Hobbes01 said:
Getting creative with elephant feet - I love it! You're gonna need a bigger game room soon!
Elephant ear painting...one of my favorite photo's taken in Africa
Hobbes01 said:
Getting creative with elephant feet - I love it! You're gonna need a bigger game room soon!
aggiesundevil4 said:
In all seriousness- just an idea - what do you think about hosting a charity event there for your favorite charity, and we could each put in like $300-$500 bucks to the charity, and the charity could cover good catering and drinks provided, and we stay at hotels nearby after?
There could be a vetting process if you wanted. Keeping the headcount capped at 20-30 people may make sense too.
I've gotten involved on the planning side of several charity events over the past few years and they make great reasons for people to come together and have fun for a good cause.
japantiger said:aggiesundevil4 said:
In all seriousness- just an idea - what do you think about hosting a charity event there for your favorite charity, and we could each put in like $300-$500 bucks to the charity, and the charity could cover good catering and drinks provided, and we stay at hotels nearby after?
There could be a vetting process if you wanted. Keeping the headcount capped at 20-30 people may make sense too.
I've gotten involved on the planning side of several charity events over the past few years and they make great reasons for people to come together and have fun for a good cause.
Call me tomorrow...
The Elephant hunt was probably the most fun and required precise snap shooting...and it puts you in some challenging situationsAgLA06 said:
Couple of questions.
- Which are you most proud of?
- Which have the best story?
- Which do you wish you hadn't killed or done so differently (location, quality of specimen, etc.)?
Weight is a few hundred pounds...below is the video of bringing it in the house. Getting on a scaffold and up in the air high enough to mount took all of us...the original animal was on the order of 1500 lbs...we had to wench it off the river bank onto a trailer.lurker76 said:
Thanks for the amazing pictures. My question is how much does the croc mount weigh, and how did you fasten it to the wall to support all that weight?
Anything with a long set of horns should get a wall pedestal mount vs just a shoulder mount. That extra turn makes a big difference in really appreciating the size and beauty of the animalB-1 83 said:
Wish I'd have had my sable mounted a little differently with more of a turn. Mine's head is a little down so the sweep of the horns doesn't look as great due to distance to the wall.
Sorry, just seeing this. My wife put the book together using ShutterFly. I did the writing and provided the photo's. She organized it all. Much of the writing I took from what I posted here.bigtexD said:
Excuse me if I may have overlooked it but I recall you getting a photo collage/story book made with pictures/details from your trip. If you don't mind me asking, is there someone specific who specializes in something like that? Or did you just do it yourself? Similar to a coffee table book.