Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (spoilers and discussion)

236,487 Views | 1640 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Fat Bib Fortuna
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Junkhead said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

Junkhead said:

Was it not John Williams this time?
No, it was Michael Giacchiano.

That explains it.
It's truly a shame. I would consider Giacchino to be one of the better film composers working right now. I can name a dozen scores he's done that are simply incredible. In fact, his score for Super 8 is the best 'late 70's-early 80's era' John Williams music that wasn't from John Williams. Super 8 was an homage to early Spielberg and Giacchino's score was an homage to early John Williams.

This one was kind of a swing and a miss, though.
M.C. Swag
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  • The music was terrible. The scene where the destroyer collided into the other destroyer and they both fell into the shield; the music played for that scene was completely jarring and off-putting. Instead of it being a moment of triumph for the rebels, the music played seemed like it was supposed to be a tragic event. The rest of the score was forgettable.
  • Saw it in 2D and thought the CGI was great.
  • The cinematography was the best of any of the films.
  • Vader was totally weird in his first scene - completely badass in the second. I want need more of that.
  • Danny Yen? That guy sucks at acting. His fighting was awesome but his cheesy lines and other dialogue pretty much ruined his presence. Seriously, never want to see him in a movie again and glad his character died.
  • Forrest whittaker - see above for danny yen.
  • The first 7 or so scenes were a jumbled mess. Set a pretty bad tone that took me about 45 minutes to shake off.
  • Why wasnt there more Vader?!
  • Loved the way they tied in the Death Star weakness to this film.
  • K2-SO was awesome

Those are my quick thoughts off the top of my head. Overall, I'd give it a 7/10.

I did have a couple questions.
1) So Jedah was the original Jedi temple? or just one of the last?
2) Did anyone else think the Kyber crystal that Jyn wore around her neck was going to play a role in the future? I seriously thought it was going to Tatooine at some point. Given the screen time it got and the background on the crystals input to making lightsabres (the first time it's been mentioned on screen?) Can't believe they just blew it all up.
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jabberwalkie09 said:

He also had about 4 weeks apparently to do the score. The score was one of my complaints as well, as at times it would give you nostalgia of the OT, but at times it just felt off.
Looking at his imdb profile, in the past 8-9 months, he's done the score for Zootopia, Star Trek Beyond, Doctor Strange (which was just a month ago) and now this.

Possibly he stretched himself too thin?
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Saw it tonight and thought it was fantastic. It really carried the feeling of Ep4&5. Totally loved the movie, I hope they give everyone a raise and let this crew and director do the net 4 films.

I didn't hate TFA as much as some apparently, but R1 was better.
The Collective
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M.C. Swag said:

So Jedah was the original Jedi temple? or just one of the last?

Don't think it is the first. I believe that is where Luke was in TFA perhaps. I think it is just a Mecca of sorts... perhaps important because kyber crystals can be found there.
M.C. Swag
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CJS4715 said:

M.C. Swag said:

So Jedah was the original Jedi temple? or just one of the last?

Don't think it is the first. I believe that is where Luke was in TFA perhaps. I think it is just a Mecca of sorts... perhaps important because kyber crystals can be found there.
The Kyber crystal source definitely made it important. I was just curious if it was more than that. The obvious similarity of "Jedah" to "Jedi" being the biggest clue. Seemed to coincidental.
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CJS4715 said:

M.C. Swag said:

So Jedah was the original Jedi temple? or just one of the last?

Don't think it is the first. I believe that is where Luke was in TFA perhaps. I think it is just a Mecca of sorts... perhaps important because kyber crystals can be found there.

This is correct, though they didn't do a good job explaining this, or what Kyber crystals are, or why they are important to the Death Star. They blitzed through that pretty quickly.
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Bonus to reading Catalyst. Kybers are discussed in some detail.
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AlaskanAg99 said:

Saw it tonight and thought it was fantastic. It really carried the feeling of Ep4&5. Totally loved the movie, I hope they give everyone a raise and let this crew and director do the net 4 films.

I didn't hate TFA as much as some apparently, but R1 was better.

My thoughts too. I liked TFA...but this was on another level to me. I really really liked it.
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aggie1906 said:

VanZandt92 said:

It does seem like Disney is scared to deviate from any thing in the basic Star Wars story
Do you want Disney ****ing with the OT? What they added was perfect and made it more plausible.
Its the same story over and over. You do realize that right? Just minor variations
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yeah that was okay

The Collective
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cone said:

yeah that was okay


Well done.
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but Peter Cushing was A++++++
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Fun flick all around. The last act was pretty intense for me, especially considering we all know the ending.

Vader was nails. I got home about an hour ago, but I'm still awake now, much thanks to that last Vader scene.
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Thought it was good, not great. Would put it behind episodes 4_6 and TFA. Better than all episodes 1-3.

Vader scene was the bomb, though. Best Vader scene ever and more Vader is a badass is needed in this franchise, IMO.

They need to cut the cheesy Vader lines though. I almost expected Vader to talk with am Austrian accent when he delivered the choking pun. Leave that stuff to eighties action flicks.
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PERFECT ending.

I truly could not have hoped (no pun intended) for a more well-executed sequence/note to end on. Just so satisfying in every way. And I honestly didn't think Disney would go through with it, but kudos to them for actually killing off the entire team. I know that's a weird thing to applause, but it was necessary, both plot-wise and emotionally, and it was just handled so well. The crowd erupted with cheers the second the credits rolled, and I aven't experienced something like that in a long time.

Overall, I wouldn't say I was absolutely blow away, but I definitely enjoyed it more than I thought I would, considering some of the negative-ish reactions I started to see coming in the past couple of days. Even the Tarkin effects weren't nearly as bad as people made them out to be. Distracting yes, but not annoyingly so (I honestly thought the Leia effects were worse).

To me, the weakest link of the movie by far was Saw Gerrera. I don't know what the hell Forest Whitaker was attempting with that accent, but even had the performance been amazing, the character was basically a dead-end plot device more than anything. I wanted to know what made him tick or more about his little operation, and I get that they didn't have time for all that, but man, he was such a lame character that amounted to nothing.

Loved the rest of the cast, though. I wish the plot had a little more of an assembling-the-team/heist vibe, instead them all just kind of randomly coming together like that, but it was a great team nonetheless - my favorite of which surpassingly ended up being Bodhi. Riz Ahmend put in really nice, understated performance, and I loved his plight.

Gun to my head, I could name maybe five other minor things I had qualms with, some bigger than others, but nothing really worth getting into. It was just a damn solid movie, and hands down the best looking Star Wars film put to screen yet. I absolutely loved the way it was shot, and the vast majority of the effects were flawless. Just a beautiful movie to behold, visually, with some stunning vistas and framing. Rain Johnson definitely has his work cut out for him in that department.

All that said, even though I'd heard it from others, I'm still shocked at just how much from the trailers wasn't in the final product. I'd be so curious to see that original cut before reshoots. Still, there are tons of shots from even the latest trailer - long after the reshoots were complete - that didn't make the final product. So weird.

Anyway, this may change, but my ranking as of now...


Haven't had time yet, but I definitely want to go back and read the entire thread in the next day or so.
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Screw it. I have to be up for a flight in five hours, but couldn't help myself. I know someone did a brief list earlier, but here's a good chunk (I know I'm likely missing some) of all the actual shots/sequences from the trailer that didn't make the movie. Just insane...

Saw, shaved head, aboard a ship, presumably from a flashback/early Jyn childhood sequence...

These might have actually been in movie, but I don't think they were. Likely leaving Yavin 4 the first or second time (pretty sure Jyn was in the back of the ship both times times)...

One of the coolest shots from the second trailer...

An entire cut Vader scene, presumably aboard a Destroyer or the Death Star. I don't think any of these shots were at Vader's liar were they?

Coolest shot from the first trailer...

Krennic, Cassian, and Jyn all part of the ground of attack, at one point even after Jyn stole the plans....

Another one of the coolest shots from the final trailer...

Ag Since 83
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Good to hear you liked it TC. My ranking is pretty similar to yours, although I don't know how I differentiate VI and VII yet. But Rogue One is definitely in that top echelon with V and IV for me.

Brian Earl Spilner
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Did watch #2 yesterday in IMAX 3D, dead center in a packed theater. Friends and I managed to find probably the only IMAX in the city without reserved seating. Had to be in line for a while, but worth it.

Much larger screen and theater than my first viewing. So much more fun seeing it with a huge crowd. This chick setting next to my friend clapped at damn near everything K2SO said, which I found hilarious. Tons of applause at the end.
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Did anyone else think that the accent used by Whitaker for the saw character, his metal legs, and his breathing problem were eerily similar to general grevious?
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I also thought it was boring

Don't feel bad.

It was pretty and kinda neat, but the only character I was locked into and cared about was Zombie Peter Cushing, and his role had zero tension

I take it back. Galen/Mads had a good character. His scenes were great.
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EMY92 said:

The General Syndulla was likely Hera's father, Cham Syndulla. He was a general in the resistance and was on Yavin at some point.
I thought Cham sacrificed himself in the book to get the others hidden? I may be misremembering
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The reason why you thought Saw Garrera was under developed is because he was already developed... in the Clone Wars tv show. He had his own arc that fully fleshed him out as a character. So the fact that he's the first EU character to make the big screen explains alot. I was satisfied with Whitaker's interpretation of him though, based on the show it's easy to that being where he ended up. From what it seems the Fanboys are liking this movie ALOT more at the cost of some critics.
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SpreadsheetAg said:

EMY92 said:

The General Syndulla was likely Hera's father, Cham Syndulla. He was a general in the resistance and was on Yavin at some point.
I thought Cham sacrificed himself in the book to get the others hidden? I may be misremembering

I was thinking about this, it wouldn't surprise me if it was actually Hera that they were calling. Like Saw, Cham always ran an independent cell on Ryloth. I'm not sure if he'd join the larger rebellion. But I do know if Hera is alive she'd be there and likely a general by now.
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SF2004 said:

I had ZERO idea that this was IMMEDIATELY before A New Hope, I thought it was a year, maybe months.

I am assuming that Vader runs down the Tantive IV a few minutes later and captures Leia? I am also assuming this little leads directly into the opening of ANH (one of the greatest openings in cinematic history).

It is a period of civil war.
Rebel spaceships, striking
from a hidden base, have won
their first victory against
the evil Galactic Empire.

During the battle, Rebel
spies managed to steal secret
plans to the Empire's
ultimate weapon, the DEATH
STAR, an armored space
station with enough power
to destroy an entire planet.

Pursued by the Empire's
sinister agents, Princess
Leia races home aboard her
starship, custodian of the
stolen plans that can save her
people and restore
freedom to the galaxy....
The Collective
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I have to admit that the claim that they are on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan is pretty laughable given the Rogue One ending. Pretty bad excuse - try harder next time.
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AliasMan02 said:

CJS4715 said:

M.C. Swag said:

So Jedah was the original Jedi temple? or just one of the last?

Don't think it is the first. I believe that is where Luke was in TFA perhaps. I think it is just a Mecca of sorts... perhaps important because kyber crystals can be found there.

This is correct, though they didn't do a good job explaining this, or what Kyber crystals are, or why they are important to the Death Star. They blitzed through that pretty quickly.
Wait do we want them to explain these mysteries now? Remember Midichlorians?
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I don't want it explained at all.
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"Also, really lame that the data vault retrieval and antenna recalibration had to be done manually. Very lazy writing."

There was a reason for that.

K2 sacrificed himself, but shut down the electronics and told them they could retrieve it manually and climb up. That was the library archive of the hard copy. As far as the antennae...were they supposed to run to the imperial control room and adjust it there? Seems logical it would be adjusted manually on the platform.

Not directed to that poster in particular...but I feel like a lot of people just try to find things to complain about. If it was an independent movie, and not part of the SW franchise, people would love it...but nitpick it because it is.
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SheriffBarclay said:

I guess I'll be the first sw superfan to go Redstone.

I was bored often and gave it 2.5** out of 4*. I thought it was well below ESB, TFA, ANH, and ROTJ, but still above prequels.

The throwback scenes using footage from old movies was cool, but I've seen X wings be taken down by tie fighters 700 times.

Also, really lame that the data vault retrieval and antenna recalibration had to be done manually. Very lazy writing. C3p0 and r2 scene was eye rolling.

Mos eisley Bar cameos, why were those guys on Jedeh and how did they escape the Death star and end up on Tatooine?


Vader scene
K2 humor
Mads Mikkelsen

The rest

Lazy writing is habitual with Star Wars and is accepted because we're all still trying to get the rush and originality of the first three movies. It ain't coming back.
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As for my review I liked it. Needed to be a more action intensive movie since the protagonists were expendable, and it had a ton of winks to the EU. Ironically I thought Jin might have been the weakest character of the bunch, she went from a crook that wants freedom to an inspirational leader just because her father died? Seriously? It seems they are still trying to overcompensate their female leads, Rey was a Mary Sue and they got pretty close to making Jin one.

But other than that and the planet jumping at the beginning I don't have any other major complaints. The only other thing that comes close is the digitalization of Tarkin and Leia, and those effects were pretty dang close anyway. It seems like the craft needs a few more years to be perfected, but I got used to Tarkins look by his 2nd or 3rd scene. And Leia's final line more than made up for hers.

And didn't I call that the final shot should be the Star destroyer in pusuit of Leia's ship. That's was exactly the way I would have ended it.

Also I think they tried to pull back in some of the fanboys that hated episode VII. From the ones that I know they certainly did that. They had a ton of winks for the EU fans. Like I said earlier Catalyst setup everything perfectly for the movie and I'd recommend anyone seeing this movie that wants a full setup to read it.

Lots of action, everyone died, and, leads directly into ANH. Yep, it met my expectations.
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Some of my thoughts after 48-hours - I loved this movie overall

The bad (nitpicking)
1. Are there no grooming standards for the empire? I understand that pilots (even in our own US military) get away with ALOT so I'll give Bodhi a pass when he's inspected on Scarif. But it's pretty laughable that a dude with a bunch of scruff and a Zorro mousache (Cassian) can pass off being an Imperial officer.
2. Jyn wastes a K2 droid on Jeddah with one shot, but it takes 15 to take down our K2-SO?
3. They never really explained the creature sucking Bodhis brain and the outcome?

1. CGI Tarkin and Leia were alright
2. Music wasn't horrible but didn't really have a theme or feel like Star Wars uniquely either
3. Dr. Evazan and Ponda Boba appearance
4. Artoo and Threepio appearance
5. Vader one liner

1. Throwback footage of red, gold leaders...
2. Throwback sound effects
3. Using 1 reactor tests to blow up city sized portions of planets
4. Cinematography and visualizations; macro CGI
5. Hammerhead Corevette
6. Mon Cal Admiral CGI and the whole bridge of the Nebulon B (I didn't notice a mon cal cruiser, not sure on some of the other ship types present)
7. Vader fortress on Mustafar
8. The stardust code name and the black saber code name
9. The space balls Easter eggs

1. The little things: STs talking about new / old rifles, blue milk, Red 5 being blown away to make room for an 18 year old farm boy, etc.
2. Vader end scene
3. Space battle and the way it explains why there were no capital ships at Yavin 4 when the Death Star comes to call
4. Fixing the plot hole of the exhaust vent
5. The way it feeds right into ANH; where the next scene could literally be the Tantive IV over Tatooine
6. Everyone dies
7. Older Bail Organa being at Yavin Base
8. K2-SO deliveries of lines were fantastic; humorous (not stupid silly like Lucas would have done)
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If it was an independent movie, and not part of the SW franchise, people would love it...but nitpick it because it is.

and I feel the exact opposite way
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cone said:


If it was an independent movie, and not part of the SW franchise, people would love it...but nitpick it because it is.

and I feel the exact opposite way

It gets 5 stars because it is a fan boy movie, namely Star Wars.
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