, a special prosecutor, IRS audits, and the FBI stuck up their ass so far they'd look like a puppet.

It's (D)ifferent has never been more true. The American left doesn't care one iota about the rule of law and they sure as hell hate every word of our constitution because it is the foundation the most successful example of capitalism and freedom the world has ever seen. The antithesis of the progressive/communist agenda.

The bottom line is that any reasonable person should have believed the election was lost. That isn't the case. A deliberate false narrative was utilized to energize the insurgents on January 6th, money was raised that is unspoken for and people died during the insurgency. No spin doctoring can get in the way of these facts.
The bottom line is that liberals and Democrats are liars and are the one's spinning the narratives. Anyone that believes the fraud in 2020 was insignificant is not a reasonable person and is either lying or hasn't bothered to follow the evidence. "Most secure election in history" - That's the narrative of lying degenerates that despise the rule of law and will happily flush it down the toilet to get political gains.

There is no evidence. Zero.
LOL....So you are completely uninformed and come to a political forum for debate? That's pathetic!

Or are you just lying, again?
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Kind of like your police officers died lie? Your people died lie?
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Neehau said:

The evidence is pretty overwhelming at this point…

You might want to consider getting Trump out of your brain and start worrying about what your idiot president and evil party are doing to our country. (Don't bother trying to claim they're not yours).
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NBC reporting it too. Others on committee saying it's "possible" which means it's not. This is over and more egg on the face of OP and others.
Bill Clinternet
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aggieforester05 said:

Neehau said:

aggieforester05 said:

Neehau said:

aggieforester05 said:

Watermelon Man said:

aggieforester05 said:

Watermelon Man said:

Maroon Dawn said:

Somebody planned the Kavanaugh assault and encouraged others to participate in it expressly in order to revolt against the legal authority of the peoples representatives in order to overthrow him from being installed

Sounds like it meets your definition again


Let me guess:

It's STILL (D)ifferent

I am not clear on the facts of what you are calling "the Kavanaugh assault" so I am not sure it is an apt comparison. Did it force Congress to shut down, clear the House chamber, and force Congress to go into hiding? Was it targeted towards all members of Congress, or only specific ones? That is, was it a revolt against the whole of Congress, or a protest against aimed at specific representatives? I really don't know, so if you can elaborate on the specifics you might have a point. I can't seem to be able to find anything on it.

Regardless, just for the sake of argument, if you feel there were seditious actions taken against the US Congress during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, you would need to find out who the 'somebody' was who planned it and encouraged others to participate as well as evidence of these actions. I'm sorry, but I can't seem to be able to find anything. Again, if you could provide more information, you might have a point.

But, for the record, if a Democrat planned and encouraged a coordinated attack on the Congress on the United States, I would hope they would be indicted, and if found guilty, punished as prescribed by law. The rule of law (in the US, anyway) should not concern itself on political affiliation. I realize that many Republicans feel that political affiliation should be considered when applying the rule of law, but I think that those people are wrong.

Do you have any self awareness at all? Do you not understand that the primary reason Conservatives are so upset with the political climate is the exact reasons you described above, but in the opposite direction? The problem for example is that we have a 1/6 committee, but there was no Kavanaugh assault hearings. Nobody bothered to get to the bottom of the latter, because it was perpetrated by liberals. If conservatives had done the same they would be imprisoned for decades. The rule of law in todays age absolutely concerns itself with political affiliation and we want that to stop. If conservatives/Republicans or liberals/Democrats break the law or engage in malicious/corrupt activities they should be treated the same, but they are clearly not. The American left is rotten to the core and is completely content weaponizing federal law enforcement to punish their political enemies for crimes that wouldn't even make a news article if it were committed by a lefty. Trying to deny that there is a double standard is akin to being a flat earther at this point.
Such an old trick, it should be called the GOT (Grand Old Trick). Accuse you opponents of your strategies, either before or after you employ them. That way, you can support your "both sides do it" claim.

As for the bolded part, Dr. Ford did testify in front of Congress. Not just a deposition, but in person. Why is it that the Republicans are afraid to testify in front of Congress, and will only submit to depositions? Perhaps they are trying to hide something?
I should have stated in my original response, that neither the Kavanaugh Assualt or 1/6 warranted a politicized committee used to only to sling mud. It would have been stupid and transparently partisan for Republicans to do it as it is for Democrats to do it now.

That being said, WTF are you talking about? Who is afraid to testify in Congress? Why would any Republican agree to testify in front of a transparently partisan witch hunt, where a bunch of lying dirt bag Democrats and Rhinos are going to twist facts into something that fits their narratives and leaves the public with a grossly distorted view of reality? Which will then be selectively edited and played on repeat eleventy billion times to manipulate the simple minds of low information voters. Maybe Republicans would be more apt to take part in these proceedings if they were treated fairly by the committee members and the media. They would be crucified regardless of their statements or the facts of the events in question. The lack of credibility of this committee is the fault of unbelievably dishonest Democrat/Rhino politicians, DNC propaganda outlets, and the ethically devoid liberals that support them.

Dr. Ford was a lying POS that should be in prison for perjuring herself in front of congress. Can you imagine the consequences if a Conservative supported by Republican senators came out and falsely testified in front of congress that a Democrat appointed nominee had sexually assaulted them in a transparent attempt to prevent a confirmation? There'd be committees, a special prosecutor, IRS audits, and the FBI stuck up their ass so far they'd look like a puppet.

It's (D)ifferent has never been more true. The American left doesn't care one iota about the rule of law and they sure as hell hate every word of our constitution because it is the foundation the most successful example of capitalism and freedom the world has ever seen. The antithesis of the progressive/communist agenda.

The bottom line is that any reasonable person should have believed the election was lost. That isn't the case. A deliberate false narrative was utilized to energize the insurgents on January 6th, money was raised that is unspoken for and people died during the insurgency. No spin doctoring can get in the way of these facts.
The bottom line is that liberals and Democrats are liars and are the one's spinning the narratives. Anyone that believes the fraud in 2020 was insignificant is not a reasonable person and is either lying or hasn't bothered to follow the evidence. "Most secure election in history" - That's the narrative of lying degenerates that despise the rule of law and will happily flush it down the toilet to get political gains.

There is no evidence. Zero.
LOL....So you are completely uninformed and come to a political forum for debate? That's pathetic!

Or are you just lying, again?

So you don't have any evidence of election fraud, then?
"I am neither an Athenian nor a Greek, but a citizen of the world"-Plato, attributed to Socrates, Theaetetus-
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He is all in. When they don't try to press any charges he will just change his username
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Nah, he spent all that money to get all those stars and bling, so he'll ride that account to the end.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Rapier108 said:

Nah, he spent all that money to get all those stars and bling, so he'll ride that account to the end.

His bling money would have been better spent on Biden gasoline.
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Read the official election thread, it's full of information if you really want to know. I'm not doing your homework for you. I don't for a second believe that you are arguing in good faith.
Bill Clinternet
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aggieforester05 said:

Read the official election thread, it's full of information if you really want to know. I'm not doing your homework for you. I don't for a second believe that you are arguing in good faith.

Oh I watched the first two committee hearings. People who even dare to doubt now are experiencing a level of cognitive dissonance bordering on clinical.
"I am neither an Athenian nor a Greek, but a citizen of the world"-Plato, attributed to Socrates, Theaetetus-
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Neehau said:

aggieforester05 said:

Read the official election thread, it's full of information if you really want to know. I'm not doing your homework for you. I don't for a second believe that you are arguing in good faith.

Oh I watched the first two committee hearings. People who even dare to doubt now are experiencing a level of cognitive dissonance bordering on clinical.

Oh wow, the committee hearings! Now there's a source of unbiased information where you're sure to walk away fully informed of the arguments of all sides.
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Neehau said:

aggieforester05 said:

Read the official election thread, it's full of information if you really want to know. I'm not doing your homework for you. I don't for a second believe that you are arguing in good faith.

Oh I watched the first two committee hearings. People who even dare to doubt now are experiencing a level of cognitive dissonance bordering on clinical.
So that makes you some kind of expert? This has all been known and debated since the start, and it was known what the narrative trying to be spun a year and a half ago. The highlighted part made me laugh, that you really think you are all knowing now.
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tysker said:

TChaney said:

lady on the ground looking for something she dropped, a guy hanging out on the stairs, another dude taking video for his insta. does anything about this picture indicate something is seriously wrong in the room?

If you zoom in on the fat guy in the back right, it looks like he's holding an Xbox controller.

So maybe he was playing this entire simulation from his seat there.
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Neehau said:

The evidence is pretty overwhelming at this point…
Evidence of what?
Bill Clinternet
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ShaggySLC said:

Neehau said:

aggieforester05 said:

Read the official election thread, it's full of information if you really want to know. I'm not doing your homework for you. I don't for a second believe that you are arguing in good faith.

Oh I watched the first two committee hearings. People who even dare to doubt now are experiencing a level of cognitive dissonance bordering on clinical.
So that makes you some kind of expert? This has all been known and debated since the start, and it was known what the narrative trying to be spun a year and a half ago. The highlighted part made me laugh, that you really think you are all knowing now.

If any thinking person watched them there is no other conclusion they could come to unless they are lying to themselves.
"I am neither an Athenian nor a Greek, but a citizen of the world"-Plato, attributed to Socrates, Theaetetus-
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Neehau said:

ShaggySLC said:

Neehau said:

aggieforester05 said:

Read the official election thread, it's full of information if you really want to know. I'm not doing your homework for you. I don't for a second believe that you are arguing in good faith.

Oh I watched the first two committee hearings. People who even dare to doubt now are experiencing a level of cognitive dissonance bordering on clinical.
So that makes you some kind of expert? This has all been known and debated since the start, and it was known what the narrative trying to be spun a year and a half ago. The highlighted part made me laugh, that you really think you are all knowing now.

If any thinking person watched them there is no other conclusion they could come to unless they are lying to themselves.
what conclusion? A majority of the country disagrees with you if its that Trump was at fault or that democracy was threatened that or even that it was even an insurrection. You're losing supporters each night they put this on too.
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Neehau said:

ShaggySLC said:

Neehau said:

aggieforester05 said:

Read the official election thread, it's full of information if you really want to know. I'm not doing your homework for you. I don't for a second believe that you are arguing in good faith.

Oh I watched the first two committee hearings. People who even dare to doubt now are experiencing a level of cognitive dissonance bordering on clinical.
So that makes you some kind of expert? This has all been known and debated since the start, and it was known what the narrative trying to be spun a year and a half ago. The highlighted part made me laugh, that you really think you are all knowing now.

If any thinking person watched them there is no other conclusion they could come to unless they are lying to themselves.

This is a committee made up of Democrats and Trump hating Republicans and the hearings were produced by a DNC propaganda outlet. They can craft a message to make it look like whatever they want. Any "thinking person" would recognize propaganda and a one sided show trial when they see it. This is Norko dear leader level propaganda. The election was conducted in highly unprecedented, unsecure and extremely shady methods (especially in the urban areas of swing states) and there's no covering that up. Nor can they cover up the hypocrisy of the Democrats crocodile tears for 1/6 while ignoring the swath of death and destruction caused by left wing rioters in 2020. You have to be a troll, there's no way you're on this site and as poorly informed as you appear based on your posts.
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The committee's witnesses are made up of Trump's own cabinet, campaign heads, and supporters.

Bill Stepien - campaign manager
Jason Miller - campaign senior advisor
Bill Barr - US AG
BJay Pak - US AG for Atlanta
Jared Kushner

All of whom confirmed Trump was making up his Big Lie of election fraud.
We believe progress is made through MORE discussion, not LESS, and we believe that to be true even if the topics are uncomfortable and we occasionally disagree with one another. - TexAgs
The name-calling technique making false associations is a child's game. The propagandist who uses this technique hopes that the audience will reject a person and their argument on this false basis.
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