***** WESTWORLD Season 2 (HBO) Official *****

257,216 Views | 2472 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by bearamedic99
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I agree. Maeve seems like evolution vs. Dolores/Wyatt's creation. Dolores has a mind of her own now, but her thinking seems, in some ways, still tied to the ideas of others, whether its experience with MIB, Arnold/Bernard or Ford and his story line. Maeve appears to live more completely on her own, and that leaves open a bunch more opportunities.
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Buck O Five said:

not tied down by the plot lines in westworld.
Except that the mechanism driving her whole plot (her daughter) is not only a plot from Westworld, it's a plot from Westworld that doesn't even exist anymore. She's tied down by plot lines in Westworld that aren't even real.

I don't have a lack of interest, in fact the opposite because the showrunners wouldn't have given this thing so much air time without a payoff, I'm just ready for the payoff.
Breggy Popup
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bobinator said:

We know it can't be years because (If I'm recalling correctly...) William at one point says that his wife committed suicide last year. So that dates that scene a little bit at least.

I do think it's pretty heavily implied that that scene happens right before the events of season one. Older William regrets the project and has come to the park to fix his mistakes. He also, deep down, knows that the consciousness he once saw is real, and he's going to do everything he can to see it again, even if it kills him. In fact he might hope it kills him.

We also know the flashback that Bernard is having to the scene where he was the person that busted up that lab is at least a little while ago because it happened before he snagged Elsie. Otherwise Elsie would remember that the wall opens into a lab.

The lab scene bugged me a bit. It seems to me that Bernard's flashback couldn't be too far in the past or the scientists' bodies would be stinking rotting corpses by then. At most it couldn't be more than a few days.
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If it's a sterile room (which with what they're doing it would need to be), and climate controlled, it could take a little bit longer to see decomposition of the body. But even that is working under the assumption that the lab techs we see in there are human, which is not necessarily the case.
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dlance said:

bobinator said:

We know it can't be years because (If I'm recalling correctly...) William at one point says that his wife committed suicide last year. So that dates that scene a little bit at least.

I do think it's pretty heavily implied that that scene happens right before the events of season one. Older William regrets the project and has come to the park to fix his mistakes. He also, deep down, knows that the consciousness he once saw is real, and he's going to do everything he can to see it again, even if it kills him. In fact he might hope it kills him.

We also know the flashback that Bernard is having to the scene where he was the person that busted up that lab is at least a little while ago because it happened before he snagged Elsie. Otherwise Elsie would remember that the wall opens into a lab.

The lab scene bugged me a bit. It seems to me that Bernard's flashback couldn't be too far in the past or the scientists' bodies would be stinking rotting corpses by then. At most it couldn't be more than a few days.

If there are multiple Bernards it would make sense that they are linked. He could be seeing the actions of another Bernard.
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This being the case would annoy the **** out of me.
Zombie Jon Snow
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We know it can't be years because (If I'm recalling correctly...) William at one point says that his wife committed suicide last year. So that dates that scene a little bit at least.

No thats not correct.

the only thing he said about her was "Juliet's dead. she killed herself" he gave no timeline.

he also said "another year or two and we might have a breakthrough"...that was my clue to the timeline possibly.

about Logan he said "Logan overdosed years ago".

He also wasn't there to destroy it...he said he wasn't sure about the program any more.

Breggy Popup
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bobinator said:

If it's a sterile room (which with what they're doing it would need to be), and climate controlled, it could take a little bit longer to see decomposition of the body. But even that is working under the assumption that the lab techs we see in there are human, which is not necessarily the case.

I would think if they were hosts, Bernard would have just had them kill themselves like he did with the drones.
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He says last year to Teddy in S1E8 "Trace Decay"

"Last year my wife took the wrong pills..."
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I assumed that Ford had Bernard trash the lab (and steal something important) right before robot revolution kicked off.

Assuming that Charlotte was correct that Ford would try to sabotage things if he was fired, and the idea that Abernathy was carrying the immortality project data, it all fits. I'll also assume that lab was the ""cradle" which QA told Charlotte was trashed.

What I don't know is if there is a bigger operation tied to the whole immortality project that is the valley beyond they are headed for- - or if that's the data mining not the guests.

I do feel that the resolves the obvious idea of humans as hosts things pretty well by making it look like the technology just isn't ready. So while we might have one human/host hybrid I don't think we have to worry about consciousness jumping from body to body, like Altered Carbon.
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bobinator said:

He says last year to Teddy in S1E8 "Trace Decay"

"Last year my wife took the wrong pills..."

Which is a little odd, since we saw the bathtub full of blood in this episode. Those are two pretty distinct ways of committing suicide....
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Unless he can't control them for some reason. I'm just saying that it's a possibility.

My issues with that scene are even bigger picture. That whole thing with Elsie bothered me a little bit because she looks like she's in pretty good shape for someone trapped in a cave for (some amount of time). He also just shoots the chain and then he's able to unlock the bit around her ankle also?

That whole thing was weird.
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amercer said:

I'll also assume that lab was the ""cradle" which QA told Charlotte was trashed.
We actually know that isn't the case via some of the online clues. The cradle is a different thing.


I do feel that the resolves the obvious idea of humans as hosts things pretty well by making it look like the technology just isn't ready. So while we might have one human/host hybrid I don't think we have to worry about consciousness jumping from body to body, like Altered Carbon.
I do agree with this. I think that Ford may have tried to pass someone (maybe himself like I said earlier in the thread) as a human, but not for very long.
tk for tu juan
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amercer said:

bobinator said:

He says last year to Teddy in S1E8 "Trace Decay"

"Last year my wife took the wrong pills..."

Which is a little odd, since we saw the bathtub full of blood in this episode. Those are two pretty distinct ways of committing suicide....

Taking the "wrong pills" could lead to deep depression and thoughts of suicide.
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Yeah, there are certainly some questions around his wife's death still, but there's not really any reason for him to lie to Teddy about when it happened.
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No Delores in this episode. I wonder what she wants back at Sweetwater.
Zombie Jon Snow
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bobinator said:

He says last year to Teddy in S1E8 "Trace Decay"

"Last year my wife took the wrong pills..."

Yeah.... could be upwards of 20-22 months or more before that....even if you say last year.

If it's late 2018 for example and you say last year it could be early 2017.

As I said, he said in this episode - in a year or two they might have a breakthrough. Could easily be that much time since he visited Delos to the events of Season 1.

but he did not say "last year" in this episode referring to Juliet. He simply said she died. Could have been a month ago. Time wasn't relevant to Delos in his condition and in that lab.

In addition - William looked noticeably younger (or at least fresher, not so weathered or haggard) to me in this episode then when we first saw him in S1.

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bobinator said:

Unless he can't control them for some reason. I'm just saying that it's a possibility.

My issues with that scene are even bigger picture. That whole thing with Elsie bothered me a little bit because she looks like she's in pretty good shape for someone trapped in a cave for (some amount of time). He also just shoots the chain and then he's able to unlock the bit around her ankle also?

That whole thing was weird.

Bernard was tripping balls. He may have been slipping between past, present (with Elsie), and future (he says "what did we find here" at one point)

I'm glad Elsie is back, but seeing as how there's no sign of her after Bernard wakes up on the beach, things may not go her way...

Also it's looking more and more like the season really will be the two week interlude. I wanted the story to progress more than that, but it's hard to complain when the show is so good.
Complete Idiot
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dlance said:

bobinator said:

We know it can't be years because (If I'm recalling correctly...) William at one point says that his wife committed suicide last year. So that dates that scene a little bit at least.

I do think it's pretty heavily implied that that scene happens right before the events of season one. Older William regrets the project and has come to the park to fix his mistakes. He also, deep down, knows that the consciousness he once saw is real, and he's going to do everything he can to see it again, even if it kills him. In fact he might hope it kills him.

We also know the flashback that Bernard is having to the scene where he was the person that busted up that lab is at least a little while ago because it happened before he snagged Elsie. Otherwise Elsie would remember that the wall opens into a lab.

The lab scene bugged me a bit. It seems to me that Bernard's flashback couldn't be too far in the past or the scientists' bodies would be stinking rotting corpses by then. At most it couldn't be more than a few days.

Elsie looked clean and only had a couple protein bar wrappers near her, so that's happening right after when he thinks he strangled her in season 1, no?
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It could be, but like I said, I think it's pretty heavily implied that this happens right before season one. I'm reasonably sure the asian guy that William talks to when he leaves and says to "monitor the degradation" is the same one that we see dead when Bernard and Elsie arrive.

Though why he would go inside there is a bit of a mystery.
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Agree. Don't know if it was a year, 6 months, or whatever, but I don't think it was that far of a flashback and was basically right before season 1. And yes, pretty much 100% sure that the dead guy was "monitor degradation" guy
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Delos said they were poking and prodding him all the time. I'm sure techs were always going in to check on him.

Still one he started tearing **** up, it did become a bit of a red shirt mission for that dude.
Breggy Popup
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amercer said:

bobinator said:

He says last year to Teddy in S1E8 "Trace Decay"

"Last year my wife took the wrong pills..."

Which is a little odd, since we saw the bathtub full of blood in this episode. Those are two pretty distinct ways of committing suicide....

The tub itself was red. That wasn't blood. You can tell from the side shot where her hand is sticking up. The tub is red and the water is running clear.
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Well that's even more weird. Who buys a red tub? Satan?
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An interesting part of last night's episode I haven't seen talked about much anywhere is the rain itself. That's the first time we've seen any other weather conditions in the park right?

I don't really have a good WHAT DOES IT MEEEAAAN for that, but it's worth noting.
Complete Idiot
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bobinator said:

An interesting part of last night's episode I haven't seen talked about much anywhere is the rain itself. That's the first time we've seen any other weather conditions in the park right?

I don't really have a good WHAT DOES IT MEEEAAAN for that, but it's worth noting.
As for the '60s music, Joy figured that the time frame was right for Jim's character. She chose "Play With Fire" specifically for its fire motif. It's no coincidence that Jim smokes and plays with his cigarette lighter, nor (as we discover later) that each new iteration of his host-body is incinerated when it starts to fail. "There's the idea of water and flame as images for washing away the past or burning it clean," Joy explained. She pointed to the tempestuous downpour in the Man in Black shootout: "It's never done that before in the history of Westworld. We'd never done rain."
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"You think you know death but you don't."

"Is that so?"

"You didn't recognize him sittin' across from you this whole time."

That was some straight-up Clint Eastwood **** from his prime
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dlance said:

amercer said:

bobinator said:

He says last year to Teddy in S1E8 "Trace Decay"

"Last year my wife took the wrong pills..."

Which is a little odd, since we saw the bathtub full of blood in this episode. Those are two pretty distinct ways of committing suicide....

The tub itself was red. That wasn't blood. You can tell from the side shot where her hand is sticking up. The tub is red and the water is running clear.
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DannyDuberstein said:

"You think you know death but you don't."

"Is that so?"

"You didn't recognize him sittin' across from you this whole time."

That was some straight-up Clint Eastwood **** from his prime
This show actually has some awesome straight-forward Western scenes in it. Makes me want them to just make a full on Western at some point.
Breggy Popup
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PatAg said:

dlance said:

amercer said:

bobinator said:

He says last year to Teddy in S1E8 "Trace Decay"

"Last year my wife took the wrong pills..."

Which is a little odd, since we saw the bathtub full of blood in this episode. Those are two pretty distinct ways of committing suicide....

The tub itself was red. That wasn't blood. You can tell from the side shot where her hand is sticking up. The tub is red and the water is running clear.

Disagree all you want. It was a red tub.

Definitely Not A Cop
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So I'm assuming now that William has met up with his daughter he is going to be forced to go full white hat, right?
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Champ Bailey said:

So I'm assuming now that William has met up with his daughter he is going to be forced to go full white hat, right?

Unknown at this point. After he saved the village from Confederados, he told the little girl channeling Ford something along lines of "who says I've done a good deed".
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Champ Bailey said:

So I'm assuming now that William has met up with his daughter he is going to be forced to go full white hat, right?

Let's hope not.
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Champ Bailey said:

So I'm assuming now that William has met up with his daughter he is going to be forced to go full white hat, right?

For some reason I don't think his daughter is a white hat....
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The daughter is an interesting wildcard since we basically have absolutely no idea what she's up to. We also don't really know anything about her personality other than she doesn't like hooking up with robots .
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