In some ways, the layers upon layers of the Empire is a bit odd for me to think about, because Palpatine is at the very top, and he's not just some power-hungry dictator, he's literally the most powerful person in the universe at the time who isn't in self-imposed exile on a swamp.
So while all of the mechanations are there to fulfill the Sith's desire for order in the galaxy, if any one problem really got crazily out of hand, he could personally go to the scene and kill every single person who was opposing him.
So when Mon Mothma is saying Palpatine issued this new decree saying these restrictions are in place, is Palpatine really laboring over his desk at night trying to get the wording right on some executive order? At this point in his story where he's gotten the literal revenge of the Sith, wiped out the Jedi down to less than a dozen) and has an enormous military?
That leads to the question of why they keep building so much of everything all the time anyways. In the EU, they explained it away as Palpatine sensing enemies beyond the Outer Rim (the Vong) that would someday attack the Empire but if you think about how huge of an army the Republic must have had at the end of the Clone Wars, what's his next step? 2 stormtroopers per every person in the galaxy?
It's pretty trivial I suppose, and more of a broad question of what do totalitarian dictators actually want. Palpatine doesn't give a **** about being rich, he's not hurting for a new wardrobe or trying to impress Mara Jade at Court, so what would the end game for Palpatine look like that isn't already there? Absolute complete order seems impossible in a galaxy of quadrillions.
By the way, I only slept 4 hours last night, so ignore this completely if you'd like.