*****Official Jan 6th Committee Hearing Thread*****

150,466 Views | 2038 Replies | Last: 6 mo ago by Funky Winkerbean
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I just pressed fast forward and was horrified when nothing happened.
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1872walker said:

I'll just wait and buy the book. No. Really.

I just wish a hostile witness would get called up and grandstand the whole thing. Call out any member for wrong doing. Ask what they are doing about inflation, gas prices, assasination attempts on justices and congressmen etc.
The Dirty Sock
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Have the walls closed in yet?
Ghost Mech
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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

These *******s would label Thomas Jefferson as a domestic terrorist......
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Glad I am not doing a drinking game tonight. I would be toasted by now with just the drinking game for the words and phrases that were so easily predicted and complete lies.
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I can feel the country being rocked to its core.
The Dirty Sock
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aggiehawg said:

Glad I am not doing a drinking game tonight. I would be toasted by now with just the drinking game for the words and phrases that were so easily predicted and complete lies.

Pride Month?
Pelosi DUI? lol....jk jk...i kid
Right to Choose?
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Did they get him yet? If not then when?

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I just got a push notification to my phone from abc telling me to tune in to "Attack On The Capitol: The Investigation".

Absolutely pathetic move by the DNCCP.

They are flailing and doing anything they can to try and deflect before the midterms. Desperation is a stinky cologne.
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Ivanka throwing dad under the bus. Ouch.
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Just waiting to hear from the guy with the gravitas to actually change minds…

Adam Schiff

or maybe Raskin
Dan Scott
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Already losing interest.
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Where is Ray Epps?
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Dan Scott said:

Already losing interest.
Agree. Boring beyond belief.
Law Hall 69-72
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K2-HMFIC said:

Ivanka throwing dad under the bus. Ouch.
What did she say?
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Dan Scott said:

Already losing interest.
I'm hearing the Charlie Brown teacher.
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Law Hall 69-72 said:

K2-HMFIC said:

Ivanka throwing dad under the bus. Ouch.
What did she say?

Don't worry. That was a deep fake of Ivanka betraying her dad. It's all fake
Dan Scott
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Law Hall 69-72 said:

K2-HMFIC said:

Ivanka throwing dad under the bus. Ouch.
What did she say?

She said that when Barr said there is no evidence of fraud she agreed with Barr
The D
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mesocosm said:

Law Hall 69-72 said:

K2-HMFIC said:

Ivanka throwing dad under the bus. Ouch.
What did she say?

Don't worry. That was a deep fake of Ivanka betraying her dad. It's all fake

Pathetic Biden voter
Dan Scott
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Can I get a TLDR? Just a bunch of half truths and edited video?
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Liz just brought in Flynn's name, so hopefully it'll be a peaceful dismantling of her entire family's gruesome atrocities that've plagued Earth for decades.

Sure hope she's begging for breadcrumbs in a few weeks, because that'd be awesome to watch.

/"Daddy, why didn't you blow his head off with that shotgun blast?"
//"Go play with your GI Joe, Lizzie Borden Jr."
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I thinkI'm about 12 years late, but I just started Friday Night Lights on Netflix.
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Dan Scott said:

Law Hall 69-72 said:

K2-HMFIC said:

Ivanka throwing dad under the bus. Ouch.
What did she say?

She said that when Barr said there is no evidence of fraud she agreed with Barr

Your post is a lie, ironically proven by your other post with the actual video. Try not to be too obvious next time with your preconceived notions and bias.
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Liz Cheney talking way too slow and drawing conclusions based on largely disconnected events and 5 second sound bites that are carefully lifted from much longer interviews. A lot of "you will see this in our 4th hearing" etc.

It's an epic beatdown and they're not holding back on telling us that the beatings will continue all Summer.
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Told a friend I would watch and give him the Cliffs Notes. Going back on my word now. This is boring and bad.
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Here comes the video evidence
Dan Scott
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Pinochet said:

Dan Scott said:

Law Hall 69-72 said:

K2-HMFIC said:

Ivanka throwing dad under the bus. Ouch.
What did she say?

She said that when Barr said there is no evidence of fraud she agreed with Barr

Your post is a lie, ironically proven by your other post with the actual video. Try not to be too obvious next time with your preconceived notions and bias.

So you think I intentionally posted a lie and then immediately followed it up to post the actual. My initial post was from memory. I used the word agreed instead of accepted. I then went to find the actual video to have the actual words. Wasn't trying to deceive. I wouldn't post the actual video if that was my intention .
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Oh no; look at the violence! People walking and chanting
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Respectful discussion? Gtfo with this gestapo crap. You should be ashamed of yourself, OP.
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SpreadsheetAg said:

Oh no; look at the violence! People walking and chanting
Whose streets? Our streets! Oh wait their schmucks say that.
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This is definitely worse than BLM / George Floyd riots
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They pushed over a fence
barbacoa taco
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SpreadsheetAg said:

Oh no; look at the violence! People walking and chanting
yeah, that's all they did. walked and chanted. yup. uh huh.
barbacoa taco
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periodic reminder that you can believe Biden sucks as a president but also acknowledge that he won and what happened on 1/6 was not a good thing.
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