OK, your old pal me has done the work, let's discuss the **** out of this thing.
Inquisitor Reva meets ??? with a big gun in the alley of a seedy planet.
What does the writing on the wall mean?
Reva heard this guy didn't leave 15% as a tip.
The Fifth Brother, straight out of Rebels.
Might just be the camera work but looks like whoever baldy is is walking straight at the Grand Inquisitor.
Assuming this is Inquisitor HQ - and this means there are at least FOUR Inquistors in the series. Reva is standing, the Fifth Brother is sitting,and there's another female sitting with some sort of horns; she's in a later shot as well.
Grand Inquisitor expressing his dismay that there are no free refills, Fifth Brother in the background.
Exterior of Inquisitor base I assume.
Inquisitor ship on approach.
What a kick to the gut for Obi-Wan to see Luke at virtually the same age he met Anakin at.