I think the reason they have so much on tape is that the case went on so long that the producers were able to get the tapes through FOIA.
To me, if it is proven that the sheriffs planted evidence - any evidence- that is sufficient to raise reasonable doubt.
1) He did it. He might have tried to disconnect her car battery so she couldn't drive off, with an attempt to sexually abuse her. She fought back, cut/scratched his finger (hence the blood on the dash next to the steering wheel), and he bludgeoned her to knock her out, threw her in the back of her Rav4 and drove her to the quarry. From there he eventually shot her and burned her body. He was too dumb to think to crush the car, so he tried to hide it on the 40 acre lot. He then probably tries to burn some of her possessions that fell to the ground (cell phone, camera, PDA) in the "bombfire" with Brendan in the fire pit. He probably brags/says more than he should to Brendan, who then makes up more to the story when telling others (his cousin and the investigators). The police, who are certain he did it, want to ensure he is "rightfully" convicted this time, plant the evidence (key and move bones). It doesn't seem like enough, so the coerce the confession out of Brendan and then somehow (not sure how), plant the bullet to make it a slam dunk case.
quote:I think the defense wanted jurors familiar with the rape exoneration and that the police had set him up for a felony conviction in the past.
They also should have had a change in venue.
quote:Not a single fingerprint from Avery anywhere in or out the vehicle. He wasn't wearing gloves (scratch was on his second knuckle of his index finger), but wiped up all fingerprints, but doesn't get the blood? Not plausible. He was using the car crusher that day and the next day, so I don't find it plausible that he wouldn't have thought to use it on that car.
1) He did it. He might have tried to disconnect her car battery so she couldn't drive off, with an attempt to sexually abuse her. She fought back, cut/scratched his finger (hence the blood on the dash next to the steering wheel), and he bludgeoned her to knock her out, threw her in the back of her Rav4 and drove her to the quarry. From there he eventually shot her and burned her body. He was too dumb to think to crush the car, so he tried to hide it on the 40 acre lot. He then probably tries to burn some of her possessions that fell to the ground (cell phone, camera, PDA) in the "bombfire" with Brendan in the fire pit. He probably brags/says more than he should to Brendan, who then makes up more to the story when telling others (his cousin and the investigators). The police, who are certain he did it, want to ensure he is "rightfully" convicted this time, plant the evidence (key and move bones). It doesn't seem like enough, so the coerce the confession out of Brendan and then somehow (not sure how), plant the bullet to make it a slam dunk case.
quote:That might have ultimately backfired on them.
quote:I think the defense wanted jurors familiar with the rape exoneration and that the police had set him up for a felony conviction in the past.
They also should have had a change in venue.
quote:True...thinking it through now. He hit her in the head hard enough to knock her out. Perhaps she wasn't bleeding too profusely. He drove the car to the quarry and then took the body out of the car. He didn't see she left blood in the back. He then thought the only things he touched were the steering wheel and the stick. He wipes those down for his prints. He didn't see the blood because he's dumb and didn't look hard enough. I don't know.
Not a single fingerprint from Avery anywhere in or out the vehicle. He wasn't wearing gloves (scratch was on his second knuckle of his index finger), but wiped up all fingerprints, but doesn't get the blood? Not plausible. He was using the car crusher that day and the next day, so I don't find it plausible that he wouldn't have thought to use it on that car.
quote:I don't think SA ever was in her car. The blood probably wouldn't have come from that cut on his hand if he was wearing gloves. If he could wipe up all fingerprints, he wipes up that blood, too. Or at least bleaches it. Bleaching blood evidence was a part of the state's case (despite no evidence of bleach clean up anywhere but on numbskull's jeans.)quote:True...thinking it through now. He hit her in the head hard enough to knock her out. Perhaps she wasn't bleeding too profusely. He drove the car to the quarry and then took the body out of the car. He didn't see she left blood in the back. He then thought the only things he touched were the steering wheel and the stick. He wipes those down for his prints. He didn't see the blood because he's dumb and didn't look hard enough. I don't know.
Not a single fingerprint from Avery anywhere in or out the vehicle. He wasn't wearing gloves (scratch was on his second knuckle of his index finger), but wiped up all fingerprints, but doesn't get the blood? Not plausible. He was using the car crusher that day and the next day, so I don't find it plausible that he wouldn't have thought to use it on that car.
I don't know why he didn't use the car crusher. Perhaps he thought if they found her crushed car on his lot he would be proven guilty for sure. If they found a car "hidden" on his lot, he might have been able to deflect blame.
Just throwing out ideas.
Firstly, does anyone doubt that the police framed him for the earlier rape? And I'm not talking about ignoring exculpatory evidence. I'm talking about actual framing.
What was the rationale for it then? Basically he had done something that insulted or aggravated the friend of the wife of the Sheriff, or something like that? He went to jail for 18 years for that. I mean, Lenk was willfully ignoring exculpatory evidence for like 8 years before the conviction was overturned.
That's the level of malevolence you're dealing with here.
So this guy gets out, finds that these same cops are now running the department, sues these same cops, and within 2 weeks of some pretty crippling depositions is up on murder charges?
Far fetched? Well, they put him in jail for 18 years because he peeved off the Sheriff's wife's friend. So maybe not.
Oh and their evidence is crap. No DNA or fingerprints on anything except for items found by the Monitowoc police. Evidence kits tampered with that were last touched by cops this guy was suing. inconsistent statement from learning disabled teenagers. Suspiciously found physical evidence, like her car, her car key, and a bullet with her DNA on it.
And the jury that convicts him? One of them was a Monitowoc Police volunteer.
If you buy that they framed him for the rape and willfully kept him in jail without regard for the truth or the true rapist's victims, how on earth can you question whether they'd frame him for a murder when there was a lot more than civic pride on the line? If you believe even that that the key was planted, you have to possess a reasonable doubt about the rest.
It is crazy to me that this guy got convicted. 100% crazy.
quote:The DA has come back this week and done some interviews about the evidence not in the documentary and none of it is damning. Not a single piece. And most of it wouldn't even be admissible in court.
Agree, It could have been just the show giving us this point of view, but the DA's got absolutely destroyed on every point they made.
quote:quote:The DA has come back this week and done some interviews about the evidence not in the documentary and none of it is damning. Not a single piece. And most of it wouldn't even be admissible in court.
Agree, It could have been just the show giving us this point of view, but the DA's got absolutely destroyed on every point they made.
quote:The problem I had in the 1985 case - they arrested Avery the day of the assault (I think - or it was the very next day).
I don't think I would characterize the '85 case as framing, but ignoring the Gregory Allen tip in that case might be worse than planting evidence. They had another law enforcement agency tell them that they were monitoring this guy with a history of sexual crimes who even looked like Steven Avery and they said, "nope. no way." That's just unbelievable.
quote:Normally, I would call it tunnel vision, bad cop procedure and not "framing". Framing, to me, is purposely putting an innocent man away.
I don't think I would characterize the '85 case as framing, but ignoring the Gregory Allen tip in that case might be worse than planting evidence. They had another law enforcement agency tell them that they were monitoring this guy with a history of sexual crimes who even looked like Steven Avery and they said, "nope. no way." That's just unbelievable.
It's a good theory for SA, but if he took her to the quarry and burned her there (which would be most likely), how did the majority of the bone fragments get into his burn pile?
assuming of course those are actually her bone fragments.
quote:If SA burned them at the quarry, it doesn't make a lot of sense that he would bring them back to his burn pit
It's a good theory for SA, but if he took her to the quarry and burned her there (which would be most likely), how did the majority of the bone fragments get into his burn pile?
assuming of course those are actually her bone fragments.
quote:That guy was such a d-bag
Firstly, does anyone doubt that the police framed him for the earlier rape? And I'm not talking about ignoring exculpatory evidence. I'm talking about actual framing.
quote:They had Gregory Allen info in Avery's original rape case file. It was ridiculous.
I don't think I would characterize the '85 case as framing, but ignoring the Gregory Allen tip in that case might be worse than planting evidence. They had another law enforcement agency tell them that they were monitoring this guy with a history of sexual crimes who even looked like Steven Avery and they said, "nope. no way." That's just unbelievable.