My posting history would show that I have been a defender of the prequels, and that as a Star Wars nut since age 10, that I actually HATE one Star Wars movie, that being The Last Jedi.DallasTeleAg said:
At least The Force Awakens had some cool scenes in it. I can't think of a single scene from the other two that just made me happy to see.
At least, with all the bad we got from Disney, we did get Rogue One... so not all lost.
Justifiably so, and I have a kid who doesn't even like Star Wars, but worships everything Rey. Will watch the sequels just to see Rey be tough, and get back up when she's knocked down, and loves how she heals the snake, talks to kids, and takes care of BB8Brian Earl Spilner said:
Kids my age thought Darth Maul was about the coolest thing ever.
Really looking forward to using this meme during Aggie football season, and basically for the rest of my life. Thanks for introducing it to the board.Brian Earl Spilner said:
Obi-Won: "Good, the imperials ain't found sh*t yet."helloimustbegoing said:
Brian Earl Spilner said:
I do that as well l, and i have to admit I don't think I ever pull up anything from the ST (or Solo).
If I had to guess what clips I bring up most from each movie...
TPM: Podrace, Darth Maul duel
AOTC: Yoda vs Dooku, Imperial March w/ the new clone army
ROTS: Order 66, Anakin vs Obi-Wan, Yoda vs Palpatine, Vader's first breath, and dropping off the twins
ANH: Opening scene, binary sunset scene, Luke's trench run, Throne Room
ESB: Asteroid chase, Yoda lifting the X-Wing, Luke vs Vader
ROTJ: Admittedly not much. Maybe just the final celebration.
R1: Obviously the Vader hallway scene. This might actually be my #1.
Mando: "The Rescue" scene.
The only scenes that comes to mind for the ST are the light speed ram from TLJ, and I think that Snoke throne room duel. But literally just once or twice.
Edit: Just remembered, I do love the final scene in TFA. Rey arriving on Ach-To and finding Luke. Definitely watch that a few times a year.
PatAg said:
Most of my memorable scenes are more visual in nature, as most of the story was subpar in my opinion (or I just didnt like it otherwise).
The x-wing (Poe) roasting about 10 imperials when he shows up at the end of Force Awakens
The shot of Luke standing off against the Imperials in Ep 8
The X-Wings in Ep 7 (specifically flying in tight forrmation low to the water, and then the camera pans to show the flight of tie fighters they are about to engage)
The ship jumping to lightspeed through the Imp fleet in Ep 8
The semi submerged death star with the waves rolling over it
The wrecked star destroyer in the desert
A few others that I can't think of right now I'm sure
Unfortunately, there were a lot more bad visuals that I dont really want to spend the energy listing out, as they bum me out.
They must have changed the tech in the new line of tie fighters..or some psuedo science about them not working in atmosphere.DallasTeleAg said:
Poe is literally the only new character that I actually liked and had any investment in. As I've said earlier, that entire scene from seeing the X-wings come in low over the lake to the end of the scene, is my favorite in the movie.
However... I've played Rogue Squadrons... there is NO way he got through that many deflector shields in that amount of hits!
TFA: The escape in the Falcon through the Imperial wreckage is pretty great.Cinco Ranch Aggie said:
Never really thought about a favorite scene/sequence such as y'all are describing, but I guess if I had time to watch only one part of each of these movies, it'd be these:
The Phantom Menace - Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan/Maul duel starting when the doors open on Maul and ending with Maul's defeat
Attack of the Clones - Obi-Wan vs Jango Fett or the entire ending battle in the arena, through to the duel between Obi-Wan/Anakin/Dooku and then to Yoda and Dooku, to the birth of the Imperial fleet.
Revenge of the Sith - Obi-Wan vs Anakin, Yoda vs Palpatine, Mace Windu vs Palpatine
A New Hope - the Death Star attack
The Empire Strikes Back - the battle of Hoth, then the entire Cloud City sequence
Return of the Jedi - Vader vs Luke in the throne room, ending with Vader pitching Palpatine down the shaft
The Force Awakens - Finn vs Ren, then Rey vs Ren
The Last Jedi - hyperspace ramming, and the opening bombing run on the star destroyer
The Rise of Skywalker - Rey vs Ren on the remains of Death Star II, the final confrontation between Rey, Ben, and Palpatine
Rogue One - the attack on Scarif ending with the Death Star blasting the city, and of course Darth Vader's appearance with his lightsaber and the shot of Princess Leia
Solo - Han and Lando's sabacc game where Han wins
helloimustbegoing said:
I'm going to try and only pick a few per film, but I doubt that's going to work.
The Phantom Menace - Opening moments with Obiwan/Qui-Gon (Close the blast doors!), the duel in the desert, that long sweeping shot of the three-way duel when they're way up high on the platforms, and everything about Obi-Wan vs. Maul.
Attack of the Clones - Obi-Wan and Jango's conversation and 1 on 1 fight; the seismic charges; Anakin's rage as he starts killing the Tuskens and his confession to Padme, that sort of "sick smugness" when he reveals he killed them all. and how hot Padme is in her wedding dress.
Revenge of the Sith - The long opening shot of the 2 Jedi fighters in the battle, the opera scene, Palpatine's reveal about saving Anakin's wife and that little smile he does,Yoda and Obi-Wan outside the Jedi Temple - last stand of the two greatest Jedi.
A New Hope - Obi-Wan's introduction - those little keys jangling notes that were referenced at the beginning of the Obi-Wan trailer; Han's "everything's normal" part of the Death Star jail break; Obi-wan's sacrifice; the end scene with the medals.
The Empire Strikes Back - Every single thing that happens on Dagobah once Yoda is introduced; Vader vs. Luke fight wire to wire, the extremely underrated job of acting by Carrie Fisher when Luke calls to her through the Force as they flee Cloud City.
Return of the Jedi - First time Luke lights up green saber; Vader & Luke conversation on Endor; Vader saves Luke.
The Force Awakens - Ren stopping the blaster fire with the Force, reveal of the Falcon, Han's admission that the Jedi are real; Han touching Ben's face as he dies; Rey calling the saber to her; the Jedi steps
The Last Jedi - Long sweeping shot of Ach-To with the transition from Luke's music to Rey's; Kylo killing SNoke and Rey catching the saber; everything that Luke does as a Force projection on Crait.
The Rise of Skywalker - Chewie's reaction to Leia's death; Lando's speech on how to beat an Empire; Rey leaping to the Falcon off the Star Destroyer; C3PO breaking the 4th wall for one last look at his friends; Han/Ben interaction at the Death Star; the Jedi Voices; Rey passes the blue saber to Kylo; when Rey and Ben square up with their blue sabers vs. Palpatine and we realize this is the first time we've seen 2 Jedi side by side since Obi-Wan and Yoda outside the Jedi temple (on film)
Rogue One - Bail Organa's appearance and referencing both Leia and Obi-Wan to Mon Mothma; the walkthrough the Rebel Base on Yavin IV; K2's sacrifice. The monk destroying the stormtroopers in Jedha City. Vader obv.
Solo - The train heist; Lando's introduction and later narrating "The Calrissian Chronicles",
Brian Earl Spilner said:
I hope this is false as it completely breaks canon. Obi-Won and Vader do not meet between RotS and ANH. I'd be fine if they had confrontations in dreams or force visions but they do not meet before the Death Star. Period.helloimustbegoing said:
Potential spoilers from MakingStarWars.net
10-year-old Leia gets captured by the Inquisitors, taken to Nur, and interrogated.
Leia is in most of the epsisodes
Obi-Wan and Vader fight more than once.
There's a picture on the production art that was released months ago that shows them fighting. And Kathleen Kennedy and Ewan McGregor have called it the "rematch of the century".hunter2012 said:I hope this is false as it completely breaks canon. Obi-Won and Vader do not meet between RotS and ANH. I'd be fine if they had confrontations in dreams or force visions but they do not meet before the Death Star. Period.helloimustbegoing said:
Potential spoilers from MakingStarWars.net
10-year-old Leia gets captured by the Inquisitors, taken to Nur, and interrogated.
Leia is in most of the epsisodes
Obi-Wan and Vader fight more than once.
I don't think it does.hunter2012 said:I hope this is false as it completely breaks canon. Obi-Won and Vader do not meet between RotS and ANH. I'd be fine if they had confrontations in dreams or force visions but they do not meet before the Death Star. Period.helloimustbegoing said:
Potential spoilers from MakingStarWars.net
10-year-old Leia gets captured by the Inquisitors, taken to Nur, and interrogated.
Leia is in most of the epsisodes
Obi-Wan and Vader fight more than once.
Nobody. But I always presumed the line in ANH to point back to the Clone Wars period. Over all the years as a kid, when I'd think of how the Clone Wars might have looked, and when I gave any thought to what Obi-Wan Kenobi was doing all those years on Tatooine, the only thing I really ever came up with was watching over Luke. The thought that he'd have fought Vader again never really crossed my mind.Quote:
Who's to say they don't fight again between ROTS and ANH?
helloimustbegoing said:There's a picture on the production art that was released months ago that shows them fighting. And Kathleen Kennedy and Ewan McGregor have called it the "rematch of the century".hunter2012 said:I hope this is false as it completely breaks canon. Obi-Won and Vader do not meet between RotS and ANH. I'd be fine if they had confrontations in dreams or force visions but they do not meet before the Death Star. Period.helloimustbegoing said:
Potential spoilers from MakingStarWars.net
10-year-old Leia gets captured by the Inquisitors, taken to Nur, and interrogated.
Leia is in most of the epsisodes
Obi-Wan and Vader fight more than once.
All Vader says is "when I left you, I was but the learner, now I am in the Master."
Who's to say they don't fight again between ROTS and ANH?