That's a fair point, though I think you could argue that either way depending what you were looking for. TFA just felt like Star Wars to me, moreso than R1. That isn't a knock on R1 at all, it had a chance to do something a bit different and it took the opportunity well.israeliag said:
I actually thought R1 was exactly what we needed out of the prequels, much more so than EpVII. The prequels had every opportunity to be a terrific tragedy, and R1 was such a great and enjoyable tragedy (and where the tragedy only helped the story).
Agreed on the tone vs the prequels though, we knew what had to happen in Eps 1-3 and because of their content they needed to be different in tone from the original trilogy. They did (technically) deliver all the needed elements to get us to A New Hope, but the ride to get there wasn't at all what we'd hoped for.
Either way, I'm quite happy with R1 and TFA being very different but both very enjoyable films.