Assuming forecasts are changed to a Houston hit when would I need to leave to avoid Rita evac conditions? Maybe time to plan a couple night midweek vacay at Hyatt Hill Country.
Ags #1 said:
Probably by noon
nancydeedavis said:
10PM NOAA track basically unchanged
wessimo said:
Assuming forecasts are changed to a Houston hit when would I need to leave to avoid Rita evac conditions? Maybe time to plan a couple night midweek vacay at Hyatt Hill Country.
Ag_07 said:
Was out of power for about a week with Ike and survived.
But now with a 4 year old and a 6 month old that sounds like absolute hell.
threeanout said:
If I were evacuating Houston then I would head south.
Charlie Murphy said:
Was thinking about staying with family in Austin tomorrow. What's that going to look like traffic wise?
wessimo said:threeanout said:
If I were evacuating Houston then I would head south.
Good idea. Port A far enough?