I self identify as an Astros fan and my pronouns are He/Him/His.
If there is evidence of electronic cheating by the Astros I would expect some sort of punishment comparable to precedented punishments. While I acknowledge that there was monitors in the hall in 2017, which was not illegal and I also acknowledge that Fiers has made an accusation, I do not believe you punish an alleged 2-year-old crime, prior to the MLB changes and proclamation, based on the word of a previous employee(s) because there is a different employee also on record saying Astro tactics were within the rules. If there is additional physical evidence of electronic surveillance, I am open to discussing it. I also need to disclose that I was very skeptical of Kristen Blasey-Ford's story, so take it for what it's worth.
The concern that I have is JomBoy states in his video, "This is happening so fast that it has to be done with a camera" and I have seen several similar claims here. I take issue with the proclamation that it HAS to be cheating. I don't think anyone is arguing that sign stealing is part of the "game inside the game" are we? That is as old as baseball. Just because you want something to be true, doesn't mean it is true. Just because I want it to be true that the Astros are playing inside the lines, doesn't make it so. If you can acknowledge my statement, then surely you can agree that just because you want it to be true that the Astros are cheating, doesn't make it so either, right?
This brings me to my point, there is an investigation and I think MLB has every desire to get it right, so I will wait for their evidence from a thorough investigation. I will not claim the Astros were not cheating, because I don't know.
In the meantime, I decided to look closer and see if my untrained eye could pick anything up on JomBoy's video. Mind you, I am no expert, but I approached this from the point of view of the dugout, is there anything Farquhar does that is visible to the dugout and not the batter? Is there anything that may actually be faster than a camera and monitor?
First, the catcher breaks the cardinal sign rule, keep your signs up and in your crotch, don't let them hang below your thighs, probably not stealable, but really bad technique for a pro.

Next, from JomBoy's video, here is when Farquhar comes to rest, every pitch as shown in the video (I hope in order, they are timestamped). My untrained eye sees what seems to be a loading up on the back leg for fast balls and a chicken wing right arm for off speed. Both of those characteristics would be very noticable from the dugout. Every offspeed pitch shows the "Bang" in the screenshot. I am not saying that is what the dugout was keying on, I am saying that is faster than a camera relayed to a monitor. There are plenty of tells and these two are not obvious to the batter perspective but very obvious to the dugout.