Farmer1906 said:
JWinTX said:
Silent For Too Long said:
JWinTX said:
Panama Red said:
Just a fine for Garcia
Another "hang the banner" accomplishment for Rangers
Y'all have quite a bit to talk trash on us Rangers right now. Like tons. But perhaps the dumbest way to do that is to talk about "hang the banner" over something trivial . There's a helluva lot more in your arsenal to fire that we cannot say anything back about. The fact that you resort to this line of smack talk just makes you look really, really dumb.
...Hang the Banner? ...
If y'all didn't celebrate trial **** as major accomplishments then the joke didn't work. But the silver boot fits.
Fair enough. But y'all have much more to be funny about than stupid "hang a banner" BS.
And the same goes for the Daddy thing that makes you sound like a child predator.
Stick with your guys and their success. We can't even try to measure up to any of that.