First of all, this looks FANTASTIC. I can't quite put my finger on why, but right off the bat this comes across as so much more fresh/exciting than Spectre did in terms of the story/action. Like Spilner, I just have a good feeling about this one.
Secondly, once again, there are no plans to hand off the franchise to the new 007. I don't know why people keep saying that, because the Broccolis have said just the opposite. As of now, they have no interest in an "expanded Bond universe" and have actively shot down a Moneypenny spinoff as well. Sure, minds and circumstances can change, but anyone who says that's currently the plan is doing the same old thing a handful of posters here do so well, which is nothing more than creating a strawman to be mad at. Right now, she's simply a plot device and a new way to challenge Bond. That's it and that's all.