Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (spoilers and discussion)

236,078 Views | 1640 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Fat Bib Fortuna
Furlock Bones
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Wow. That was a whole lot of meh.
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Worth it just to see Vader. Also, pretty solid ass shot of Felicity when she's clipping the data tape to her belt.
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I just realized, none of the main rebels, except K2, were killed by direct fire. All by explosion of some sort.
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I am one with the force & the force is with me got shot right?
Ag Since 83
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I believe the console behind him got shot and blew up and he was mortally injured in the process
Furlock Bones
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Felicity Jones is a terrible actress as well. No idea why she keeps getting cast.
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Furlock Bones said:

Felicity Jones is a terrible actress as well. No idea why she keeps getting cast.

Aw, no one fell for your first troll.
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So I watched it. Posting here before reading 1000 posts....

It was probably the most satisfying Star Wars experience I remember from a first viewing in a theater (basically starting with the reruns of the special editions and prequels) It wasn't a really great film or anything, but honestly it doesn't have to be amazing for me to enjoy, just don't serve me up a sack of **** with lightsabers.

Like the prequels, the characters were kinda ****ty. I liked the Jyn Erso character, but I expect for most she was pretty ****ing bland and boring. Her father tells her to run away, and Forest Whitaker picks her up. That's like her entire story. Kinda at its heart this is more of a "war movie" so it would have been a lot better if she was always in a military unit with all of these secondary characters we are never gonna really give a **** about. Her sparse backstory would be better, if in the first act we get more of a "squad building" type feel, of seeing this team in action together, rather than an hour of **** happening before you even have "the gang" all together and ready to go. The military unit could have served as a "character" that we cared about, as it was, the audience pretty much has to dig into what they already know and place "The Rebel Alliance" as the thing that they care about, and the problem with that is the audience already knows the Rebel Alliance wins. We already know they get the plans. We should have seen all the characters that made up the squad fighting together from the beginning, perhaps only adding in the imperial pilot when it became necessary to move on to the main objective, or the whole squad including Jyn should have been fighting from the beginning to help this pilot defect, or something. Then when we see them all essentially dying for each other it means something more than just "yay, alliance"

The climax/final act of the movie is great. It felt far more like "Star Wars is back" to me than the action sequences of Episode VII. It reinforced that you don't need a bunch of lightsabers to have a nice space battle. The final battle for the plans is basically a callback to the Battle of Endor from Jedi, except it looks like an actual war down on the planet rather than playtime with teddy bears.

I thought some of the callbacks were unnecessary and distracting. Did we need to see Vader dress down someone? We already know he's kind of a bad ass. We could have lived with just his cameo at the end. R2D2 and C3PO...Jesus Christ, just make one ****ing film without shoving these guys down my throat, please. Princess Leia's character also gets shoved into this, in what also would have been a "shove down the throat moment" but actually that scene, for at least a few weeks, at least gets an emotional response because Carrie Fisher died.

tl/dr version...characters kinda sucked, very nice space battle, satisfying film

The film did unsettle me about the future of the industry. We already have people continuing to remake **** (like Star Wars, Ghostbusters, etc) because things that already have strong brands sell well. What I learned in this movie is that not only will we have retread stories in 10-20 years, but its apparently also gonna be all the same ***hole actors "brought back to life" as CGI. Michael J Fox is going to be playing Marty McFly in a film 50 ****ing years from now, just watch.
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To the "remake" concern, take heart that the new Ghostbusters was a total disaster on every front. People aren't going to use that as a reason to retread.

Star Wars continuing on is a good thing. Growing an existing property is different than rebooting, imo.
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AliasMan02 said:

To the "remake" concern, take heart that the new Ghostbusters was a total disaster on every front. People aren't going to use that as a reason to retread.

Star Wars continuing on is a good thing. Growing an existing property is different than rebooting, imo.
It's a big galaxy, with a story spanning several generations and potentially even many millennia, there's room for many, many stories. Bring them on!

Furlock Bones
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rasher said:

Furlock Bones said:

Felicity Jones is a terrible actress as well. No idea why she keeps getting cast.

Aw, no one fell for your first troll.

Not a troll at all. The movie was extremely meh.

Felicity Jones is also a terrible actress. Her idea of emotion is to squint up her face to make herself look more rodent like. Can't stand watching her.
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I agree with Furlock. The Vader scene was rushed, as in, it was too short. Needed more of him dismantling rebels.
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Your definition of massive amounts of constant fight scenes and mine seem to differ.
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Flaws...who cares? All movies have flaws.
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I'm pretty big on Star Wars, but toward the end of TFA I was thinking, "man when is this going to be over? "

After Rogue One, it just makes you realize how great Alien , Blade Runner and the original Star Wars were.
Furlock Bones
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VanZandt92 said:

I'm pretty big on Star Wars, but toward the end of TFA I was thinking, "man when is this going to be over? "

After Rogue One, it just makes you realize how great Alien , Blade Runner and the original Star Wars were.

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I actually consider myself a fan, if not a fan boy. The latter I guess is people who delve into the Star Wars plot as if it is actually well thought out. It isn't. It's space wizards and blasters man. Pyew pwew pyew

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Furlock Bones said:

Wow. That was a whole lot of meh.
this is trolling. a complaint with absolutely nothing to discuss and nothing to back it up. unnecessary and pointless.

the following is valid and good discussion:
"So I watched it. Posting here before reading 1000 posts....

It was probably the most satisfying Star Wars experience I remember from a first viewing in a theater (basically starting with the reruns of the special editions and prequels) It wasn't a really great film or anything, but honestly it doesn't have to be amazing for me to enjoy, just don't serve me up a sack of **** with lightsabers.

Like the prequels, the characters were kinda ****ty. I liked the Jyn Erso character, but I expect for most she was pretty ****ing bland and boring. Her father tells her to run away, and Forest Whitaker picks her up. That's like her entire story. Kinda at its heart this is more of a "war movie" so it would have been a lot better if she was always in a military unit with all of these secondary characters we are never gonna really give a **** about. Her sparse backstory would be better, if in the first act we get more of a "squad building" type feel, of seeing this team in action together, rather than an hour of **** happening before you even have "the gang" all together and ready to go. The military unit could have served as a "character" that we cared about, as it was, the audience pretty much has to dig into what they already know and place "The Rebel Alliance" as the thing that they care about, and the problem with that is the audience already knows the Rebel Alliance wins. We already know they get the plans. We should have seen all the characters that made up the squad fighting together from the beginning, perhaps only adding in the imperial pilot when it became necessary to move on to the main objective, or the whole squad including Jyn should have been fighting from the beginning to help this pilot defect, or something. Then when we see them all essentially dying for each other it means something more than just "yay, alliance"

The climax/final act of the movie is great. It felt far more like "Star Wars is back" to me than the action sequences of Episode VII. It reinforced that you don't need a bunch of lightsabers to have a nice space battle. The final battle for the plans is basically a callback to the Battle of Endor from Jedi, except it looks like an actual war down on the planet rather than playtime with teddy bears.

I thought some of the callbacks were unnecessary and distracting. Did we need to see Vader dress down someone? We already know he's kind of a bad ass. We could have lived with just his cameo at the end. R2D2 and C3PO...Jesus Christ, just make one ****ing film without shoving these guys down my throat, please. Princess Leia's character also gets shoved into this, in what also would have been a "shove down the throat moment" but actually that scene, for at least a few weeks, at least gets an emotional response because Carrie Fisher died.

tl/dr version...characters kinda sucked, very nice space battle, satisfying film"
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AliasMan02 said:

I have plenty of criticism for RO, as shown in this thread. That's fine. The trolling is when the prodding starts, looking for soft spots. Furlock tried several before the "money grab" one hit.

Nobody has to like anything. Nobody needs a safe space. Discuss flaws as much as you like. But the thread really is a good discussion and having it derailed by threadcrapping is unnecessary and disruptive. Save trolling for the zoo and the GB.
Again, I'm a big Star Wars fan. My children sleep on stormtrooper pillows. But when you retread two movies in a row with Death Star themes, its a money grab. Do they have redeeming qualities? Yes most certainly. The monster scenes on the Milllenium Falcon in The Force Awakens were awesome.

On the other hand, maybe Star Wars was never as good as I thought. Yet I've watched it recently. It is as magical as ever. Rogue One was a good flick, but it doesn't have the mojo of the original.
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What was retread about rogue one?


The monster scenes on the Milllenium Falcon in The Force Awakens were awesome

That's the first time I've read/heard of someone liking that part.
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Part of the problem here is that Star Wars is confined to one thread and that one thread gives us tired head trying to get through all the Extending Universe garbage.
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redline248 said:

What was retread about rogue one?


The monster scenes on the Milllenium Falcon in The Force Awakens were awesome

That's the first time I've read/heard of someone liking that part.

I thinik I meant the Ervana.


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Was it the Ervana?
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wesag said:

Was it the Ervana?
yes that scene

"Han Solo's freighter, the Eravana, had been boarded by two notorious criminal factions, the Guavian Death Gang and Kanjiklub, whom Solo was indebted to. Not wanting Rey and Finn to be involved, Han placed both of them in the lower corridors of the freighter while he and Chewie went to meet with the criminals, with BB-8 accompanying them. The smuggler tried but failed to convince both parties that he would fix things eventually, with the Guavian Death Gang negotiator, Bala-Tik recognizing the BB-8 astromech droid from a First Order bounty placed on it. They demanded that Han hand over the droid and any stowaways he might have on board. As the scuffle continued, Rey accidentally released three rathtars. They successfully escaped the gangs and jumped into hyperspace in the Falcon. Bala-tik then ordered his men to inform the First Order that Han Solo and the droid unit were aboard the ship.[url=][3][/url]"
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I knew what you meant, still I think you're the first person I've encountered that liked that scene.
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That scene was awesome.
The Collective
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VanZandt92 said:

Part of the problem here is that Star Wars is confined to one thread and that one thread gives us tired head trying to get through all the Extending Universe garbage.

I think you can start another thread & put in the OP no EU bull***** I'm sure it will generate discussion.
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This movie wasn't retread, certainly not like TFA was. It was stuffed randomly with fanboyservice, almost like a conscious decision that since we dont have jedi, we better pack it with callbacks and imperial walkers, etc.

I think I was more satisfied with it than TFA, because from a much more analytical (nerdier) perspective, this film actually "fit in." It made things that happen in older movies make more sense, whereas usually each succeeding film muddles things up more. TFA has several annoying things where JJ Abrams added things to the universe in ways that are distracting like hyperdriving through shields, etc. The story was good, and strength in the final half made up for weaknesses in the first half. TFA was a boring unoriginal story comprised of elements we've seen before, but benefited hugely from beloved characters and more polished new characters to care about.
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I saw it in 3D and Tarkin's face was very much like a video game more than a film. Sounds like from this thread that 2D may be better. I think they would also have been better served to have Tarkin be the singular on screen villain in this one (ie combine his character with Krennic), but they probably would have needed to recast and have a real person play the part for sure in that case
Furlock Bones
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3D continued to suck. Unfortunately they are pretty much making us watch blockbusters in 3D.
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Furlock Bones said:

3D continued to suck. Unfortunately they are pretty much making us watch blockbusters in 3D.

I saw it in 3D . It was way dark.
The Collective
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I just avoid imax 3d. Cinemark XD usually ofees 2D, so that's good enough for me.
Furlock Bones
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The screen is definitely not vibrant in 3D.

Don't worry this is not a Star Wars knock fan boys. This is an ongoing 3D problem
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wesag said:

That scene was awesome.
cant be serious
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wesag said:

That scene was awesome.
That scene was horrible. I felt bad for Harrison Ford for having to do it.
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