Making a Murder - Netflix Original Series

216,690 Views | 1382 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Pluralizes Everythings
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If I accidentally deleted it and didn't realize it, I might unintentionally lie about it.

But I think the cellphone witness testified that her voice mailbox was half empty. I think it would be hard to not knowingly delete 10 or20 voicemails
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Timeline, (Stolen and Planted by Me):


Halbach arrives at the Avery Salvage Yard. This time is actually probably later but it is the time she told her boss she would arrive. I say it's probably later because she spent about 20 minutes at each of her previous clients before arriving at the Avery yard but was spotted taking pictures here an hour later.

1530 1600

A propane delivery man says he saw the Rav leave the Avery property while he was filling up his tank at a nearby station. He says that he usually fills up at 3:30 and it takes a half an hour.


Brendan arrives at the Avery property from school on the school bus. There are other times floated around by Steven Avery's brother in law and nephew that place Halbach on the property, taking photos, earlier but the bus driver should be considered the trusted source on this because it is her job to be at certain locations at the same time five days a week. Why she took notice of a photographer on a junk yard is not clear but if she says she dropped Brendan off at 1540, it's probably pretty accurate.
Assuming this is a more correct time than Halbach gave her boss it would line up with the propane delivery man as well as Avery's statement that Halbach was on the property for 10 minutes.


This, according to Cingulair Wireless, is the final activity from Halbach's phone. Perhaps someone can clarify for me what that means. Is it the last text or outgoing call or is it the last time the phone pinged a cell tower (and every Serial fan knows how reliable those can be).

For the sake of argument, let's assume that this is the exact moment Steven Avery destroyed her phone. That means that in 41 minutes, Halbach finished her work, filled out a bill of sale which Steve Avery took back to his office, and then the crime was committed all without so much noise that Brendan was taken away from his Playstation 2.

This, I'm sure, is plenty of time to kill somebody but it seems incredibly rushed.


Steven Avery calls Halbach's cell phone without using the caller id block that he'd used earlier in the day when she was late for their appointment. If this strikes you as odd, you're not alone. Avery is not the smartest person in Wisconsin by any stretch and to think that he'd destroy the phone and then call it 14 minutes later to establish an alibi is a little weak. I would assume, based on nothing factual, that if he had destroyed the phone it was an attempt to destroy a phone record and that he knew about as much as anyone else in 2005 did about cell pinging and all that jazz.

So why did he call? That's probably the most puzzling part of this whole scenario. Maybe Halbach was out taking pictures of the car, dropped her phone causing the battery to fall out (at 1621), and at 1635 realized she had lost it and asked Steve to call it in hopes that she'd hear the ring and find it.

It could also be a pocket dial because she was the last number he'd called on that phone. We'll never know exactly why.


Steven chats with his girlfriend who is in jail for 15 minutes. Because this is a call between a prisoner and a civilian it is recorded and not only does Steve sound calm and collected, maybe a little flirtatious, but he also sounds stationary and indoors. Why do I bring this up? Because at some point after he murdered Halbach he would have had to take the 10 mile drive to the first location the body was burned in.
Assuming he's traveling at an average of 35 miles per hour, it should take him six or seven minutes to reach the first burn site. Factor in the six or seven minutes to drive back home and he is left with 43 minutes to set up the body, start a fire hot enough to burn the body, remove the bones from the fire, and load them back into his car.


This is when Steven calls Brendan over for a bonfire. An hour and 15 minutes have passed since he hung up with his girlfriend. I know I said I was going to disregard anything that came out of Brendan's "confession" but this was corroborated by his mother who told him he had to be home by a certain time.
They spend two hours driving around the lot looking for things to throw in the fire. It is easy to say that this is a significant window of time to further dispose of the body but we have to remember that at this point there are several people on the property who would see Steve disposing of a body.


Again Avery talks with his girlfriend in prison and, again, it is a calm, normal conversation. At this point between five and five and half hours have passed since his only real window to murder Halbach. Having murdered and destroyed a body in that time frame, one would expect him to sound tired or disoriented but he sounds just as he ever does. By this point most of the people that live on the property are at home and none of them report any strange activity from this point forward.
It's also important to note that much of the family, including Steven Avery, left the next day to go to a cabin 100 miles away from the salvage yard so not only did Steve have to commit this crime and dispose of the body within very short windows, he also had to clean the crime scene so well that not a single drop of blood, sweat, hair, skin, saliva, fingernail or any other bit of DNA was ever found linking Halbach to that property.
In fact, the assumption that Halbach was killed on October 31 probably relies solely on the fact that her cellphone activity stopped on that day. There is absolutely no concrete evidence beyond that cell phone record that would indicate a time or date of death and this timeline would have Avery moving faster than we ever see him move in the documentary.
If you just look at the time period around 1540, it seems like a perfectly normal transaction. Somewhere between 1530 and 1600 someone sees Halbach taking pictures, Avery says she stayed for ten minutes and the propane man see a Rav (driver not identified) leave the property).
Of course, if it is supposedly Steven Avery driving the Rav off the property he is probably doing so with a living victim to make the timeline work out and, it is safe to assume, if the propane man is close enough to notice the car he also would have heard the gunshots preceding seeing the car and mentioned that to police.
Like I said in yesterday's post and on our forum, I'm not saying he's innocent or guilty but something isn't adding up.
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The bullet in the garage doesn't fit the evidence or the story. Cops don't seem to care at all. She clearly was never in his house or garage. Neither place was cleaned.
The bullet fit the story that she was killed in the garage.

Bottom line, someone moved the body. There is no reasonable explanation for the bones to be found in 3 locations otherwise.
I agree. And it makes the most sense for Steven Avery to been the one to have moved it. Everybody else would require doing so without Steven seeing them even though he was by the fire all night. AND Brendan said, without being prompted to say so (unlike the shoot to the head story), that he had seen her body in the fire with Steven Avery present.

It was found in three locations with similar burn marks on the bones at all locations, so it wasn't moved to burn more.

Moving bones from 2000 feet from your house to 10 feet from your house makes no sense, no matter how dumb Avery is.
Sure it does. He starts burning her at the quarry, but then realizes that it would take too long. He can't stay there all night, but he would have no problem staying outside his own trailer all night. In addition, he could eat something (surely he got hungry), get more gasoline, etc. at home too.

The police and DA have zero explanation for why the bones were where they were.
That's because the police boxed themselves into a corner by claiming he shot her in the garage or killing her in the bedroom. I think we all agree that the police timeline was completely full off crap.
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Oct. 31: Teresa Halbach, 25, of St. John in Calumet County, a photographer for Auto Trader Magazine, goes to Avery's Auto Salvage near Mishicot to photograph a minivan for sale by Steven Avery's sister.

Nov. 3: Halbach's family reports her missing, and authorities launch an investigation.

Nov. 5: Halbach's cousins find her vehicle under brush and auto parts in the Avery salvage yard.

Nov. 8: Avery, 44, tells reporters he fears authorities are trying to frame him for Halbach's murder because he sued Manitowoc County officials for $36 million for wrongful conviction. Avery was freed from prison in 2003 after DNA evidence cleared him of a 1985 rape for which he served 18 years.

Nov. 9: Avery is arrested and, based on past convictions for burglary and other crimes, charged with possessing firearms as a felon. Authorities say they found two guns in his trailer home.

Nov. 15: Steven Avery is charged with first-degree intentional homicide and mutilating a corpse. He is ordered held on $500,000 bail.
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An interesting scenario. Some facts not exactly right, but you will get the gist
(*unless you are obtuse)

  • Steven Avery did kill Teresa, he called Auto Trader and specifically asked for her. She came over, maybe he made advances to her, maybe he got mad, something happened and he ended up killing her, maybe he hit her in the head.
  • He tossed her body in the car (which would explain the bloody hair print in the car.
  • He took her body, her car, and the burn barrels to the quarry to burn everything. He wasn't able to burn everything, maybe he didn't bring enough fuel etc... It was getting dark, he took the barrels back to his burn pit, accidentally leaving some of her bones at the quarry burn site.
  • He moves the car over to where it's later found. The reason he doesn't crush it is either because he planned to later, or maybe he was saving it to strip for parts before he crushes it, after all, that's basically what he does for a living.
  • He dumped her remaining remains in the burn pit and called his nephew asking him to help gather materials for the bonfire, hoping to reduce the remains to dust. I believe Brendan is completely innocent and didn't know about the bones.
  • They light the bonfire and he tries to bury the remains with all the other ash.
  • Days pass, the cops know about the missing person, know that she was last seen at the Avery's. The police officer Colburn decides to illegally search around the Avery's without a warrant, he finds the car and calls in the plates, this explains why he seemed so guilty when this was mentioned during the trial. He's not sure what to do at this point.
  • The search party starts to search for Teresa, Steven notices this, he can't get rid of the car as easily as he could before, so he goes back to the car, removes the plates and hides them in the trunk of a random car, covers the car in trash.
  • Colburn talks to Lenk and tells him what he found. They decide maybe recommend to the search party to ask to search the Avery's property. There is probably no way the Avery's would agree to let the police in. They also kind slyly direct them where to start looking, which would explain how they found it so fast, or maybe they were just lucky. They probably asked someone else in the family to search since Steven probably would say no to searching the car yard.
  • The searchers find the car, the police get a warrant now to search the Avery's property, they find the bones, but really nothing else. They find shell casings in the garage (probably shell casings all over the place), and just kinda assume that's where he killed her, they don't find any blood or DNA, but dig up the concrete for testing (they still find nothing). Avery probably killed her somewhere else on the property or even in the quarry.
  • The police get the false confession from Brendan, but they have a problem, there is no DNA or blood or anything else trying Teresa to the house or garage and they plan on having Brendan testify.
  • They have the key from the car (it was in there all along, or maybe it really was in the house). They plant it in his house to help out with the investigation.
  • Brendan later recants his story, they have another problem, they have no proof she was killed in the house without his testimony. The come up with the new idea that she was killed in the garage, but they have no evidence there either. They take a bullet they found earlier, or maybe find a new one, there are probably spent bullets all over the place, they put Teresa's DNA on the bullet, and plant it in the garage. Maybe they wipe down the car and plant Avery's blood to help the case even more, or maybe his blood was really there all along.
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He also says that most everyone believes she died on the 31st. Her voicemail was full on the 1st. But it was at 8am on the 2nd that someone accessed her voicemail and cleaned it out. But she wasn't reported as missing until the 3rd - a full 36 hours later.

No one has explained that. Unless you had incriminating voice mails on there, why would anyone clean out her voice mail? Especially before anyone other than the killer knew she was missing.
Easiest explanation for me is that her phone had the voicemail password stored, so that the killer was able to delete any incriminating voicemails just by having access to her phone. I don't know if that possibility was ever investigated and I can't remember if it was mentioned in the documentary.

But her phone was burned up behind the house. And I think they said her voicemails were accessed online, not through her phone. If she was burnt on the 31st why wait two days to check the voicemails and then burn the phone?
Her call records were accessed online by her brother. Her voicemail was accessed by her ex-boyfriend, I assume from another phone since the boyfriend and brother implied they were accessing different systems. Obviously if you believe they are lying than any number of scenarios open up.

I don't remember anyone stating the voicemails were accessed online, but I could very easily be wrong. You'll have to convince me beyond a reasonable doubt though :p
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I put Steve in the 50% probability that he killed her. And it is easy to make a case that he killed her because:

-bones found in his yard
-he requested her
-no one else has obvious location, motive & opportunity

But a few things about Steve questions his guilt in my mind:

1. The lawsuit. Remember, he was going after both the county AND the cops personally. What would you do to protect your pension? I don't think they killed her but they certainly planted evidence. I mean come on they had him locked up for the crime in less than 7 days. They NEVER EVER EVER investigated ANYONE else. Just like the first crime he supposedly committed.

2. He had a really good chance at becoming a multimillionaire. Why wouldn't he wait a week and get a hotter girl? True, he is extremely low IQ and that usually correlates to bad impulse control. But a few million goes a long way in the world.

3. He never, ever wavers that he didn't do it. He never slips up. He never incriminates himself. Ever. It's really hard not to slip up sometimes. Like the show said, when he does something, he usually tells people he did it.

4. Absolutely no evidence of a crime scene anywhere. I mean, someone shot her in the head and then chopped her up, burned her body and yet no hairs, fibers, blood, nothing. Basically, if he did it, the evidence points to: he hit her in the head, put her in the back of her car, drove to the quarry, set her down there, shot her, killed her, burned her all in the quarry and then car wouldn't start so he towed it back to his lot. Then, he gets a barrel, gets part of her remains and took them back to the burn pile, talked on the phone and left town with blood and the car sitting right there. And never got nervous, acted strange (er) or got rushed about anything.

5. There is some evidence that she left the Avery's. The lady who saw her on the road. The propane man seeing her leave. The uninvestigated scratched boyfriend search partier who deletes voicemails and cracks passwords.

6. He is so calm talking to his girlfriend. Not rushed, not anything. If he had just committed a murder, I would have expected him to be rushed. I mean he has to dispose of a body and he is going out of town tomorrow. And he should be rushed as his timeline is very, very, very fast. 4:00 he is killing her and by 10:00 she is ashes in 3 places and towing a car and everything has been wiped surgically clean.

7. He used the car crusher the next morning. Seriously, he wouldn't crush the car? Seriously? I mean his finger was bleeding. Surely a crushed car is much, much harder to get evidence from.

8. The other Averys who have exact matching alibis or have serious scratch marks all over their body.

The whole problem with this case: The cops did ZERO investigation. They railroaded Steve just like the first trial. So you are left wondering if he did it or not. And just like the first trial, he was about a mile away from a crime. The first crime DNA got him exonerated. What about now?

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For those 100% sure Steve Avery did it:

Look at the first trial. The defendant swears up and down he was the one who raped her. Are you saying she is lying?

Look at the deputy's artist sketch. It matches him perfectly. Are you saying a cop would lie and draw a likeness from a mugshot?

The defendant picked him out of a lineup! No cops framing here.

All his alibis were family.
He was less than 1 mile away from the attack.
He had a history of sex crimes and cat burning! Come on, that behavior escalates.

Are you telling me the cops railroaded him? He was obviously guilty and should be in jail! Who else had motive and opportunity????
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One problem I see with your scenario is that the plates had been removed from the Rav4. So there were no plates for Colburn to call in by the time it got to the salvage yard.
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For those 100% sure Steve Avery did it:

Look at the first trial. The defendant swears up and down he was the one who raped her. Are you saying she is lying?

Look at the deputy's artist sketch. It matches him perfectly. Are you saying a cop would lie and draw a likeness from a mugshot?

The defendant picked him out of a lineup! No cops framing here.

All his alibis were family.
He was less than 1 mile away from the attack.
He had a history of sex crimes and cat burning! Come on, that behavior escalates.

Are you telling me the cops railroaded him? He was obviously guilty and should be in jail! Who else had motive and opportunity????

Doesn't matter, burned a cat.
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In all seriousness I lean in the direction he did it, however there is serious police BS that went on. My main problem is how you would have anyone that is under a lawsuit event step foot on that property. The fact that 2 of the guys were in his trailer is beyond me, if I was in charge I would never let those guys within 100 miles of the crime scene. Like I said, I lean to the side he did it, but the cops made sure he was convicted. Oh and Brendan, yeah, is borderline ******ed and had nothing to do with this crime.
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3. He never, ever wavers that he didn't do it. He never slips up. He never incriminates himself. Ever. It's really hard not to slip up sometimes. Like the show said, when he does something, he usually tells people he did it.
According to Brendan's first interrogation, Steve told him about it when he saw her body in the fire.
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3. He never, ever wavers that he didn't do it. He never slips up. He never incriminates himself. Ever. It's really hard not to slip up sometimes. Like the show said, when he does something, he usually tells people he did it.
According to Brendan's first interrogation, Steve told him about it when he saw her body in the fire.

You actually take Brendan's testimony as truth?
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The bullet fit the story that she was killed in the garage.

Which is fine, but there is no evidence that that is true and a complete lack of evidence that she or her body were ever in there. The bullet there makes no sense other than it probably being planted there.

I agree. And it makes the most sense for Steven Avery to been the one to have moved it.
No, it actually makes the least sense for Avery to have done it. Moving charred bones from 2000 feet away from your house to 10 feet away from your house then just leaving them there makes absolutely, positively no sense whatsoever. Which is why the state never came up with a logical theory on why Avery would do that and neither can you. He didn't burn the bones any more than they were already burned.

It also wouldn't make sense to burn her behind his house and only take the pelvis to the quarry and just a few random body parts to the Janda burn barrel.

AND Brendan said, without being prompted to say so (unlike the shoot to the head story), that he had seen her body in the fire with Steven Avery present.
This is false, actually. Brendan was prompted to say that in the interview at the school. You can read it here:

Fassbender tells him they think Teresa was cooked in the fire on the second page of this (page 441 of the file.) On page 3, he tells Brendan that he found bones in the fire pit and accuse Brendan of helping dispose of the body. On page 8, Weigert is talking about seeing a hand, foot, head, etc then says "We know you saw something." Brendan hasn't said anything like that.

They clearly prompted him and badgered him. There is absolutely no other way to read or listen to that interview without understanding that a special ed kid was being coerced.

Sure it does. He starts burning her at the quarry, but then realizes that it would take too long. He can't stay there all night, but he would have no problem staying outside his own trailer all night. In addition, he could eat something (surely he got hungry), get more gasoline, etc. at home too.
The problem with that is that the bones at the quarry and the bones at the junkyard were all burned consistently. So the bones at Avery's house were not burned and destroyed more than the ones at the quarry. In fact, it could be argued that they were burned less. So your theory here does not hold water.

That's because the police boxed themselves into a corner by claiming he shot her in the garage or killing her in the bedroom. I think we all agree that the police timeline was completely full off crap.

We agree. Which is why you don't coerce fake confessions out of handicapped kids. Or at least, that is a side reason, the main reason being it is ridiculously terrible to do.
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3. He never, ever wavers that he didn't do it. He never slips up. He never incriminates himself. Ever. It's really hard not to slip up sometimes. Like the show said, when he does something, he usually tells people he did it.
According to Brendan's first interrogation, Steve told him about it when he saw her body in the fire.
Brendan's first interrogation was completely coerced. I can post the audio tapes if you want, but the text is much clearer.

Brendan was prompted to say that in the interview at the school. You can read it here:

Fassbender tells him they think Teresa was cooked in the fire on the second page of this (page 441 of the file.) On page 3, he tells Brendan that he found bones in the fire pit and accuse Brendan of helping dispose of the body. On page 8, Weigert is talking about seeing a hand, foot, head, etc then says "We know you saw something." Brendan hasn't said anything like that.

They clearly prompted him and badgered him. There is absolutely no other way to read or listen to that interview without understanding that a special ed kid was being coerced.
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3. He never, ever wavers that he didn't do it. He never slips up. He never incriminates himself. Ever. It's really hard not to slip up sometimes. Like the show said, when he does something, he usually tells people he did it.
According to Brendan's first interrogation, Steve told him about it when he saw her body in the fire.

Oh yeah. THAT interrogation.

The same one where they said, "and what else happened? Tell us how she died. You know. No. No that's not it. No. Tell us Brendan. Tell us about her head. Something happened there didn't it? What happened? No she didn't get hit in the head. Try to remember Brendan. Yes, she did get hit in the head but what else. What happened to her head that killed her?"

"Um...she was shot?"

Bingo. Yep. Case closed.
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Yeah....yeaah....yeaaaah....yeah, that testimony?
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An interesting scenario. Some facts not exactly right, but you will get the gist
(*unless you are obtuse)

  • Steven Avery did kill Teresa, he called Auto Trader and specifically asked for her. She came over, maybe he made advances to her, maybe he got mad, something happened and he ended up killing her, maybe he hit her in the head.

  • Point taken.
  • He tossed her body in the car (which would explain the bloody hair print in the car.

  • OK
  • He took her body, her car, and the burn barrels to the quarry to burn everything. He wasn't able to burn everything, maybe he didn't bring enough fuel etc... It was getting dark, he took the barrels back to his burn pit, accidentally leaving some of her bones at the quarry burn site.

  • Okay but you would think there would be some evidence of that transport in the RAV. That's got to be messy.

  • He moves the car over to where it's later found. The reason he doesn't crush it is either because he planned to later, or maybe he was saving it to strip for parts before he crushes it, after all, that's basically what he does for a living.

  • Maybe planned to crush it later. Not buying the scraping parts thing. I mean this guy was about to win 36 Million without having to face powerball odds.

  • He dumped her remaining remains in the burn pit and called his nephew asking him to help gather materials for the bonfire, hoping to reduce the remains to dust. I believe Brendan is completely innocent and didn't know about the bones.
  • They light the bonfire and he tries to bury the remains with all the other ash.
  • Days pass, the cops know about the missing person, know that she was last seen at the Avery's. The police officer Colburn decides to illegally search around the Avery's without a warrant, he finds the car and calls in the plates, this explains why he seemed so guilty when this was mentioned during the trial. He's not sure what to do at this point.

  • Point taken. Colburn part is ehhhhh. He could have also found the RAV offsite and moved it.

  • The search party starts to search for Teresa, Steven notices this, he can't get rid of the car as easily as he could before, so he goes back to the car, removes the plates and hides them in the trunk of a random car, covers the car in trash.

  • Interesting
  • Colburn talks to Lenk and tells him what he found. They decide maybe recommend to the search party to ask to search the Avery's property. There is probably no way the Avery's would agree to let the police in. They also kind slyly direct them where to start looking, which would explain how they found it so fast, or maybe they were just lucky. They probably asked someone else in the family to search since Steven probably would say no to searching the car yard.
  • The searchers find the car, the police get a warrant now to search the Avery's property, they find the bones, but really nothing else. They find shell casings in the garage (probably shell casings all over the place), and just kinda assume that's where he killed her, they don't find any blood or DNA, but dig up the concrete for testing (they still find nothing). Avery probably killed her somewhere else on the property or even in the quarry.

  • But no evidence of blood from mutilation. Or from gunshot at property or quarry.

  • The police get the false confession from Brendan, but they have a problem, there is no DNA or blood or anything else trying Teresa to the house or garage and they plan on having Brendan testify.
  • They have the key from the car (it was in there all along, or maybe it really was in the house). They plant it in his house to help out with the investigation.
  • Brendan later recants his story, they have another problem, they have no proof she was killed in the house without his testimony. The come up with the new idea that she was killed in the garage, but they have no evidence there either. They take a bullet they found earlier, or maybe find a new one, there are probably spent bullets all over the place, they put Teresa's DNA on the bullet, and plant it in the garage. Maybe they wipe down the car and plant Avery's blood to help the case even more, or maybe his blood was really there all along.

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aTmag, I guess you have kids that are normal or smart so your assumption is they would decipher what was asked of them in an investigation, Brendan was a moron and no way was deciphering what was occurring. You can at least accept that premise?
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An interesting scenario. Some facts not exactly right, but you will get the gist
(*unless you are obtuse)

  • Steven Avery did kill Teresa, he called Auto Trader and specifically asked for her. She came over, maybe he made advances to her, maybe he got mad, something happened and he ended up killing her, maybe he hit her in the head.
  • He tossed her body in the car (which would explain the bloody hair print in the car.
  • He took her body, her car, and the burn barrels to the quarry to burn everything. He wasn't able to burn everything, maybe he didn't bring enough fuel etc... It was getting dark, he took the barrels back to his burn pit, accidentally leaving some of her bones at the quarry burn site.
  • He moves the car over to where it's later found. The reason he doesn't crush it is either because he planned to later, or maybe he was saving it to strip for parts before he crushes it, after all, that's basically what he does for a living.
  • He dumped her remaining remains in the burn pit and called his nephew asking him to help gather materials for the bonfire, hoping to reduce the remains to dust. I believe Brendan is completely innocent and didn't know about the bones.
  • They light the bonfire and he tries to bury the remains with all the other ash.
  • Days pass, the cops know about the missing person, know that she was last seen at the Avery's. The police officer Colburn decides to illegally search around the Avery's without a warrant, he finds the car and calls in the plates, this explains why he seemed so guilty when this was mentioned during the trial. He's not sure what to do at this point.
  • The search party starts to search for Teresa, Steven notices this, he can't get rid of the car as easily as he could before, so he goes back to the car, removes the plates and hides them in the trunk of a random car, covers the car in trash.
  • Colburn talks to Lenk and tells him what he found. They decide maybe recommend to the search party to ask to search the Avery's property. There is probably no way the Avery's would agree to let the police in. They also kind slyly direct them where to start looking, which would explain how they found it so fast, or maybe they were just lucky. They probably asked someone else in the family to search since Steven probably would say no to searching the car yard.
  • The searchers find the car, the police get a warrant now to search the Avery's property, they find the bones, but really nothing else. They find shell casings in the garage (probably shell casings all over the place), and just kinda assume that's where he killed her, they don't find any blood or DNA, but dig up the concrete for testing (they still find nothing). Avery probably killed her somewhere else on the property or even in the quarry.
  • The police get the false confession from Brendan, but they have a problem, there is no DNA or blood or anything else trying Teresa to the house or garage and they plan on having Brendan testify.
  • They have the key from the car (it was in there all along, or maybe it really was in the house). They plant it in his house to help out with the investigation.
  • Brendan later recants his story, they have another problem, they have no proof she was killed in the house without his testimony. The come up with the new idea that she was killed in the garage, but they have no evidence there either. They take a bullet they found earlier, or maybe find a new one, there are probably spent bullets all over the place, they put Teresa's DNA on the bullet, and plant it in the garage. Maybe they wipe down the car and plant Avery's blood to help the case even more, or maybe his blood was really there all along.

I think it's less than 50% that Steven killed her, but if he did then this is the best timeline of events I've seen for him murdering her. Obviously, there are still a ton of holes though.
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aTmag, I guess you have kids that are normal or smart so your assumption is they would decipher what was asked of them in an investigation, Brendan was a moron and no way was deciphering what was occurring. You can at least accept that premise?
Dude, moron is not the preferred nomenclature. Cognitively disadvantaged, please.
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aTmag, I guess you have kids that are normal or smart so your assumption is they would decipher what was asked of them in an investigation, Brendan was a moron and no way was deciphering what was occurring. You can at least accept that premise?
Dude, moron is not the preferred nomenclature. Cognitively disadvantaged, please.

Whatever you want to call it, the kid was not smart and if a person listened to that interrogation and where all he said was yeah, yeah, yeah, and only at the moment that coerced his words, would anyone ever believe he was ever a part of that situation.
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aTmag, I guess you have kids that are normal or smart so your assumption is they would decipher what was asked of them in an investigation, Brendan was a moron and no way was deciphering what was occurring. You can at least accept that premise?
Dude, moron is not the preferred nomenclature. Cognitively disadvantaged, please.

Whatever you want to call it, the kid was not smart and if a person listened to that interrogation and where all he said was yeah, yeah, yeah, and only at the moment that coerced his words, would anyone ever believe he was ever a part of that situation.
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Yeah, yeah, yeah...etc....yeah...
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aTmag, I guess you have kids that are normal or smart so your assumption is they would decipher what was asked of them in an investigation, Brendan was a moron and no way was deciphering what was occurring. You can at least accept that premise?
Go read his first interrogation that buck posted. It barely got started when Brendan came right out and said that he saw her toes, stomach, forehead, etc. in the fire. They had to slow him down. It was nothing like the later interrogation they showed in the documentary where they lead him on to get the answers they wanted.
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He thought he was in the company of fellow wrestling fans! Of course he is gonna give them what they want!
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aTmag, I guess you have kids that are normal or smart so your assumption is they would decipher what was asked of them in an investigation, Brendan was a moron and no way was deciphering what was occurring. You can at least accept that premise?
Go read his first interrogation that buck posted. It barely got started when Brendan came right out and said that he saw her toes, stomach, forehead, etc. in the fire. They had to slow him down. It was nothing like the later interrogation they showed in the documentary where they lead him on to get the answers they wanted.

That is absolutely positively not true. I posted the entire transcript of the first interview at his high school earlier.
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Saw it and watched it, but it took 2 additional interrogations for them to roll with his testimony which was not used in Avery's trial. If that first interrogation was the clincher, why do 2 more? If all they needed was what he gave up in the first interrogation why do 2 more?
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3. He never, ever wavers that he didn't do it. He never slips up. He never incriminates himself. Ever. It's really hard not to slip up sometimes. Like the show said, when he does something, he usually tells people he did it.
According to Brendan's first interrogation, Steve told him about it when he saw her body in the fire.

Oh yeah. THAT interrogation.

The same one where they said, "and what else happened? Tell us how she died. You know. No. No that's not it. No. Tell us Brendan. Tell us about her head. Something happened there didn't it? What happened? No she didn't get hit in the head. Try to remember Brendan. Yes, she did get hit in the head but what else. What happened to her head that killed her?"

"Um...she was shot?"

Bingo. Yep. Case closed.
No. Totally different interrogation. The one I'm talking about was earlier. He came right out and blurted about the bodies in the fire on his own.
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3. He never, ever wavers that he didn't do it. He never slips up. He never incriminates himself. Ever. It's really hard not to slip up sometimes. Like the show said, when he does something, he usually tells people he did it.
According to Brendan's first interrogation, Steve told him about it when he saw her body in the fire.

Oh yeah. THAT interrogation.

The same one where they said, "and what else happened? Tell us how she died. You know. No. No that's not it. No. Tell us Brendan. Tell us about her head. Something happened there didn't it? What happened? No she didn't get hit in the head. Try to remember Brendan. Yes, she did get hit in the head but what else. What happened to her head that killed her?"

"Um...she was shot?"

Bingo. Yep. Case closed.
No. Totally different interrogation. The one I'm talking about was earlier. He came right out and blurted about the bodies in the fire on his own.
How many times do you have to be proven wrong before you stop perpetuating that lie?

That is a transcript of the first interrogation. It is plainly clear that the Detectives are coercing his testimony and get no where for a long time. They are the ones that suggest that Avery burnt the body, that the kid saw body parts, etc before Brendan ever says anything incriminating. You can see Fassbender start suggesting these things within the first couple couple minutes.
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aTmag, I guess you have kids that are normal or smart so your assumption is they would decipher what was asked of them in an investigation, Brendan was a moron and no way was deciphering what was occurring. You can at least accept that premise?
Go read his first interrogation that buck posted. It barely got started when Brendan came right out and said that he saw her toes, stomach, forehead, etc. in the fire. They had to slow him down. It was nothing like the later interrogation they showed in the documentary where they lead him on to get the answers they wanted.

That is absolutely positively not true. I posted the entire transcript of the first interview at his high school earlier.
The one I'm talking about was posted by buck. Post a link again if yours if you don't mind. My phone is nearly dead. You might be talking a different one.
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3. He never, ever wavers that he didn't do it. He never slips up. He never incriminates himself. Ever. It's really hard not to slip up sometimes. Like the show said, when he does something, he usually tells people he did it.
According to Brendan's first interrogation, Steve told him about it when he saw her body in the fire.

Oh yeah. THAT interrogation.

The same one where they said, "and what else happened? Tell us how she died. You know. No. No that's not it. No. Tell us Brendan. Tell us about her head. Something happened there didn't it? What happened? No she didn't get hit in the head. Try to remember Brendan. Yes, she did get hit in the head but what else. What happened to her head that killed her?"

"Um...she was shot?"

Bingo. Yep. Case closed.
No. Totally different interrogation. The one I'm talking about was earlier. He came right out and blurted about the bodies in the fire on his own.
How many times do you have to be proven wrong before you stop perpetuating that lie?

That is a transcript of the first interrogation. It is plainly clear that the Detectives are coercing his testimony and get no where for a long time. They are the ones that suggest that Avery burnt the body, that the kid saw body parts, etc before Brendan ever says anything incriminating. You can see Fassbender start suggesting these things within the first couple couple minutes.
That is different than the one buck posted. Go find his.
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aTmag, I guess you have kids that are normal or smart so your assumption is they would decipher what was asked of them in an investigation, Brendan was a moron and no way was deciphering what was occurring. You can at least accept that premise?
Go read his first interrogation that buck posted. It barely got started when Brendan came right out and said that he saw her toes, stomach, forehead, etc. in the fire. They had to slow him down. It was nothing like the later interrogation they showed in the documentary where they lead him on to get the answers they wanted.

That is absolutely positively not true. I posted the entire transcript of the first interview at his high school earlier.
The one I'm talking about was posted by buck. Post a link again if yours if you don't mind. My phone is nearly dead. You might be talking a different one.

February 27th. The first time he was interrogated by police. That is Dassey's first "confession" only it was clearly coerced. It was not filmed, only recorded on audio.

The Fassbender and Weigert clearly bring up body parts, burning the body, etc and Brendan resists for a great deal of time before finally caving in.

All other interrogations are tainted by this one. They brought up everything initially, not Brendan.
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When asked what Teresa said when on bed, Brendan couldnt answer and finally he finally said she said:


"go get help, or something"

If you watch the video, it really looks and sounds like he made it up. They asked if she screamed and he said no.

He said she had pubic hair, then he said she didnt, then he said he didnt remember.

He also said she was completely naked.

He said he had sex with her, but didnt see her breasts.

Didnt know why he stopped having sex with her after "20 min".

He said she didnt try to get away once untied.

Very, Very odd , counterintuitive, and inconsistent.
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When asked what Teresa said when on bed, Brendan couldnt answer and finally he finally said she said:


"go get help, or something"

If you watch the video, it really looks and sounds like he made it up. They asked if she screamed and he said no.

He said she had pubic hair, then he said she didnt, then he said he didnt remember.

He also said she was completely naked.

He said he had sex with her, but didnt see her breasts.

Didnt know why he stopped having sex with her after "20 min".

He said she didnt try to get away once untied.

Very, Very odd , counterintuitive, and inconsistent.
Hell of a way for Brendan to pop his cherry. Then not remember it at all.
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