Really strong episode again, although I wish we'd get moving more on Mon Mothma's plot line. Was cool hearing about her becoming a senator at 16, that's straight from a lot of EU stuff about why she wanted Leia to eventually succeed her as Chancellor of the New Republic, because Leia was also a senator at 16.
Great reference to Belsavis when they are getting on the prison ships. It was introduced in the EU, then made canon in The Old Republic video game, and has a high-security prison on it (pic).

I don't watch a lot of prison movies, but as someone else said, that was the most terrifyingly accurate depiction of what it feels like to be locked up I think I've ever seen. The hopelessness, the bright lights, the systematic taking away of your rights and conditioning you to do what they want on command to the point they don't even have to talk, you're just turning into Pavlov's dog based on a sound, a light, whatever. Great plot line that the Empire can't find Cassian because he's locked up in an Imperial prison. Also love the way Diego plays Cassian in the first hour he's in the prison - taking it all in, noticing the lag in shift change, taking those few extra beats to see how everything works - not quite enough to get tazed, but enough to file it all away in his memory bank.
What happens to Henry Thomas now? Shut down by ISB. Will they revisit him if they can't get an Cassian lead from Bix and company? I liked the passive resistance of the big guy when he told Bix to run. Didn't raise his hands but just put himself in the way.
Does anyone not think Aunt Petunia is going to suicide bomb that hotel?
Serkis was great. I recognized his voice straightaway but didn't connect it.. He's a Disney company man at this point with Snoke and Klaue. Love those character actors. Guys all look like they've done time. Old man gives you the vibe of the guy from Shawshank.
Mon Mothma's daughter seemed really perturbed when she saw her mom and Tay at the party. Wonder if there was a missing deleted scene or something else. Hubs seems more and more convinced she's boning Not-Valorum.
I have to save Forest Whitaker for last. I love the subtle changes they made to differentiate him from his Rogue One version. He's slimmer, wearing less armor, doesn't have the breath mask, and he's ****ing rageful as hell, much closer to the version we see of him in Clone Wars when he loses his sister. Rogue One Saw seems like a total lunatic, especially if you didn't watch the cartoons. That one scene of him and Luthen makes me revisit an opinion I've had over the last few years, that Forest Whitaker is the best actor in the world. His facial expressions of barely controlled fury to laughing it off and that painful pride, refusing to really join a Rebellion are just fantastic. I hope he comes back soon.