"Fun" is all I've ever expected or cared about with this one, and it at least seams to be that. While I never thought it'd be bad, and said as much over the past year or so, I never anticipated it to be a truly great Star Wars movie either. A Han Solo prequel always had a ceiling.
With Star Wars in general I'm kind of in a state of flux anyway. It's almost a numbness. After the disappointments of both TFA and TLJ, I'm now just hoping Abrams delivers something mildly entertaining with Episode IX - something that at least ends the Skywalker Saga on a relatively high note - but I no longer have any grand expectations. Kenobi of course has the potential to be amazing - I'm still hoping for Lawrence of Arabia in space - but who knows how that one will turn out. I still know next to nothing about the filmmakers, and the lack of an official announcement by now is somewhat concerning, but maybe Lucasfilm has learned their lesson not to say anything until they're absolutely certain they have the right story/director.
At this point, the Benioff & Weiss movies are the ones I'm truly excited for. I'm willing to give Johnson another shot and see what he can do when he isn't restricted by the events/characters of a previous movie, but the B&W movies for me are the ones I'll likely get (probably too) hyped for. In other words, I'm more than ready for the current era to be over and done with - the saga films and these prequel/origin stories alike - and move onto whatever the next phase of Star Wars is going to be, one not beholden to the past.