are you lost its the trash talking thread relax nancyhtxag09 said:
I honestly can't tell if you're a troll or really just obnoxious...and this is coming from an Astros fan....
In general, all sports fans are pretty damn delusional. How can anyone truly believe that the general population of people who root for your team are somehow "better" than others who happen to root for a different team....
You realize all the crap Rangers fans say about Astros fans...Astros fans also say about Rangers fans, right? And the crap Aggies say about Longhorns....Longhorns probably say about Aggies?
And this will be really hard to grasp.....but you probably also claim some kind of superiority over the Longhorns because our fan base when....wait for it....probably the largest percent of the fan base are Houstonions or at least Astros fans....
All fan bases have asshats, is what it is.
Been going to the Astros for years starting at the astrodome saw them in Wrigley field only asshat wearing astros gear in center field so save your troll talk.