ID? Vehicular manslaughter…King Oaks (Grimes County).
Copperpot said:
ID? Vehicular manslaughter…King Oaks.
Not sure where King Oaks is but this is a juvenile racerCopperpot said:
ID? Vehicular manslaughter…King Oaks.
CoachwhipTony Franklins Other Shoe said:
That's funny, was going to post the following: brown snake or juvi Coach whip? He was r-u-n-n o-v-r.
Tony Franklins Other Shoe said:
How the hell did you get him? Those bastiches are lightning quick.
Juvie CM's look an awful lot like copperheads. Photo certainly is blurry, but bands are "full" all around the snake and appear "pixelated". Not betting the house, but sticking with my original ID.12th Man Ag said:
Pretty blurry, but looks like a copperhead to me.
The pattern on the head looked like Rat Snake to me. I didn't even notice how the pattern fades out on the tail. I'm sure you are correct.ttha_aggie_09 said:
I always confuse juvenile racers and juvenile coachwhips but am pretty sure it is a juvenile racer. It is not a rat snake
This is a Copperhead until someone proves me wrong!CapCity12thMan said:
snake crossing the road - what kind is it?
This is a juvenile racerTexmid said:
Rat Snake in Smithville. The cat that will not leave my house killed it and left it for me as a gift. Coincidentally I have named the cat Mouse-Rat.
edit to add the pic.
Nacho Thigh Juice said:
Regarding the copperhead vs cottonmouth debate. Who gives a **** I'd stay away from both.