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It's here (COVID 19)

406,786 Views | 3356 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by TexasAggie008
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Hood said:

Here we go, everyone.

Today's scare: Myocarditis




I'd guess 200K retweets through hundreds of accounts about a... well... hoax, basically.
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TSUAggie said:

DFWTLR said:

The term 'Karen' has been worse than covid, can that die now?

Ok, but only after two more weeks.

Haha, nice
Ol Jock 99
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TxAgLaw03RW said:

"Karen" can die when the mask mandates end. Most of my life has been pretty unchanged since May, but the mask hysteria has to end.
Mandates can end when people stop being such selfish SOBs and wear a mask. Once the pandemic is over, we should really consider going Asian and wearing them when sick. This is airborne, and a simple-ass mask makes a significant difference. I just can't understand why this is hard.

Oh, and 250 and 8 for Dallas county. The decline seems to have steadied, if we can trust the numbers, which, frankly, is tough to do.
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I think you just called me a son of a *****, right?
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I have seen people:
- wearing masks alone in a car
- wearing masks hiking on a trail
- wearing masks riding a bike
- wearing masks generally anywhere outside
- wearing masks walking to a table and then sitting there talking loudly for 2 hours without
- yelling (with mask) at someone from 3 feet away to put on a mask

None of these have any basis in science whatsoever. Zero.

Get rid of the stupid mandate. It's killing businesses and is pointless.

Wash your hands and don't go out if you feel bad. Done.
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You sound like a selfish SOB
The Shank Ag
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yukmonkey said:

I have seen people:
- wearing masks alone in a car
- wearing masks hiking on a trail
- wearing masks riding a bike
- wearing masks generally anywhere outside
- wearing masks walking to a table and then sitting there talking loudly for 2 hours without
- yelling (with mask) at someone from 3 feet away to put on a mask

None of these have any basis in science whatsoever. Zero.

Get rid of the stupid mandate. It's killing businesses and is pointless.

Wash your hands and don't go out if you feel bad. Done.
My favorite I have seen was a guy wearing a mask and face shield and gloves washing his car in his driveway. Will not comment who's sign was in his yard.
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The Shank Ag said:

yukmonkey said:

I have seen people:
- wearing masks alone in a car
- wearing masks hiking on a trail
- wearing masks riding a bike
- wearing masks generally anywhere outside
- wearing masks walking to a table and then sitting there talking loudly for 2 hours without
- yelling (with mask) at someone from 3 feet away to put on a mask

None of these have any basis in science whatsoever. Zero.

Get rid of the stupid mandate. It's killing businesses and is pointless.

Wash your hands and don't go out if you feel bad. Done.
My favorite I have seen was a guy wearing a mask and face shield and gloves washing his car in his driveway. Will not comment who's sign was in his yard.

double aught
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yukmonkey said:

I have seen people:
- wearing masks alone in a car
- wearing masks hiking on a trail
- wearing masks riding a bike
- wearing masks generally anywhere outside
- wearing masks walking to a table and then sitting there talking loudly for 2 hours without
- yelling (with mask) at someone from 3 feet away to put on a mask

None of these have any basis in science whatsoever. Zero.

Get rid of the stupid mandate. It's killing businesses and is pointless.

Wash your hands and don't go out if you feel bad. Done.
Most of the things you listed aren't mandated.
Ol Jock 99
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yukmonkey said:

I have seen people:
- wearing masks alone in a car
So? This doesn't impact you.
- wearing masks hiking on a trail
So? This doesn't impact you.
- wearing masks riding a bike
So? This doesn't impact you.
- wearing masks generally anywhere outside
So? This doesn't impact you.
- wearing masks walking to a table and then sitting there talking loudly for 2 hours without
The restaurant stuff is weird. And I honestly don't know how effective. But if it allows the restaurants we go to be open, I'll do it.
- yelling (with mask) at someone from 3 feet away to put on a mask
Ok, you finally have a point. That's BS.

None of these have any basis in science whatsoever. Zero.
See below

Get rid of the stupid mandate. It's killing businesses and is pointless.
1) No, what is killing business is capricious government closing orders and people who would rather see businesses fail than wear a mask.
2) If you don't think that mask help, even though it has been shown to help in study after study to help prevent the spread of airborne and particle spread diseases, I don't know what to tell you.

Wash your hands and don't go out if you feel bad. Done.
Washing your hands is a good idea. Not going out when "feeling bad", while preferable, isn't realistic. You going to call in every time you have a mild cold? Not to mention asymptomatic spread.
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I don't think that's his point. The point is this mask mandate and overall hysteria has made people nuts and it needs to stop.
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DFWTLR said:

The term 'Karen' has been worse than covid, can that die now?
Okay Boomer
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yukmonkey said:

I have seen people:
- wearing masks alone in a car
- wearing masks hiking on a trail
- wearing masks riding a bike
- wearing masks generally anywhere outside
- wearing masks walking to a table and then sitting there talking loudly for 2 hours without
- yelling (with mask) at someone from 3 feet away to put on a mask

None of these have any basis in science whatsoever. Zero.

Get rid of the stupid mandate. It's killing businesses and is pointless.

Wash your hands and don't go out if you feel bad. Done.
How does wearing a mask kill businesses?
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This is airborne, and a simple-ass mask makes a significant difference.
I'm not sure this is an accurate statement anymore. "Simple-ass masks" are ineffective or have questionable efficacy which is why the CDC recently updated their masks standards for the public. Single-ply cloth, gaiters and face shields should not be used. Further the public should not be using masks intended for healthcare or surgical masks (though it's not clear why thew public should use substandard quality masks).
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Can you please link to these studies? Plenty of scientists don't seem convinced?


Dutch public health officials and the national government are unbending with respect to what they consider to be lack of scientific evidence on the efficacy of non-medical masks in limiting the spread of the novel coronavirus. On Wednesday, July 29th, at a press conference, officials maintained the line they've adopted since March: "There's no scientific evidence for the efficacy of non-medical masks."

There is also plenty of empirical data here in the US. States and municipalities showing no impact of mask mandates on their infection curves.

Southern California, for example. Major counties with mask mandates implemented at different times. Some months before others. Result? Infections continued to grow and peaked on very nearly the same day!

Louisiana also provided a nifty little experiment.

If there is empirical evidence of mask mandates working anywhere in the west, please share it.

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If there is empirical evidence of mask mandates working anywhere in the west, please share it.
If there is evidence that masks work to prevent communicable disease in the East, I'd like to see that as well. I many Asians countries masks are worn due to high levels of pollution and that convention crossed over to disease prevention. Even then, efficacy is dependent on the type and quality of mask.

edit to add:
Here's an article that was written before COVID mania and is actually from Australia

one more edit- the comments from my link are interesting as well and I thought this one was funny:

I asked this question in Vietnam and was told that women wear masks and gloves to keep their skin from becoming brown in the sun.
Ol Jock 99
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I don't have a ton (well, any) more time today on this, but the CDC, WHO, and other governing bodies are in agreement. Here is a quick article that cites a few studies. Enjoy.,people%20wearing%20masks%2C%20the%20better
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I don't think majority of anti mask people are saying masks totally don't work, it's about the outcome. What's the end goal.

If you think masks will slow spread. Yes likely the case. Is it gonna stop cases. No. First we were told to flatten the curve, then it was about hospitals capacity. Now it's what to stop this to get zero cases? Yeah masks won't do that.

I'd be shocked without some vaccine until herd immunity happens that 200-300 cases a day will be the norm. Mask or not.

So before promoting mask or no mask what's your outcome? Bc if it's to make cases go to zero just open the entire thing open Bc nothing will get us there.
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One lab study showing potential effects of masks being worn by *sick people*.

One meta study of states without controls, easily tainted by a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy.

And one study looking at vastly different geographic regions and populations.

Oh, and a couple of anecdotes, again with *sick people*.

Rigor, that is not.

And I present... Hawaii.

Mask mandates implemented and infections and hospitalizations accelerated!

I would love to think that something simple like wearing a mask could stop this virus, but there is just no conclusive evidence that is the case.

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Masks kill businesses through several reasons as part of the larger govt restrictions:
- Some people just won't go in
- The biz has to spend so much time on complying that they cannot deliver a product
- The restrictions are so onerous that people walk

For example, a business I visited in Colorado wanted me to enter information about myself for contact tracing, hand sanitize upon entry, mask the whole time, and any clothes I tried on had to sit for 14 days.

I'm not an anti-mask zealot and still said absolutely not. Would likely have bought something. Add that over time as I'm sure I was not the only one.
Proposition Joe
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I find it amusing how many people love to point out how crazy/stupid people with masks on driving in their car is.

It never dawns on them that those people are likely constantly driving from place to place that require a mask, and that -- get this -- wearing a mask doesn't really bother them enough to bother to take it off in between stops.

Some people are adults and wearing a mask really isn't that big a deal.
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Keegan99 said:

One meta study of states without controls, easily tainted by a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy.
This one used data through May 22. If revisited today, this paper would have vastly different results.


And one study looking at vastly different geographic regions and populations.

Age of population and rate of obesity both have the same statistical significance as mask wearing in their sample of countries, yet the authors conclusively point to masks as being the driving force behind the various responses? OK, I guess.

The UCSF article tries hard, but in the end relies too heavily on laboratory testing to support its argument.
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Proposition Joe said:

I find it amusing how many people love to point out how crazy/stupid people with masks on driving in their car is.

It never dawns on them that those people are likely constantly driving from place to place that require a mask, and that -- get this -- wearing a mask doesn't really bother them enough to bother to take it off in between stops.

Some people are adults and wearing a mask really isn't that big a deal.

These are the people your mom told you about when she would say, "Would you jump off a cliff if your friends did it?"

They should be ridiculed.
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Those people who wear masks in their car and riding their bike should be made fun of. And if the people wearing them think what they are doing is right and is protecting others, then they shouldn't care what other people think. Both can be true.
Proposition Joe
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It never dawns on either of you that they aren't wearing their mask in their car to protect others -- they are wearing their mask in their car because it doesn't bother them enough to take it off between stops.

I mean, whatever your belief on the efficacy of masks, if you can't understand that:

A) Many people have been forced into a line of work that requires them to wear masks and make multiple stops throughout the day (Uber, DoorDash, etc...)

B) Many people aren't princesses -- wearing a piece of cloth over their face really doesn't just turn their whole world upside down.

Then maybe it's not the guy in the car you're looking at that is the stupid one?
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Nope, it's the guy in the car
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Proposition Joe said:

It never dawns on either of you that they aren't wearing their mask in their car to protect others -- they are wearing their mask in their car because it doesn't bother them enough to take it off between stops.

I mean, whatever your belief on the efficacy of masks, if you can't understand that:

A) Many people have been forced into a line of work that requires them to wear masks and make multiple stops throughout the day (Uber, DoorDash, etc...)

B) Many people aren't princesses -- wearing a piece of cloth over their face really doesn't just turn their whole world upside down.

Then maybe it's not the guy in the car you're looking at that is the stupid one?
I understand A and B completely. It's still silly to me to wear a mask when alone and voluntarily restrict your breathing.

It's dumb and I will continue to make fun of them. All the more so because we've been lied to about masks.
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Proposition Joe said:

It never dawns on either of you that they aren't wearing their mask in their car to protect others -- they are wearing their mask in their car because it doesn't bother them enough to take it off between stops.

I mean, whatever your belief on the efficacy of masks, if you can't understand that:

A) Many people have been forced into a line of work that requires them to wear masks and make multiple stops throughout the day (Uber, DoorDash, etc...)

B) Many people aren't princesses -- wearing a piece of cloth over their face really doesn't just turn their whole world upside down.

Then maybe it's not the guy in the car you're looking at that is the stupid one?

To me it's not about wearing the actual mask, it's about a completely incompetent and inflated government mandating it when there is no hard evidence that we're doing any good while many would also argue that this isn't even an actual damn pandemic anymore. What else will they enforce next time something like this happens, especially during election years? Many lives have been wrecked by the government shutting things down and constantly moving the goal posts.
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If masks were effective then you'd see a sharp drop in cases correlating with the mandate.

Instead it follows a normal curve regardless.

End of conversation.
Proposition Joe
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TSUAggie said:

Proposition Joe said:

It never dawns on either of you that they aren't wearing their mask in their car to protect others -- they are wearing their mask in their car because it doesn't bother them enough to take it off between stops.

I mean, whatever your belief on the efficacy of masks, if you can't understand that:

A) Many people have been forced into a line of work that requires them to wear masks and make multiple stops throughout the day (Uber, DoorDash, etc...)

B) Many people aren't princesses -- wearing a piece of cloth over their face really doesn't just turn their whole world upside down.

Then maybe it's not the guy in the car you're looking at that is the stupid one?

To me it's not about wearing the actual mask, it's about a completely incompetent and inflated government mandating it when there is no hard evidence that we're doing any good while many would also argue that this isn't even an actual damn pandemic anymore. What else will they enforce next time something like this happens, especially during election years? Many lives have been wrecked by the government shutting things down and constantly moving the goal posts.

Again, I'm not debating the efficacy of masks -- you guys have done that for months now and don't seem to really be getting anywhere.

I'm saying if your world view is so myopic that you see a guy in a car wearing a mask and laugh thinking they must be so stupid wearing it for protection instead of thinking they have a service job that requires multiple stops where they have to wear a mask (something thousands have been pushed into during the crisis) and it doesn't bother them to leave it on... Well then you're kind of an arrogant, ignorant *******.

I mean, if someone isn't smart enough to make that incredibly simple evaluation then how much weight should we really give any of their pseudo-medical input?
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I hope people have mask-burnings at non-socially distanced Labor Day parties this weekend
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Proposition Joe said:

TSUAggie said:

Proposition Joe said:

It never dawns on either of you that they aren't wearing their mask in their car to protect others -- they are wearing their mask in their car because it doesn't bother them enough to take it off between stops.

I mean, whatever your belief on the efficacy of masks, if you can't understand that:

A) Many people have been forced into a line of work that requires them to wear masks and make multiple stops throughout the day (Uber, DoorDash, etc...)

B) Many people aren't princesses -- wearing a piece of cloth over their face really doesn't just turn their whole world upside down.

Then maybe it's not the guy in the car you're looking at that is the stupid one?

To me it's not about wearing the actual mask, it's about a completely incompetent and inflated government mandating it when there is no hard evidence that we're doing any good while many would also argue that this isn't even an actual damn pandemic anymore. What else will they enforce next time something like this happens, especially during election years? Many lives have been wrecked by the government shutting things down and constantly moving the goal posts.

Again, I'm not debating the efficacy of masks -- you guys have done that for months now and don't seem to really be getting anywhere.

I'm saying if your world view is so myopic that you see a guy in a car wearing a mask and laugh thinking they must be so stupid wearing it for protection instead of thinking they have a service job that requires multiple stops where they have to wear a mask (something thousands have been pushed into during the crisis) and it doesn't bother them to leave it on... Well then you're kind of an arrogant, ignorant *******.

I mean, if someone isn't smart enough to make that incredibly simple evaluation then how much weight should we really give any of their pseudo-medical input?
I will not dispute you that my statements here make me an a-hole. Would tend to agree with you on that.

But I stand by it.
Proposition Joe
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And it's Texags so that's fine. And really I don't care if people are so adamantly against masks and want people to stop wearing them. I just know a few people personally that went from a decent job to grinding as a 24/7 door-dasher and the reality is many of those people hate the mask mandates as much as you do but they are required by their employer and they are just trying to survive.

In short, you're a Texags *******, not a real *******
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Proposition Joe said:

really I don't care if people are so adamantly against masks and want people to stop wearing them.
Then why respond with your snarky "It never dawns on you..." posts, when, in fact, it probably has dawned on them? Clearly you do care what other people think about wearing masks, and it seems to me you were the ******* here, Texags or otherwise.
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