Marvin_Zindler said:
Lol. That Alex T nitwit getting arrested in all of this is just poetic. Woke white libs are a puss-filled boil on the ass of America.
Wokeness is just a scam that these people think gives them a layer of teflon and unquestionability. Because it works w/ their sheltered friends and tightly controlled social media bubbles, they assume it will work with everyone.
Take a look at the backgrounds of the 3 who were indicted. Zero professional experience relevant to public administration, budgeting, or infrastructure. Even those with respectable educational credentials have no professional background apart from "advocacy" or running for office. Their only goal is to get into positions - as quickly as possible - where they can steer contracts and profit from connections. And they wasted no time doing so in their first real government jobs.
The whole "woke" game is just the political equivalent of mobsters and gang bangers making a big show of their generosity down at the community festivals and fundraisers. Being woke is just a headfake to distract people from their real personal goals.