AustinAg2K said:
Can someone explain why the actors and writers are all on strike from all the studios at the same time? It seems to me that they would negotiate with each studio separately. If they are negotiating with all the studios, isn't that collusion and a violation of anti trust laws? Does the union not negotiate with each studio separately?
Maybe it's because I've never worked in a industry with unions, but it seems to me that if Paramount is giving crappy deals, the actors and writers can say f'em and go over to Universal.
The National Labor Relation Acts (?) allow employees to form a union to collectively bargain for the basic baseline rights and allows the union officials on behalf of the collective union. Like the commissioner and NBA represents all the individual teams in the negotiations with NBAPA and the officials association,AMPTP is the entertainment industry's official collective bargaining representative, negotiating 58 industry-wide collective bargaining agreements on behalf of hundreds of motion picture and television producers.
All the studios have to meet those minimum work conditions, but Paramount is allowed to exceed the benefits set out in negotiations, just like all NBA teams can negotiate individual contracts with players, they all have to be within the scope of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
In 1995, Michael Jordan and Patrick Ewing and others threatened to decertify the NBAPA; and in 2011 Brady, Brees, Peyton Manning and others thread to decertify the NFLPA so that the NFL/NBA would then be in jeopardy of violating the Sherman Antitrust Act with collusion since there no longer was a players association.
***Anyone who corrects something I've written is probably more correct***