Ervin Burrell said:
Pretty meh first two episodes, by this show's standards IMO.
disagree completely. it's not funny stuff and it's not action oriented really except the last 2 mins.....
but to me it is some deep seated emotional stuff going on for jimmy and kim in particular. his actions are not rational in a way - he is grieving and acting out and yet burying things at the same time
- his way to just jump in job looking is an escape mechanism
- his reaction to the job offer was bizarre
- his seeing the criminal opportunity in the little figurines and enlisting Mike is telling, while also burying some guilt about his former elder law misgivings
- her keeping things from him is a way of protecting him but also causing some separation
- their physical/sexual outburst at the end is a natural coping mechanism
I mean I get that this is a bit of a slow burn right now - and i've been one to blast this show for not getting to Saul fast enough and tiring of the brother issues ad nauseam.... but i think this is fantastic. i think we could not have seen a believable transformation if we did not see him go through ALL of that. and now it is paying dividends we will see pay off in a big way.