Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (spoilers and discussion)

236,414 Views | 1640 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Fat Bib Fortuna
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Best part of TFA was new characters that I ended up giving a **** about
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So is it time to start talking box office predictions?
Was doing some quick back of the napkin math and if it tracks similar to TFA it would get north of a billion by a couple hundred million maybe? Pretty big question mark there though.
Zombie Jon Snow
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My prediction a month or so ago was for $550M domestic and $1.1B worldwide. It beat my original opening estimate but I'm sticking with that overall total.

That would be huge by the way although naysayers will compare to TFA but this should be judged on its own almost. Its a standalone - no legacy of Han, Luke, Leia, R2 or C3PO fans, etc.

$550M would make it 6th all-time however adjusted for inflation more like 50th while TFA is #1 all-time and 11th all-time adjusted. About right.
Philip J Fry
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Just got done watching Empire. It's amazing what R1 has done for the franchise. Now, when they they are searching for Luke and Han on Hoth, I assume "Rogue 2" was taken as a name sake to remember the fallen.
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Philip J Fry said:

Just got done watching Empire. It's amazing what R1 has done for the franchise. Now, when they they are searching for Luke and Han on Hoth, I assume "Rogue 2" was taken as a name sake to remember the fallen.

I think Rogue Squadron becomes a thing, not just rogue 2. I'm pretty sure they refer to Luke as Rogue Leader in Hoth. Anyway, you are correct, definitely ties in. No doubt Rogue Squadron is a position of high esteem.
Atreides Ornithopter
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Did anyone hear the stormtroopers discussing a T-14? I think and claiming it was obsolete? Was Luke's Speeder that he sold a T-16 or am I mixing up numbers?
The Collective
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Zombie Jon Snow said:

My prediction a month or so ago was for $550M domestic and $1.1B worldwide. It beat my original opening estimate but I'm sticking with that overall total.

Sounds about right. I can't imagine this has the staying power of TFA. There is also an age cutoff with this film where you really have to think long and hard about it. I'll go see it once more, so 2 total viewings.
Duncan Idaho
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Brennus said:

Did anyone hear the stormtroopers discussing a T-14? I think and claiming it was obsolete? Was Luke's Speeder that he sold a T-16 or am I mixing up numbers?

That is what popped into my mind when I heard it.

That or this
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I thought it was great.

It was a fantastic looking movie, and was actually a much bigger movie than I expected it to be.

It certainly had an uneven beginning and exposition, and I would have liked a little more build-up to the formation of the Rogue 1 assault team for the final battle, even just one scene, but everything after that was as good or better than anything else in the franchise.

The final battle (land and space) and Vader/Leia ending was so well done that it overshadows my earlier complaints. That whole ~40 minute section was movie magic.

My initial impression is that I liked it more than The Force Awakens, which I also really liked. TFA was just a little too derivative and I was off-put by Boyega (who I never really bought into as a trained from birth stormtrooper and is a bit of an over-actor for the role IMO) and Driver (who just doesn't fit), which means two of the three biggest new characters don't work that well on some level. The untrained novice being able to whip Kylo Ren was an issue for me as well, and I don't know that toddler training is going to be enough to explain that away.

I thought the CG Tarkin was great (2D, Cinemark DX), by far the best I've seen of an actual human. Most of his screen time he looked non-CG, and the few times it was obvious didn't bother me. I'm much more impressed than bothered. Leia didn't look as good in her brief appearance but the decision to show her face was still the right one IMO.

Rogue One might be number two for me after Empire.
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Brennus said:

Did anyone hear the stormtroopers discussing a T-14? I think and claiming it was obsolete? Was Luke's Speeder that he sold a T-16 or am I mixing up numbers?
No. Luke's speeder was an X-34. T-14 is either referring to a hyperdrive (like what was referenced in Ep. I) or a gun
The Collective
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From an easter egg article about the film:

On Scarif, two troopers are discussing the retirement of the T-15 Skyhopper, which is a reference to A New Hope. When Obi-Wan Kenobi sneaks past a pair of Stormtroopers, who are discussing the introduction of a new T-16 ship.
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Or I'm just wrong
The Collective
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wangus12 said:

Or I'm just wrong

Hey, I didn't have a ****ing clue. I just knew it was familiar when watching the film.
BMX Bandit
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For 2-D, The complaints about Tarkin CGI are wildly exaggerated
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I find it hard to believe that anybody thinks TFA was better than R1. While it was better than the prequels, that bar is quite low. I think people are inflating it because of nostalgic reasons. Yeah Harrison Ford was in it, but it's not like he's Daniel Day Lewis or anything. Carrie Fisher cannot act worth a crap anymore, and Mark Hamill did nothing at all. The new cast acted well, but some of them were miscast, imo. Adam Driver was ridiculous in his role.

Then there is the story. The bad guys are searching for a droid on a desert planet where they find the protagonist who has never left the planet and was yearning for more in life. They run into some interesting characters along the way and end up using the force to destroy a huge super weapon just in the nick of time. Sound familiar? Btw, what are the chances that they would just so happen too crash on a planet near the daughter of Luke Skywalker? Not to mention they made her way too powerful for a young untrained Jedi. She basically defeated a more knowledgeable (yet nerdier) Darth Vader (who could pause laser blasts in mid air) without any training at all.

I think TFA might have ruined the future of the franchise. How are they going to keep us entertained? They going to make Jedi yet more and more ridiculously powerful? Will they eventually be able to destroy entire armies singlehanded (like that ridiculous Mace Windu cartoon above)? Destroy entire ships or planets with their minds?

R1 easily surpassed TFA in every way. Including nostalgia.
M.C. Swag
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I think TFA might have ruined the future of the franchise.
Are...are you serious?

I disagree with most of your post, but that quote above takes the cake. You're being way to melodramatic. The franchise will be fine and Daisy Ridley is going to be a superstar for decades to come.
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aTmAg said:

I find it hard to believe that anybody thinks TFA was better than R1. While it was better than the prequels, that bar is quite low. I think people are inflating it because of nostalgic reasons. Yeah Harrison Ford was in it, but it's not like he's Daniel Day Lewis or anything. Carrie Fisher cannot act worth a crap anymore, and Mark Hamill did nothing at all. The new cast acted well, but some of them were miscast, imo. Adam Driver was ridiculous in his role.

Then there is the story. The bad guys are searching for a droid on a desert planet where they find the protagonist who has never left the planet and was yearning for more in life. They run into some interesting characters along the way and end up using the force to destroy a huge super weapon just in the nick of time. Sound familiar? Btw, what are the chances that they would just so happen too crash on a planet near the daughter of Luke Skywalker? Not to mention they made her way too powerful for a young untrained Jedi. She basically defeated a more knowledgeable (yet nerdier) Darth Vader (who could pause laser blasts in mid air) without any training at all.

I think TFA might have ruined the future of the franchise. How are they going to keep us entertained? They going to make Jedi yet more and more ridiculously powerful? Will they eventually be able to destroy entire armies singlehanded (like that ridiculous Mace Windu cartoon above)? Destroy entire ships or planets with their minds?

R1 easily surpassed TFA in every way. Including nostalgia.
you obviously hate TFA and that's like your opinion man.

"Btw, what are the chances that they would just so happen too crash on a planet near the daughter of Luke Skywalker? Not to mention they made her way too powerful for a young untrained Jedi. "

the first order was looking for Skywalker which led him to that old dude on Jakuu. It's probably no coincidence he's there with Rey. you know, like Obi Wan keeping an eye on Luke from afar on tattoinne.
and we don't know much about Rey's past. Seems like she's been trained before. The next 2 episodes will answer that question.
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I don't think TFA is that great, and I think more people are coming around to that idea as nostalgia wears off. I don't think it's trash, but it's squarely in between the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy, IMO.

I think R1 is a bit better than TFA, but it has some weird flaws too. R1 starts very slow, has distractingly awful CGI man (Tarkin), but ends very strong. TFA starts strong but falls apart a bit (again, IMO) down the stretch - superweapon, obligatory space battle featuring 10 X-Wings, a novice besting an dark Jedi because she's got a heap of destiny, Han Solo dying for nothing.

I liked Rogue One, but I think you could have made the story considerably tighter in the first half. Second half makes up for it. I'd rather finish strong than finish generic.
The Collective
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I think Adam Driver plays a Skywalker perfectly, but that's just me. He has the best performed line in the entire film, "Traitor!".

I still see TFA from time to time with kids prowling the house. It's not perfect but always entertaining.
M.C. Swag
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I just shake my head sometimes at complaints about TFA being a ripoff.

Like, people realize that Disney made TFA to be similar on purpose, right? It had been 10 years since Ep. 3 was released and the prior 2 films before that have been almost universally panned. Disney already had an uphill battle to reinvigorate the franchise with relatively unknown actors/characters, to then risk their launch point movie being lumped in with the last 3 (or 4 depending on your opinion of RotJ) terrible franchise films. So it went with what it knew would work. Is that cheap? Yea, but that's ok, because they have a plan. TFA was a reboot meant to inject new life to Star Wars and excite a new audience. $2 billion box office dollars later, they've succeeded and are now firmly in a position to tell the unique story they want.

Now, if Kylo Ren suddenly turns on Snoak and tosses him into a shaft in order to redeem his evil deeds, then I'll come back and apologize. But the way I see it, Disney just laid the foundation. Foundation is usually pretty bland and there's only so many different ways it can be done. Now that they have that, they can properly build their story. (btw, I like Adam Driver as Kylo Ren and think he's a fantastic actor.)

Zombie Jon Snow
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M.C. Swag said:

I just shake my head sometimes at complaints about TFA being a ripoff.

Like, people realize that Disney made TFA to be similar on purpose, right? It had been 10 years since Ep. 3 was released and the prior 2 films before that have been almost universally panned. Disney already had an uphill battle to reinvigorate the franchise with relatively unknown actors/characters, to then risk their launch point movie being lumped in with the last 3 (or 4 depending on your opinion of RotJ) terrible franchise films. So it went with what it knew would work. Is that cheap? Yea, but that's ok, because they have a plan. TFA was a reboot meant to inject new life to Star Wars and excite a new audience. $2 billion box office dollars later, they've succeeded and are now firmly in a position to tell the unique story they want.

Now, if Kylo Ren suddenly turns on Snoak and tosses him into a shaft in order to redeem is evil deeds, then I'll come back and apologize. But the way I see it, Disney just laid the foundation. Foundation is usually pretty bland and there's only so many different ways it can be done. Now that they have that, they can properly build their story. (btw, I like Adam Driver as Kylo Ren and think he's a fantastic actor.)

Yep....I agree completely.

They had a monumental task at hand and had to both sell a whole new generation to make their investment pay off (so a whole new cast that worked and was relatable) and tie-in to the old cast (Han, Leia, Luke and the droids) and world while blending the two together. The story therefore was both familiar and new - and there is the whole thing about history repeating itself so I didn't mind that long as, like you said, the next one isn't another retread. now it's time to forge new ground.

If episode VIII goes like this (I wrote this up on another discussion a while back).....well........then we have a problem....

  • Suddenly it has become winter and the resistance is hurriedly evacuating as the FO attacks....
  • Finn somehow is trapped in a cave with a snow beast....Po goes out in the dangerous temps to rescue him despite Leia's warnings. In the morning they find them inside a tauntaun for warmth.
  • Meanwhile Luke and Rey have landed/crashed on a swamp planet to begin her training and live in a hut.
  • Kylo summons bounty hunter Greedo Fett grandson of Boba...who works for Unkar Plutt on Jakku.
  • Finn and Po escape with Leia and Chewy and after hiding in an asteroid field that turns out to be a monster worm thing that eats metal ships...they go to a cloud city.
  • Luke trains Rey and makes her carry him on her shoulders, she sees images of Kylo in a cave.
  • They meet octogenarian Lando Calrissian....BB8 gets disassembled and Finn gets captured and frozen when Lando betrays them to Kylo Ren in exchange for a floating wheelchair with blasters.
  • Rey senses this and leaves her training early despite Luke shaking his head.
  • Greedo Fett leaves taking Finn's frozen body back to Jakku for a bounty from the Resistance.
  • Rey arrives at cloud city and falls into Kylo's trap...Kylo severs Reys hand and then reveals he is her brother!!!!
  • Rey is ejected beneath cloud city and Chewy and Leia rescue her with the Millennium Falcon, having escaped when Lando felt regret and helped them.
  • Later aboard a medical frigate Rey receives a mechanical hand.
  • Meanwhile Lando and Chewy set off to Jakku to rescue Finn from Unkar Plutt...and C3PO, BB8, R2D2, Leia, Po, Luke and Rey look out a window and wait.

  • The Collective
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    I am kind of hoping they kill C-3PO off in VIII. Is that too much to ask?
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    TFA isn't the perfect Star Wars movie, but it's exactly what it had to be with the albatross of the prequels hanging around its neck. Episodes 8 and 9 will stand much more on their own, apart from the OT.

    Even so, I love TFA. It's not perfect, but still great.
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    Relatedly, it's also amusing to me that people complain about another Death Star type weapon being built. It's a weapon THAT DESTROYS ENTIRE PLANETS. Why would they not try to rebuild it again? If Japan snuck into the US and disabled our nukes, would we have just stopped building them because they were foiled once before?
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    It seems fairly obvious, after the prequels, that the writers wanted to make sure TFA was a nod to the originals.

    It was great. Maybe a bit of a copy-cat story line, but it has set the franchise up for the rest of the story going forward. All in all though, a fun movie that my kids and me really enjoyed.

    R1 was completely different. But it was great too, and did a great job telling a stand-alone story, while also filling in some huge holes. But again, all in might have been different than the rest, but a really fun movie that my kids and me really enjoyed.

    M.C. Swag
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    Yep. Star Wars is fun again! That's the point. And we should all be excited about the future of this franchise that has quickly become the crown jewel of Disney studios. Im so unbelievably jealous of my un-born children who will most likely grow up in a world with 15+ Star Wars movies.
    Philip J Fry
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    My biggest issue with TFA was calling the alliance "The Resistence" and the Empire "TFO". Dumb names. Should have just called them what they originally were and explained how the empire never completely fell.
    The Collective
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    Philip J Fry said:

    My biggest issue with TFA was calling the alliance "The Resistence" and the Empire "TFO". Dumb names. Should have just called them what they originally were and explained how the empire never completely fell.

    Yea, I think it is way over simplified. There would be "Empire" remnants left within in the Republic as well, so it can't just be the First Order rose from the ashes of the Empire. The destruction of the Republic in TFA shouldn't just be the First Order taking out the good guys, it should also be eliminating the competition from a darker perspective. It would be interesting to find out the Republic nomenclature being used was just an attempt by another evil group or person attempting to galvanize a movement under the guise of being benevolent... "Hey, remember the Republic? Yea, that's who we are now."

    They may not explore this theme at all, but I hope it is more complex than Snoke = bad = old empire... Republic = good = Leia.
    Duncan Idaho
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    Philip J Fry said:

    My biggest issue with TFA was calling the alliance "The Resistence" and the Empire "TFO". Dumb names. Should have just called them what they originally were and explained how the empire never completely fell.

    If it was made today it would be called the Alt-empire. /Politics board

    I agree I would have like to have had a movie where the empire is slowly falling and the rebels are continuing their lawless slaughter of innocents. Hopefully one of the non-saga movies will be like the "das Boot" or "letters from Iwo Jima". Basically a serious version of the web short "troopers"

    I loved the scene in RO when he killed the informant in cold blood. And I hope we get more moral ambiguity in future non-saga movies.
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    M.C. Swag said:

    Yep. Star Wars is fun again! That's the point. And we should all be excited about the future of this franchise that has quickly become the crown jewel of Disney studios. Im so unbelievably jealous of my un-born children who will most likely grow up in a world with 15+ Star Wars movies.
    The only thing that worries me about this is that every damn action/adventure movie will either be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC or Star Wars. It's practically like that now. The studios will be too afraid to do anything outside the realm of known franchises.
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    Super interesting read...
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    I think we'll get a pretty definitive end to the Empire as a power when we get the full story of the Battle of Jakku in February in Empire's End. We already know the Imperial Remnant signs a peace deal and retreats to a backwater part of the galaxy.

    I think the rise of the First Order will be distinct, because I don't think Snoke is around until after Jakku. Rax is a Palpatine devotee, after all, and I don't think Snoke has any love for Palps.
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    M.C. Swag said:


    I think TFA might have ruined the future of the franchise.
    Are...are you serious?

    I disagree with most of your post, but that quote above takes the cake. You're being way to melodramatic. The franchise will be fine and Daisy Ridley is going to be a superstar for decades to come.
    I don't have a problem with Ridley. I think she was outstanding. It's the story that was the problem. Similarly, Natalie Portman, Liam Neeson, Samuel Jackson, etc. are all great actors. But the dialog and story of the prequels were so bad that their acting ability couldn't make up for it. Don't get me wrong, TFA far surpassed the prequels. But it's not as good as the OT nor R1.

    I think they screwed up in making Rey/Ren too strong right off the bat. It's almost to the point that there is nothing jedi/sith cannot do. It's the same problem with Superman. You know that when a guy can shred a bullet with his eyeball, that it's just a matter of time before he grits his teeth and does something amazing that saves the day. There is no real suspense. Where, in the OT, Luke got his ass kicked repeatedly. He should have died in ESB, and if it wasn't for Vader, he'd been dead in RTOJ. The fun was watching him grow.

    I think they will finish this trilogy, but then will have to reboot the whole thing over again. Jedi/sith have just become too powerful. They need to scale that back some.
    Philo B 93
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    The more I think about the movie, the less impressed I am with it as a Star Wars movie.

    It was a good war movie that takes place in space, I assume a long time ago in a galaxy far away. Yes, Darth Vader had a mostly non-necessary part. C3PO and R2D2 had a total cameo. There were X-wing fighters and the Death Star. But for 7 movies, thousands of toys, a few animated series, hundreds of books, and one Christmas Special, Star Wars is about this:
    1. The Skywalkers,
    2. Han Solo,
    3. Jedi Knights / the Force / Light Sabers

    For all intents and purposes (intensive purposes for a few of you), Rogue One had none of those. The script would have been better used on a Star Trek or Guardians of the Galaxy movie. I felt bad for all the kids in the audience. The first 90 minutes is a planet hopping set up with unfamiliar faces, spies, refugees, military plans, space politics, and a bunch of other stuff that 10 year olds don't care about.

    I thought TFA was a much better movie, but hey... I'm a Star Wars purist.
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    My 11 year old daughter loved it...until everyone died at the end.
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