agrams said:
are there any animals that are revered by locals or not hunted? either species, or maybe a particular single animal that is known?
or is it "we need food and eat whatever is killed" type of situation?
The animals are all food. If it wasn't for legal, regulated hunting and the APU's, there wouldn't be an animal left in 5 years. Looks at every African country's history where they ban hunting. Poachers wreak havoc.
Understanding the level of poverty prevalent in Africa is key in understanding how African's view their animal resources. The only reason Chinsembwe has a school and food to feed the kids is Nyakolwe hunting concession. This is true in most villages near concessions.
My estimate for this hunt is we provided over 22,000 pounds of meat to the hunting staff and surrounding villages; or 88,000 4 oz servings of meat. For most of the kids in these local schools, the only meat they get in their diet is what comes from the hunting concession preparing and delivering meat to their school each day. I'm being conservative I think...I think I lowballed the meat yield on the Elephant, Rhino and Hippo. John is getting an estimate for me as he is the expert and I'll communicate that when I have it.