172,296 Views | 1426 Replies | Last: 11 mo ago by Definitely Not A Cop
Brian Earl Spilner
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Enzo The Baker
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Well, he is Scottish.
Enzo The Baker
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Also they couldn't have made it more obvious that he is at the very least in consideration. You'd think that dealing with press would be one of the first things you would go over if you are a James Bond candidate.
Sea Speed
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Brian Earl Spilner said:


34 likes and no tags. Where the hell do you find this stuff.
jackie childs
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i really don't dislike madden, but i just don't see him as james bond
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I'm grateful for a pretty looking movie. For the 5 minute whirlwind ode to a real James Bond movie with the hot Cuban chick, even if it was a rushed awkward nonsensical joke. Interesting opening scene. DNA targeted bio weapon is of course the good plot idea.


It's like the recent Star Wars bull***** Some utter, absolute low IQ moron's idea of how to deliberately destroy a great franchise....executed by people with no skills, no creativity, and no idea what ever even made the franchise great or what makes a great movie in general.

Just make sure you have enough big fake looking explosions and minority faces in the cast and it'll be GREAT!

I won't go any farther but they really cast an unattractive, uninteresting fat woman With a terrible wardrobe and entitled ****ty attitude as a new 007!?

jackie childs
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jackie childs said:

i really don't dislike madden, but i just don't see him as james bond
after watching madden fail to develop any meaningful chemistry with gemma chan in a 2.5 hour movie, i'm now firmly in the camp that he should not be james bond
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I would chemistry the hell out of Gemma Chan.
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Finally got a chance to see this. It was the first time back in a theater since all hell broke loose 20 months ago.

A gorgeous movie and the action scenes were amazing. I love the Easter eggs to prior movies and especially the nods to OHMSS which I think is criminally under rated. Closing on Louie Armstrong was classy.

Was it perfect? No. Did they waste Christoph Waltz in both movies? Yes. Did Craig close on a high note? Yes. I'm glad they didn't maguffin the nanobots. That would have been the easy way out.
Brian Earl Spilner
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schmidthead said:

I would chemistry the hell out of Gemma Chan.
We have rules around here!

"And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
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Taking it another direction,

How the **** can they not realize that no one watches james bond movies for characters that look like the average housewife standing in line at walmart!?

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wangus12 said:

This really summed up a lot of my feelings now that the Craig era is over.

While the movies were overall good, they just turned Bond into a sad, bitter, cranky sourpuss with zero charisma. Plus, the movies just weren't.......fun anymore. I believe that, in five movies, he retired (or was presumed dead) in three movies and ended up on a remote beach somewhere before returning to MI:6 to save the world.

This may be a controversial take (especially since I've been watching Bond movies in theaters since the Spy Who Loved Me), but here it is:

The same year that Bond got rebooted with Casino Royale (2006), JJ Abrams resurrected the Mission: Impossible franchise with M:I 3. Since then, I think the M:I franchise has been the overall better spy movie franchise with a more entertaining and fun series of movies. I think I'd rather watch Ghost Protocol over any of the Craig movies.

I really hope that the next Bond is more fun. More Roger Moore than Daniel Craig. Bring the charm and fun back to the series. I've had enough of the cynical, gritty, world-weary Bond.
Sex Panther
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The same year that Bond got rebooted with Casino Royale (2006), JJ Abrams resurrected the Mission: Impossible franchise with M:I 3. Since then, I think the M:I franchise has been the overall better spy movie franchise with a more entertaining and fun series of movies. I think I'd rather watch Ghost Protocol over any of the Craig movies.

I don't think it's even close... and I agree completely with your assessment. Overall the Craig era is pretty mediocre and indeed not really all that fun
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I'm basically in agreement with both posts above. I rewatched No Time to Die in theaters a few weeks ago, with my family, everyone gave it a big shoulder shrug, and any shine it initially had for me had definitely warn off. I still love Craig in the role, but these movies definitely needed to be more fun or more thought out or something. And yeah, it didn't help that the superior franchise (for the time being), in the M:I movies, released three of the greatest action movies of all time (Ghost Protocol, Rogue Nation, and Fallout) during the Craig run.
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cbr said:


I'm grateful for a pretty looking movie. For the 5 minute whirlwind ode to a real James Bond movie with the hot Cuban chick, even if it was a rushed awkward nonsensical joke. Interesting opening scene. DNA targeted bio weapon is of course the good plot idea.


It's like the recent Star Wars bull***** Some utter, absolute low IQ moron's idea of how to deliberately destroy a great franchise....executed by people with no skills, no creativity, and no idea what ever even made the franchise great or what makes a great movie in general.

Just make sure you have enough big fake looking explosions and minority faces in the cast and it'll be GREAT!

I won't go any farther but they really cast an unattractive, uninteresting fat woman With a terrible wardrobe and entitled ****ty attitude as a new 007!?

This pretty much sums up how I feel. The opening scene definitely pulled me in, especially with the "we have all the time in the world" reference. The shoot-out with the Cuban chick was maybe a bit cartoonish, but still fun to watch.

Everything else was cliche and predictable. Say what you want about the Nomi character, but everything with her felt like an afterthought to the main plot. By the end of the movie, I felt the missiles could not arrive fast enough.

In summary, we waited two years for this?
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Watched this last night. We made the mistake of not re-watching the Craig movies in a run up to this one so we were immediately confused on who Madeline was. Was she brand new out of the blue chick he met while in retirement or was she in previous movie? That's how little we remember the previous film since haven't seen it since it came out.

Anyway, thought the movie was good but not great. Plot was confusing and throw away in some places as many others have said. Actually had to pause it a few times and talk through it with wife so we understood what was happening. Motivations were lacking. The Nomi character was poor. I don't want to see her again involved with this franchise. Yuck. It must be disheartening to know that you are literally the ugliest female ever cast in a Bond film and by a long shot.

And I don't understand why Madeline lied to Bond about his daughter. That made no sense to me when it was clearly his daughter.

Ana de Armas. I'm not completely sure who she is but she is raging hot and we need to see more of her...stat. Damn.

Owning an Aston Martin continues to be my dream car. They are probably unreliable pieces of crap as all British cars are, but they are works of art and I want one.

My BIL got me the 4K set of all Bond movies for Christmas so our next big series watch is that one. Neither of us have seen some of the Connery films and I frankly haven't seen any other Bond movie aside from Casino Royale more than once.
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Lol... here's the main thread. I just posted in the ******* thread.

Quick note: It was okay, but the plot was everywhere and so much didn't make sense.

James Bond should always be James Bond; the character isn't 007, it is James Bond.

Ana de Armas was not in there long enough.
Max Power
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So I rented this one this weekend and it was...unfulfilling. Just seemed way too formulaic and also full of nonsense. Had some decent action but just not what I was looking for. Perhaps my expectations were too high because this was directed by Cary Joji ***unaga and I was hoping for some True Detective season 1 intensity. The whole plot had way too many things they were trying to squeeze together, and they never fit. I also got the distinct feeling the Craig didn't want to be there, he was just going through the motions. I really hope they don't think they're going to make a Bond film with Lashana Lynch as the lead, she has the charisma of a dead moth. She's a supporting actress on her best day, hell, Naomie Harris would be 10X the pick and she's already in a different role. I just don't get why she was not only the successor to Bond as 007 in the movie, but in the movie at all. Was she the best they could do? This was not a great send off for Craig to say the least.

My rankings for the Craig-era Bond films.

1. Skyfall
2. Casino Royale
3. No Time to Die
4. Spectre
5. Quantum of Solace: while I really dislike Spectre this one comes in last place specifically because I don't even remember what it was about. At least Spectre had Cristoph Waltz. Better to be remembered as a bad film than to have been completely forgettable.
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Y'all can say what you want about the Craig movies, but I am firmly in the camp that two of these movies are im the top 3 all-time. That's impressive. I appreciate the bourne-esque turn after the Brosnan series. Casino Royale and Skyfall are masterpieces, Spectre gets a bad rap based on lofty expectations for Waltz, and the finale was solid, if not on par with the excellence of Casino Royale and Skyfall.

Connery is King, but Craig is right there.
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What about setting the next Bond movie in the 1960's and do an old school throwback?

Would bring fresh energy to the franchise.

I read Tarantino wanted to do this back in 2006 with Casino Royale.
Milwaukees Best Light
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Finally got around to seeing this.

First thought is, man, did Danny Craigs Bond age fast! When he started, he was too young. The unpolished beginning Bond. Now, he is retired, old, jaded and cranky dead Bond.

How can you have Bond not shag Ana de Armas? Come on. He is Bond, she is the impressionable rookie agent that is crazy hot. Don't F with the winning formula.

Can we stop having Bond kill dudes with a rifle from the hip? I don't think he actually killed anyone with a shouldered rifle. Dude is supposed to be a trained killer. I don't think trained killers shoot an AR with one extended hand, or from their waist.

James Bond doesn't have kids. Just no. A cheap Kindergarten Cop laugh is not worth ruining the character.

Maybe this new Bond lady will be a lesbian and she will shag more hot girls than Sean Connery. Gotta hope for something.
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Finally watched this last night. Thought it was a decent movie but I don't understand the love many are giving it. I liked quantum of solace better than this. I also think QOS gets a bad rap from people simply because it wasn't casino royale. The wife and I both were annoyed at the end. Killing Felix off was sad. Killing bond was bs. I get that they were trying to provide finality here. I just think it was lame. Bond doesn't die. He fades into the sunset.

The one shot stairwell scene reminded me of the hallway fight scene in Daredevil season 1. But daredevils fight was better. This was still good though.

Did anyone else groan at the lame dad joke bond made after the EMP watch went off? "It blew his mind."

Over all I thought this was an okay movie. Had some nice action scenes but the ending really just left a bad taste in my mouth. It ranks at the bottom of the Craig bond films for me. I am happy for those of you that were able to enjoy it more.
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GiveEmHellBill said:

wangus12 said:

This really summed up a lot of my feelings now that the Craig era is over.

While the movies were overall good, they just turned Bond into a sad, bitter, cranky sourpuss with zero charisma. Plus, the movies just weren't.......fun anymore. I believe that, in five movies, he retired (or was presumed dead) in three movies and ended up on a remote beach somewhere before returning to MI:6 to save the world.

This may be a controversial take (especially since I've been watching Bond movies in theaters since the Spy Who Loved Me), but here it is:

The same year that Bond got rebooted with Casino Royale (2006), JJ Abrams resurrected the Mission: Impossible franchise with M:I 3. Since then, I think the M:I franchise has been the overall better spy movie franchise with a more entertaining and fun series of movies. I think I'd rather watch Ghost Protocol over any of the Craig movies.

I really hope that the next Bond is more fun. More Roger Moore than Daniel Craig. Bring the charm and fun back to the series. I've had enough of the cynical, gritty, world-weary Bond.

100% disagree

I can't stand the campy ridiculous cartoon Bonds.

much prefer a REALISTIC special agent assassin.

you think a guy who really does that job is just galivanting around having a laugh?!

in reality, a MI5 assassin would act exactly as Daniel Craig played him.

Loved it!
P.H. Dexippus
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Didn't get a chance to see it in the theater but NTTD is now free on Amazon Prime.

Overall, my expectations had been tempered going into by what I had seen in the trailers and seen in reviews. If not, I think I would have been more disappointed.

There were entertaining parts, but too many plot lines. I thought the entire replacement 007 line could have been eliminated and would have enhanced the movie and runtime. Also, I don't watch Bond or MI movies for a love story/romance, and could have done with less. Finally, I need a villain AND hero with comprehensible motivations. I don't think this installment provided either.

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the Royal Air Force can get a C-17 to pick up Bond in Norway in an hour..

with no SAS troops but the dweeb Q on board.

"hey, we have to destroy an entire island of bio weapons!!"

"our best plan is to send just two people!"
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Mr. AGSPRT04 said:

Didn't get a chance to see it in the theater but NTTD is now free on Amazon Prime.

Overall, my expectations had been tempered going into by what I had seen in the trailers and seen in reviews. If not, I think I would have been more disappointed.

There were entertaining parts, but too many plot lines. I thought the entire replacement 007 line could have been eliminated and would have enhanced the movie and runtime. Also, I don't watch Bond or MI movies for a love story/romance, and could have done with less. Finally, I need a villain AND hero with comprehensible motivations. I don't think this installment provided either.

the entire black girl 007 was such woke bs...
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94AGBQ said:

Finally watched this last night. Thought it was a decent movie but I don't understand the love many are giving it. I liked quantum of solace better than this. I also think QOS gets a bad rap from people simply because it wasn't casino royale. The wife and I both were annoyed at the end. Killing Felix off was sad. Killing bond was bs. I get that they were trying to provide finality here. I just think it was lame. Bond doesn't die. He fades into the sunset.

The one shot stairwell scene reminded me of the hallway fight scene in Daredevil season 1. But daredevils fight was better. This was still good though.

Did anyone else groan at the lame dad joke bond made after the EMP watch went off? "It blew his mind."

Over all I thought this was an okay movie. Had some nice action scenes but the ending really just left a bad taste in my mouth. It ranks at the bottom of the Craig bond films for me. I am happy for those of you that were able to enjoy it more.
100% agree.

you must be my doppleganger
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Any major protagonist in a bond movie is required to be hot, smart, and glamorous. Not a frumpy ***** with a ****ty attitude and no redeeming qualities.

The movie was intended to destroy the whole premise of james bond movies, through subtle woke bs and poor storytelling. Just like some of the recent star wars movies.
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LMCane said:

GiveEmHellBill said:

wangus12 said:

This really summed up a lot of my feelings now that the Craig era is over.

While the movies were overall good, they just turned Bond into a sad, bitter, cranky sourpuss with zero charisma. Plus, the movies just weren't.......fun anymore. I believe that, in five movies, he retired (or was presumed dead) in three movies and ended up on a remote beach somewhere before returning to MI:6 to save the world.

This may be a controversial take (especially since I've been watching Bond movies in theaters since the Spy Who Loved Me), but here it is:

The same year that Bond got rebooted with Casino Royale (2006), JJ Abrams resurrected the Mission: Impossible franchise with M:I 3. Since then, I think the M:I franchise has been the overall better spy movie franchise with a more entertaining and fun series of movies. I think I'd rather watch Ghost Protocol over any of the Craig movies.

I really hope that the next Bond is more fun. More Roger Moore than Daniel Craig. Bring the charm and fun back to the series. I've had enough of the cynical, gritty, world-weary Bond.

100% disagree

I can't stand the campy ridiculous cartoon Bonds.

much prefer a REALISTIC special agent assassin.

you think a guy who really does that job is just galivanting around having a laugh?!

in reality, a MI5 assassin would act exactly as Daniel Craig played him.

Loved it!

Oddly enough, Fleming added background and traits to Bond after Dr. No to incorporate some of Sean Connery's portrayal, and that's actually the reason he's Scottish.
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Bond has come a long way from slapping a bikini clad woman on the ass while dismissing her because "Time for the men to talk"
Brian Earl Spilner
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I haven't read any of the thread, but I just finished No Time to Die. I loved it. I thought it was a great sendoff for Craig and it hit a lot of good emotional notes for me. Seeing him go badass secret agent was a lot of fun. Would have liked to have seen more Remi Malek and that they would have let the new 007 lighten up a bit instead of having a chip on her shoulder.

They pulled a Marvel at the end of the credits with "James Bond Will Return" and I got chills.

Overall, I thought all but Quantum of Solace was really good. I remember that movie being okay but forgettable. This was the second most fun Craig/Bond movie, behind Casino Royale, but third best overall for me.
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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I actually re-watched NTTD this afternoon while working in the garage. I'm still amazed that they actually ended it that way. And the one thing in all my years of watching 007 movies that I never would have anticipated, an emotional moment centered around Bond finding out he's a dad and then being incinerated a few minutes later.

This one is in my top 5 of 007 movies.
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