Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (spoilers and discussion)

236,388 Views | 1640 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Fat Bib Fortuna
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When I say I'll pass on the spinoff movies, I don't mean forever- Just that I'm not going out of my way to catch them in theatre or rent it. I'd likely watch on HBO or Netflix or whatever since I really like dorking out on star wars.
Geez man, you waited till February to see it. Sounds like you didn't go out of your way this time
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Brian Earl Spilner
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Other than the big screen and the sound system, I dislike most of the rest of the experience
What else is there?
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Brian Earl Spilner said:


Other than the big screen and the sound system, I dislike most of the rest of the experience
What else is there?

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People, bad seats, overpriced food and drinks, can't pause.
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Alamo. Pick your seats, you talk you get kicked out, beer.
Zombie Jon Snow
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you need to maybe try the new way to see movies at the theater....

old way - go early, stand in line for tickets, stand in line for food, go in early to pick good seats hope nobody sits near you, uncomfortable, etc....

new way - buy tickets online, reserved seats, big recliner seats so nobody is near you anyway, no need to get there early, walk up AFTER showtime (~10 mins), don't wait in any lines just go straight to the ticket taker flash your phone, your perfect seats where you wanted them are reserved and open when you walk in, sit down, don't buy any food/drinks if you don't want any cuz you aren't there that long, movie starts soon, watch movie, go home.

Win Win. All thats left is great parts - big screen, sound system and better chairs.

Of course depends where you are - most theaters near me are reserved and recliner types now. I don't go to other kinds any more.

as for snacks if you really want them 2 options
AMC - buy ahead online and pick up on your way in, no wait
Others - sneak in a bottled drink and candy from the dollar store in the wife's purse, jacket pockets, or cargo shorts

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Don't show up too late to Alamo. Other than that, this 100%
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Star Wars fans *****ing about more Star Wars movies are a very peculiar set of people.
The Collective
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rasher said:

Star Wars fans *****ing about more Star Wars movies are a very peculiar set of people.

Spend about 10 minutes on It's quite interesting indeed.
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CJS4715 said:

rasher said:

Star Wars fans *****ing about more Star Wars movies are a very peculiar set of people.

Spend about 10 minutes on It's quite interesting indeed.
and go into the prequel forums.
The Collective
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Flashdiaz said:

and go into the prequel forums.

15+ years of the same debates still happening.
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What's the debate? They blew.
Brian Earl Spilner
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AgMarauder04 said:

Brian Earl Spilner said:


Other than the big screen and the sound system, I dislike most of the rest of the experience
What else is there?


I go to the movies damn near every weekend. Rarely have problems with people or noise. People are pretty respectful these days. Maybe it's just the area I live in though.
Brian Earl Spilner
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new way - buy tickets online, reserved seats, big recliner seats so nobody is near you anyway, no need to get there early, walk up AFTER showtime (~10 mins), don't wait in any lines just go straight to the ticket taker flash your phone, your perfect seats where you wanted them are reserved and open when you walk in, sit down, don't buy any food/drinks if you don't want any cuz you aren't there that long, movie starts soon, watch movie, go home.
And exactly this. It's awesome.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Was reflecting the other day with my wife how much better it is now....

We literally live 5 minutes from this great all stadium all recliner theater. We usually never leave the house now until the start time of the movie. We grab a couple of bottled drinks and maybe snacks on the way out the door and are in our seats before the movie starts.

We were remembering how in the late 90s and early 00's when our kids were small and our date night when the grandparents would babysit on Saturday was ALWAYS like this - we were usually seeing some new release movie:

- run to the movie theater before dinner to buy tickets
- wait in long line and hope it is not sold out, when it is make a quick decision on later showtime or another movie
- divide up the tickets so we can enter separately later
- then go eat but somewhere that did not take too long, remind the waiter that we have a movie to get to....
- go back to theater and one of us would line up on the entry queue, the other would run an errand or two at the mall. for a really big movie this might be an hour or more. we might switch off as well.
- when we got let in, call the other one but we didn't actually answer the phone, we only have 100 minutes on our cell plan - just ringing them was a signal that we were admitted
- rush inside and hustle to the theater to get seats
- stake out 2 as high and to the middle as possible, and put a coat in the other to save it
- repeatedly fend off people asking if that seat was taken
- when the other person arrived, take turns going to the bathroom while defending the seat
- one of us goes to get snacks and wait in that long line missing most of the previews
- rush in as the movie starts and finally relax and watch the movie

If we were late getting back from dinner......screwed....front section craning our necks. ugh.

Not really relaxing, but we did it....hey it was a break from the kids anyway. lol.

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fig96 said:

Alamo. Pick your seats, you talk you get kicked out, beer.
I live in College Station, not driving 90 minutes each way for a movie!

They are supposed to have a dinner movie place in the Century Square this year.
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The Collective
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We went and saw a movie with some friends a few weeks back... it was great leaving dinner at the start time of our movie and still getting to our seats with a trailer to spare. It is such a great experience now. Theaters have done quite a bit to make the experience much better.
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KidDoc said:

fig96 said:

Alamo. Pick your seats, you talk you get kicked out, beer.
I live in College Station, not driving 90 minutes each way for a movie!

They are supposed to have a dinner movie place in the Century Square this year.
I'd assume you're at least occasionally in Austin/Houston/Dallas/San Antonio on a weekend?

There's Alamo or half a dozen other recliner/pick your seat theaters in each, plus for me it'd be totally worth a weekend trip to see a big release.
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Yeah, I don't see a movie these days unless I can watch it from a "luxury lounger", and by default, that also means it's reserved. Beer is also usually the 3rd criteria, although not 100%.
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I have found that my theater going experiences improved drastically once my local theater added the mezzanine 18+ only reserved seating upstairs. There's only about 32 seats up there, big lounger chairs, food service and no kids! Game changer for sure
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Y'all could start a general theater experience thread for all that stuff.
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How Rogue One should have ended
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KidDoc said:

fig96 said:

Alamo. Pick your seats, you talk you get kicked out, beer.
I live in College Station, not driving 90 minutes each way for a movie!

They are supposed to have a dinner movie place in the Century Square this year.
Cinemark just finished remodeling their entire place. Most of the theaters have luxury recliners now and all are reserved seating.
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twilly said:

How Rogue One should have ended

"I'm a leaf on the wind"

"Do you feel in charge"

(love the throwbacks to those actors other movies / shows)


Dem Plans? VADER hacked the election?
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Walsh will always hurt me
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wangus12 said:

Walsh will always hurt me
Liquid Wrench
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Thunder18 said:

I have found that my theater going experiences improved drastically once my local theater added the mezzanine 18+ only reserved seating upstairs. There's only about 32 seats up there, big lounger chairs, food service and no kids! Game changer for sure
I saw Rogue 1 at a matinee showing. There were maybe 15 other people there. If you ever have a weekday afternoon off, it's a pretty easy moviegoing experience.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Ok....keep in mind I love the movie. But after several viewings I have one major issue. And no it;s not the opening third of the movie, the all over the place plot, the music, the small plot holes it creates, etc....I can deal with all of that.

No, it is one specific part of the plot - one mission to be exact.

The attack on Eadu makes no sense whatsoever on every level.

Ok so first of all we know Cassian is going there to kill Galen. Fine. They have the pilot to get them there. Fine. They crash land. Fine. He goes out with the pilot who can identify Galen. Fine.

First problem is minor - I can accept that they just got lucky that Galen was coming to that specific shuttle bay of the fortress at that moment - sure they got lucky that he was even exposed. Of course Cassian does not take the shot - giving him some redeeming quality I guess.

But here is the big problem. So the Alliance when they lost communication sent a squadron to bomb the facility. But this makes no sense whatsoever. This ends up killing Galen but that is pure luck. They had no reason at all to assume he would be outside and exposed at that moment. All the damage was purely external. Had Galen not just coincidentally been outside (because Krennic picked that moment for a surprise visit, which the alliance was not aware of) the bombing raid would have done nothing except damage some external equipment and killed some guards. Had Galen been inside it was a futile effort. In addition since they lost contact how did THEY know exactly where to attack - since the location was hidden and the pilot only located it visually because he had been there. Perhaps they tracked them ok....but still a bombing run to kill guy that was going to logically be deep inside the bunker/fortress/mountain.

I mean they sent Cassian in the first place assuming the place would have to be infiltrated I think. So a bombing run like that is just a crapshoot.

I think we get distracted here by 3 things
1. Galen dying
2. the impact on Jyn obviously and
3. the conflict that then sets up between Jyn and Cassian on the ship as they leave where she confronts him.

Obviously thats one of the better moments of the film - where she chastises him for just following orders, he says I didn't pull the trigger did I and she says you might as well have ....then he says the movies best line:

"I've been in this fight since I was six years old You're not the only one who lost everything. Some of us just decided to do something about it."

That really sets up the stretch run and them bonding together...but it's based on a flawed scene.

I think that must have been a rewrite scene just to create that moment really. It just doesn't make sense and was thrown together to give them what they wanted/needed - Galens death, Jyns anger, the conflict with Cassian and his redemption of sorts. I would be interested to know how it played out originally if it was changed because I'm betting it didn't work as well for creating that dynamic so they changed it.

Anyway still love it.....but now that scene bugs me.
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I don't think their plan revolved around Galen being outside at all.

1. They learned from Cassian that Galen was at Eadu
2. They sent Cassian to assassinate him
3. When the ship crashed and they lost contact with Cassian, they went with Plan B, which was the bombing attack. They knew this was less likely to succeed. Remember that General Draven was doing all of this without sanction and therefore couldn't wait for another opportunity.

I think it all tracks.
Zombie Jon Snow
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AliasMan02 said:

I don't think their plan revolved around Galen being outside at all.

1. They learned from Cassian that Galen was at Eadu
2. They sent Cassian to assassinate him
3. When the ship crashed and they lost contact with Cassian, they went with Plan B, which was the bombing attack. They knew this was less likely to succeed. Remember that General Draven was doing all of this without sanction and therefore couldn't wait for another opportunity.

I think it all tracks.

But it had a near 0% chance of having any success - Galen was only outside by coincidence. There was no plan to ensure he was, there was no reason to suspect he would be. And if he was not, it would have been a failure and tipped their hand as well.

It only worked because of a highly contrived plot scenario.

It would be akin to the US having a spy in NK who communicated that Kim Jong Un was at this compound, then lose communication, and then sending a random bombing mission to that fortress mountain compound in NK on just the hope that Kim Jong Un happened to be outside at that moment. That is no plan at all which is why we've never done it.

Philip J Fry
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Meh. I've seen bigger plot holes.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Philip J Fry said:

Meh. I've seen bigger plot holes.

I'm not saying it is plot hole - like a mistake or a continuity thing. I'm just saying it is really poor writing and contrived. It makes no sense but it is masked by everything else going on. It's like it was shoehorned in to make it work but doesn't make sense.

They needed Cassian to go on the mission, not pull the trigger, but they needed Galen to they created this scenario and it is weak.
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It was an attack on the facility in the hopes that it would kill Erso. I don't think him being outside had anything to do with the strategy.
Zombie Jon Snow
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AliasMan02 said:

It was an attack on the facility in the hopes that it would kill Erso. I don't think him being outside had anything to do with the strategy.

From what you've seen on the screen - where the only damage was to the exterior and to people outside - thats a horrible plan.

In fact they had no way of even knowing if he would be at the facility right then. It was a literal shot in the dark.

No military planner would ok that mission if the target was Erso and not the facility - which it was.

Now what COULD have made sense was if Cassian spotted him and didn't or wouldn't take the shot but communicated he was there and outside. Then it makes sense. But thats kind of the opposite of what happened. Because they only went because communication was lost.

Simply could have been written much better.
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