I think the fact that he took it at all means he has already decided to join. He just may not consciosuly know it yet.Aggie_Journalist said:
After the last episode, I actually checked to see if that was the whole season because it felt like a strong note to end on. I was happy to see that we're nowhere near done!
There are so many directions this show can go from here. If I had to make some guesses:
Andor will return to his home planet at some point to lay low. Skarsgard will find him there to get him back in the cause.
The female imperial intelligence officer will uncover Mon Mothma and Skarsgard's ring and drive them into hiding by the end of the season.
Andor will definitely read the manifesto and experience other events that complete his evolution from selfish Mercenary to revolutionary. This is his character arc. He's basically a darker Han Solo with more depth.
Brian Earl Spilner said:
Where's your 3 AM review?
Like others, I'm assuming he goes back to his home planet
LB12Diamond said:
He dead
jokershady said:
Post it it ain't a spoiler
LB12Diamond said:
Isn't the woman the helper in the antique store?
Aggie_Journalist said:
There are so many directions this show can go from here.
I thought it was where Sean Archer went to get the info about the bomb out of Pollux Troy.PatAg said:
Pretty sure that base is where they locked up.the avengers
jeffk said:
All those shots of the TIEs getting prepped with the reflections of the Eye on all the surfaces was incredible.
It's not Valorum. The character's name is listed as Tay Kolma. Based on the name structures, you would assume he is from the same planet as Mon Mothma.MandoArms said:
I wonder what Mon Mothma and the unseated Chancellor Valorum are chatting about? Could he be the possible help she was referencing?
I thought that s well seeing the trailer, but when you consider how old Terrence Stamp looks in TPM, it wouldn't have made any sense. This guy is clearly younger than Stamp was in 1999.MandoArms said:
Oh interesting. Thought for sure they brought him back.