quote:All hearsay. Why did she go out there if she didn't want to?
I do think he had the hots for her. The towel incident, the fact she didn't want to go out there, I think he was attracted to her
quote:All hearsay. Why did she go out there if she didn't want to?
I do think he had the hots for her. The towel incident, the fact she didn't want to go out there, I think he was attracted to her
I think the most likely scenario was they planted the bullet to help with the conviction but Avery killed her elsewhere. But that isn't what they proved...
I think the most likely scenario was they planted the bullet to help with the conviction but Avery killed her elsewhere. But that isn't what they proved...
I think police planted the blood in her car, the dna under her hood, the car on his lot, the key in his house and the bullet in his trailer.
I think his family members probably killed her, but her ex boyfriend should be investigated. Getting into her voicemail and deleting her messages is pretty sketchy.
quote:Your question wasn't directed at me, but I kind of have a theory on it (that I'm not totally believing in, just a thought).quote:quote:
I think the most likely scenario was they planted the bullet to help with the conviction but Avery killed her elsewhere. But that isn't what they proved...
I think police planted the blood in her car, the dna under her hood, the car on his lot, the key in his house and the bullet in his trailer.
I think his family members probably killed her, but her ex boyfriend should be investigated. Getting into her voicemail and deleting her messages is pretty sketchy.
what makes you think the family members were more likely to have killed her than Steven?
*note, this question is for curiosity. I'm not saying it's a wrong thought.
quote:I think you could just as easily say that an angry or jealous ex-boyfriend would have more motive. He also probably knew his ex-girlfriend was creeped out by a regular customer who happened to live on a large plot of land and whom the police in town already believed was a rapist. Since you know her phone code and she probably doesn't always answer the phone when he calls, you can always find out when she plans to visit to the creepy guy's place, then ambush her on the way out. After that, sit back and let the police run with it.
yeah. I was very skeptical of Chuckie while watching the doc. But I think the doc did a fantastic job of creating a sense of feeling that we are all susceptible to, and we then feel so bad for Steven and Brendan through watching it that we fall into this false sense of "it had to have been someone else."
By doing that, we remove the most logical conclusion, which is that it was Steven, with or without Brendan. Steven initiated contact with Teresa, Steven had the history with her coming out there, Steven allegedly answered the door in a provocative manner, Steven had told guys in prison that he wanted to torture women, Steven had sexual assault allegations against him as well, etc.
It's a fun thing to discuss. But in the end, even with what I think was definitely police misconduct and possibly collusion, Ocam tells us that it was still most likely Steven.
I also found it interesting(when still watching the documentary and not having read anything online yet about what was left out, more facts, etc.) that while the documentary was very much from the Avery's POV, you very rarely, if ever, saw the brothers on it. I'm not sure either of them talked more than just a bit here or there, if at all. Not trying to do a "guilty until proven innocent" situation, but I found it weird that the parents, sister, etc., all were open to the camera, and the brothers stayed away.
Either they think he did it and are tired of the ****storm surrounding Steven and don't want to be a part of it(most likely), or they had something(or everything) to do with her murder and wanted no part of it.
quote:She provided a service for him regularly. She did her job. She had the option to never go back to that junkyard and she chose to willingly go back.
Steven initiated contact with Teresa, Steven had the history with her coming out there
quote:1. It is unsubstantiated hearsay
Steven allegedly answered the door in a provocative manner,
quote:Unsubstantiated hearsay by a felon.
Steven had told guys in prison that he wanted to torture women,
Steven had sexual assault allegations against him as well, etc.
quote:This is what is most deplorable about the police behavior, they let a rapist go the first time who went on to commit more crimes, you think this time they would have followed every lead and done everything by the book.
The only thing Ocam about Steven Avery is that the police apparently never looked seriously at any other suspects.
quote:Robbery, animal cruelty and whatever the hell the charge he got for waving a gun around at his skanky cousin. Not rape, murder and dismemberment.
Avery is also a convicted felon who has a long history, not just allegations and "hearsay."
quote:quote:Robbery, animal cruelty and whatever the hell the charge he got for waving a gun around at his skanky cousin. Not rape, murder and dismemberment.
Avery is also a convicted felon who has a long history, not just allegations and "hearsay."
quote:quote:quote:Robbery, animal cruelty and whatever the hell the charge he got for waving a gun around at his skanky cousin. Not rape, murder and dismemberment.
Avery is also a convicted felon who has a long history, not just allegations and "hearsay."
so? He's still a convicted felon with a long rap sheet, and an even longer rap sheet of allegations that people never pressed charges on. Convicted felon who raped/murdered/dismembered is more or less credible than convicted felon for robbery, animal cruelty, assault, and illegal possession of a firearm?
You're also dismissing the gun charge. He ran her ass off the road and put a gun to her head. . He didn't wave a gun around.
You know the way he explained the "cat" incident in the documentary that was complete bull**** as to what actually happened. Apply the same logic to the way he discussed the incident with his cousin.
quote:quote:If a juror says they voted against what they believed because there were threats of harm to them or their family, I bet that could get a new trial.
Jurors coming out later shedding light on sketchy things (including direct threats) during their deliberations don't usually get someone a new trial. I've heard a lot of stories over the years of messed up crap happening and judges just don't like giving new trials or vacating verdicts over that.
Has there been any proof that the halbach towel incident actually happened?? Did they ever provide any proof that she told that to her superiors?