cajunaggie08 said:
maroon barchetta said:
cajunaggie08 said:
XpressAg09 said:
htxag09 said:
I just think someone too lazy to take 2 minutes to select candidates is too lazy to go vote in the first place.
I'm not so sure it's laziness so much as, why would any half-ass Democrat be excited to go vote right now? Trump isn't on the ticket, no mean tweets, inflation is up, gas is up, the list goes on.
What could possibly drive an apathetic Democrat voter to go vote right now? There's literally nothing going for them at this point.
The supreme court decision on Roe has a lot of female voters energized.
The ones "energized" about this probably got energized and protested and wore vagina hats the day after Trump got inaugurated.
You know, protesting for rights THEY ALREADY HAVE.
These women are always pissed off about something and we're going to show up and vote blue regardless. They are not some sort of swing voters.
You are right that they aren't swing voters but they may be more likely to go to the polls now than before. There is a reason GOP polling is down with suburban women.
You're going to have to back that up with legit polling data because everything I've seen shows abortion is way down the list for suburban women. Parental control/influence in schools and the economy/inflation are consistently the top items for this voting bloc.
And, as usual, the headlines re: abortion are so reductive as to be misleading. The numbers haven't changed in probably 20 years. In the first trimester or so, not quite 3/4ths of the country supports abortion being legal. In the second and third trimesters support for on-demand abortion plummets dramatically. Something like 35% and 10%, respectively. The country does broadly support exceptions for rape and incest in the second trimester but that plummets as well in the third trimester. Exceptions for the life of the mother are broadly supported regardless of where she is in the pregnancy.
If you want to argue that the GOP was caught flat-footed because they didn't actually think SCOTUS would overturn Roe, cause their largely symbolic "trigger laws" passed years and years ago to go into effect, and be unprepared to have thoughtful debate on the matter, I'll agree but that's not the situation of facts on the ground regarding the importance of abortion as an electoral debate.