What say you, is it a Jaguarundi?

FIFYBurnetAggie99 said:
Last official sighting for a Jaguarundi in Texas was 1986.
ttha_aggie_09 said:
Jag-a-house cat
Officially maybe. But they have been spotted often in south Texas for many years. They are never reported because of the fear that agricultural and oil production operations will be interrupted by overzealous protectors.BurnetAggie99 said:
Last sighting for a Jaguarundi in Texas was 1986.
Michael Tewes has spent three decades studying ocelots and bobcats in South Texas, and he has been vigilant in attempting to document jaguarundis. He has not found any specimens or verifiable sightings and is convinced the species is now gone from Texas.
Would you take photos or report it if you were a large rancher with these cats on your property? Most large south Texas ranches don't have birders or other oddballs on their properties and they have thousands of acres without highways or other roadkill opportunities. To deny their existence is sticking your head into the sand.12f Mane said:
Don't believe it. Too many non-landowners taking data for that to be the case. Thousands of birders (often times general naturalists that would recognize the significance) with cameras... no photos. TPWD and private ranches like El Sauz working with hundreds of game cams? No photos. Zero road killed specimens collected and deposited at a wildlife collection like the ocelot in Hidalgo Co last year. Same story with black panthers. Same story with 8 foot rattlesnakes, etc. Show us the photos, otherwise, it's all nonsense.
Occasionally, we receive reports of a Texas sighting, but no professional biologist has encountered one and no specimens are available since the 1970s. In addition, although many people have reported jaguarundis in central Texas (and other states), these felines have never been observed north of extreme South Texas. As with the jaguar and ocelot, predator control and habitat destruction took their toll on this species.
This is fact. No rancher wants to report a sighting due to what it will trigger. I've seen photos of jaguarundi in Starr County from a rancher friend taken on his property. No way in hell he would every make an official sighting report. Now, how far north they range from the Starr, Cameron, Hidalgo County areas is certainly up for debate but to deny their existence in the RGV is extremely ignorant.Thunderstormr said:Officially maybe. But they have been spotted often in south Texas for many years. They are never reported because of the fear that agricultural and oil production operations will be interrupted by overzealous protectors.BurnetAggie99 said:
Last sighting for a Jaguarundi in Texas was 1986.