I'm assuming at some point in these 2 seasons we're going to see more of Bail Organa and Alderaan. This is a real opportunity to showcase the beauty and peacefulness of Alderaan and how someone like Palpatine would view that as a massive threat. No offense to Cassian, but I'm so excited about the Coruscant/Rebellion formation stuff!
I have a prediction that at some point in this series, Alderaan or Bail Organa in particular does something that really shows the Empire up in a non-violent way, maybe even personally humiliates Palpatine in the public forum.
Like something the equivalent of a viral video showing Palpatine transforming from kindly Senator to military despot, or even something wild like stolen footage of him fighting Yoda with his Sith Powers in the Senate chamber and calling him a SIth Lord or whatever. Something that loyal Imperialists will call a trick and oppressed systems will see as the truth that makes them want to stand up. For anyone who remembers the original "V" back in the 1980s, there was a part on the mini-series where the Resistance takes over some hospital gala where the Visitors announce a cure for cancer and rip off their leader's human mask to show the lizard face below.
Nothing that dramatic, since Palpatine would straight kill anyone who did that, but something really jarring and extreme that leads him to disbanding the Senate and very specifically targeting Alderaan for revenge.
Life is better with a beagle