Eventually, yes. I don't exactly have to start from scratch, but it sure feels like it.
So I got a request to add "Low Boy" in to the game. I assume that's another term for Nello?
Holy cow! That looks like a daunting task.
Great job!!! Already the best by far I've played and I bought it an hour ago. There is one small tweak I may suggest (more of an annoyance from operator error, but you have obviously been open to suggestions ). I did not read the last three pages of posts, so if someone already brought this up, I apologize.
In the bidding "wheel," if I try to just tap on 30 without rolling up to it, it chooses PASS. I assume that tapping will select whatever is highlighted, even if it's not what I tap. If there is a way to allow the wheel to move to 30 when you tap it, that would be great.
Speaking of drawing to see who goes first (and this may be just me), but do you guys play that whoever wins the draw gets first bid? I've always played it so that the winner of the draw shakes so that he can have last bid and not have to worry about having a hand overbid on his winning draw. After playing this game I was wondering if I've been doing it wrong all these years.
tieString = [tieString stringByAppendingFormat:@" and %@ haved tied!",player1];
I just went to Facebook with this. Once it hits my group of friends I expect a cut
I hope you make a killing on this thing. I think with a little marketing via social media you could spread the word all over the place.