Making a Murder - Netflix Original Series

216,669 Views | 1382 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Pluralizes Everythings
Bunk Moreland
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So, this is crazy.

Only 1.5 eps in. But wow.

I'm on ep 5. It only gets worse. Wait until you get through the Brendan saga. Kid should have never been in high school much less attempting to use him for testimony
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Also how about all the dime pieces in post courtroom pressers? Where did these ladies come from?
Bunk Moreland
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Also how about all the dime pieces in post courtroom pressers? Where did these ladies come from?

The chick with the Malaysian glasses that she stole from Jake Jarmel.... Who is she and how can I marry her
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Just started yesterday, and just saw this thread. About to watch ep. 3

BTW, my wife's best friend (federal appellate attorney in Denver) since the first grade just got this guy out of prison after he spent 28 years behind bars. He just got out yesterday I think. Read his story and it closeli matches this case (evidence weak as hell... Police work as bad as this l, including destroying evidence so innocence project could not test DNA to exonerate him). Here is people mag article that came out today. Wife's friend is the hot female to the right.
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Just finished. So much to discuss.

I felt some of the most damning evidence was the audio of the cop and the plates. I would bet my life he was looking at the damn car. I too think the cops found the body and framed him. If the Averys were gone then they had a few days to do it. There are so many differences in the stories from times to the size of the fire.

Also, how in the holy hell could they contend that she was murdered in the garage when there was no physical evidence of her being in the garage? How does any of the info in the press confrence, which couldnt be proven, end up in court? What a **** show.

Maybe my favorite part was the dumbass, snarky DA getting a huge dose of karma. Talking about these texts ruining his reputation when he had no problem doing that to others.

Now I get to spend all next week reading about this case at work.

Ive been telling everyone I know to watch just so I have people to talk to about it.
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If anyone comes across good reviews or stories be sure to post them. The AV Club did some reviews but I havent read any yet for fear of spoilers.
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He is 1000X more innocent than that murderer profiled in Serial.
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I don't know if Steve Avery is innocent or not. I don't see any evidence proving his guilt.

I really do think they planted the car and key.

I mean, I know his IQ is like 70, but still, who wouldn't crush the Rav 4? Who would burn the body and put body parts in 3 different locations miles apart?

He might have killed her, but that police department improved the evidence the entire way.

The teenager is completely innocent and everyone who convicted him should do jail time.
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So many weird things (SPOILERS GALORE):

They ARRESTED Steve Avery ONE DAY after the rape. Come on, normally you build a real case for a long time even if you know they are guilty.

The cop was obviously reading the license plate of the Rav 4 days after.

The hole in the blood tube.

These two women go on a junk yard with 40 ACRES of junk cars and find the Rav 4 in literally a few minutes. She says she is going car by car in an excruciatingly slow manner yet manages to find the one car among 10,000 cars in less than 5 minutes.

The kid had no idea what they were talking about. His evidence was completely made up.

The police really slander Steve Avery and release all this crap every time they talk to the press. Yet, most of it is proven to be lies.
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1. OMG where's the blood?!?! Stab and slit throat on the mattress? Nope. Gunshots in the garage, blood splatter? Nope.

2. Burn pit was not searched in a grid? Obviously didnt want that because it would be obvious the bones were dumped.

3. The obvious planted key ONLY had Avery's DNA? POS sheriffs office acting dumb like "how would we get his DNA?" Ummm 8 days in his house to just rub it in his bed would probably do the trick.

4. The then jury needs to come out of the wood works and start talking. Their testimony is probably what's going to be needed to get back in court.
Ag Since 83
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So I'm now watching the episode about Brendan's trial. Am I to believe they actually showed the video of the March 1 "confession" to a jury? The one where he was obviously trying to guess what they wanted him to say?
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So I'm now watching the episode about Brendan's trial. Am I to believe they actually showed the video of the March 1 "confession" to a jury? The one where he was obviously trying to guess what they wanted him to say?

What else did you do the head?
- punched it
- cut her hair

Shaking me f'ing head guy loses patience, and then just blurts out the answer.
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All spoilers -

The key is an obvious plant to me. Come on, like 8 searches before they find it. Why would he have it really? It has his DNA but not hers?

The car to me is so weird. it looks so fake with the semi branches covering it. It really looks like what you would do if you were trying to frame the guy. A branch every 3 feet does not masquerade a car. Meanwhile, a car crusher sits 100 yards away.

The other thing is that no one in the Mantowoc Sheriffs office will admit he is innocent of the first crime.

I really wonder who killed her. I really wonder where she was killed. I find it very strange that body parts were found in three very distant locations. Who scatters chipped bone fragments?

It might have been Steve that killed her. He had a cut on his finger and he had blood in her car. But then again, the blood vial with the hypodermic hole. Then, like the attorney said, the blood in very random places. No patterns. No fingerprints.

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What would Steve's motive be to kill her?

1. Anger - maybe she said something that she still thought he was guilty. I don't buy it.
2. Money - he was about to win a huge lawsuit. What, she might have had $100 on her?
3. Sex. This is what they are trying to say. She was kinda hot. But he had a live-in girlfriend.

Bunk Moreland
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Apparently he specifically asked for her to be the photographer but that could be for a lot of reasons since apparently she had come out and taken photos before so maybe he just felt comfortable with someone who who had previously gone out there.

Finally finished this morning... I have no idea what to think. I'm 100% positive the documentary series omitted some facts to help paint the picture they wanted, but I'm comfortable in the way they told the story. The guys that disgust me the most, in no particular order...


Brendan should have never been put on trial, much less as an adult. What they did to him was awful to force that fake confession out. For those that aren't done, the final ep does a good job showing post conviction process for both and an organization that imo did a great job attempting to help Brendan and they got nothing in return.

The final count from his lawyer was so right...i hope like hell Avery is guilty of murdering her, because I'd not... The justice system isn't dirty or a joke, it's downright scary.
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Kratz is a full blown creep. He is extremely unprofessional. He tried and convicted them in the press way before the evidence was in hand. He made Steve Avery out to be Charles Manson. He made so many statements that simply were not true:

The kids confession - he didn't confess to ANYTHING. The cops told him a story and got him to agree. They came up with the rape, the tie down and the murder. I mean this kid doesn't know the difference between feet and yards. So Kratz immediately goes on tv and tells the public all the detail. I have never, ever seen that in an ongoing trial where the prosecutor lays out gory details two years before the trial.

He said the Montowac people were not involved. They did more of the crime than all other law enforcement combined.

I remember other things he exaggerated. I think he said she was killed in the bedroom. Then in the trial it is the garage. Of course, zero evidence of a crime scene at either location.
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As an aside, I find it very, very hard to read Steve Avery. I find it impossible to read Brendan. Their low IQ's just make it seem, to me, that they don't react to questions like I would expect someone to.

I think, really, you could get Brendan to say anything if you asked him 5 times in row.

Brendan, did you eat dog poop for breakfast?
Brendan, now we know you ate dog poop. Did you eat it for breakfast?
Brendan, you were seen with dog poop. It was on your plate. Everyone saw you with it. Did you eat it?
So Brendan, you agree you ate the dog poop for breakfast?

Judge, we have a confession!!!!!!!
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I also think the DA was harsh on Brendan.

Hey, when your first girlfriend dumped you, did you cry, lose weight, get depressed for no reason? The DA acts like no one ever in American history did it.
Bunk Moreland
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The location of the killing was bizarre. In Steve's trial he basically moves off the entire room theory and raping because Brendan's testimony couldn't be used, brings up the garage, then in Brendan's trial about the very same victim they jusy go right back to using his old story and the room as the location, etc.

It was disgusting. Love how upset he was that his good name would he tarnished for sexting domestic abuse victims. No **** sherlock. Play in the mud, you get dirty too.
Ag Since 83
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Steve - I have no idea. There's a lot of shady stuff going on in that investigation, by people who they told the public wouldn't be involved, but he very well might have done it

Brendan - I have no idea how a jury could be shown that video and not conclude that the cops were manipulating a kid who didn't have the mental ability to realize what he was confessing to and what the consequences would be
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Here's what makes perfect sense watching this:

The defense broke into the police and planted the pubic hair exonerating him for the earlier rape and the cops knew about it. The cops also secretly had an inadmissible video showing that Steve Avery committed the earlier rape and that the Averys routinely videotaped raping the young members in their family.

Now, it makes perfect sense the cops are after him. Here, they are going to have to pay $36 million for a lawsuit where he was really guilty. Now, it makes sense that they plant the evidence. Now, it makes sense that no law enforcement official in Manitowoc, UNDER OATH, will admit that Steve wasn't guilty of the earlier rape. Now, the judge saying his "increasing criminality over the years" makes sense that Steve is a real danger to society. Then, the whole show makes sense. Steve is guilty. The younger Avery is genetically predisposed to murder and rape. And the whole family is a gang of thieves.

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By the way, I am not 100% sure if Steve is guilty or not. I really have no idea. I am 100% sure than Brendan is completely innocent of any crime whatsoever.
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Just got finished with this. So crazy. To me the license plate phone call and the "confession" the cops got from Brendan are the most insane parts of this. Poor kid is literally ******ed and they did this to him. I mean they kept saying stuff until he said the "right" thing. Ridiculous. I've actually been to manitowoc for work. Didn't know anything about this before. I'm glad I didn't get put in jail for something while I was there!
M.C. Swag
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The biggest thing to me is BRENDAN DASSEY.

Unless Netflix left out some substantial information, THERE'S NO EFFING WAY they could convict him with NO physical evidence or other eye witness testimony.

I mean, his confession was recanted at best and coerced at worst. Either way, that should not be enough to convict him. They would need to see his DNA somewhere or her DNA on him.

His entire trial seemed like a farce or Netflix was omitting something.
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Vulture did a "what was left out of ep 1" recap. Hope they do for the rest to help fill in the gaps.
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Kratz is a full blown creep. He is extremely unprofessional. He tried and convicted them in the press way before the evidence was in hand. He made Steve Avery out to be Charles Manson. He made so many statements that simply were not true:
He sure is -
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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Kratz in one text asked, "Are u the kind of girl that likes secret contact with an older married elected DA...the riskier the better?"

In another, he said "I have the $350,000 house. I have the 6-figure career. You may have the tall, young, hot nymph, but I am the prize!"

Franklin Delano Bluth
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This whole thing is train wreck.... This so much worse than WM3....

In West Memphis the issue was incompetence... In Manitowoc, the officials are criminal
PJD Ag 10
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This forced confession by Brendan is excruciating to watch. These detectives are unbelievable. (Ep 3)
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After watching this, my wife and I concluded that we should never step foot in the state of Wisconsin. Have to be concerned about the insular culture up there. What an embarrassment. There are third world countries safer to live in.
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Looks like Anonymous is getting in on this.
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i liked it, but wife frustrated with lack of resolution

obviously slanted PoV, but makes it look very shady

we think it was Bobby Dassey & Scott Tadych -- "yep, I saw him at Precisely..."

his blood in the car, but no wounds or fingerprints
likelihood of outside burn
keys mysteriously showing up
no blood in the house
bullet mysteriously showing up in garage
lenk not on sign in log
etc etc etc
could not believe that any appeal did not go thru
Especially after they showed how unethical Brendans pretrial lawyer, Len, was, holy cow
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I loved the show but also found it to be extremely biased. But, unlike Serial, I have a whole lot of problems with the two convictions.

The Brendan thing is absolutely scary. His first attorney should have been disbarred. He let his client speak to the authorities without him present? That is lawyer 101. Is his investigator an attorney? Also, he was completely inept as counsel.

Steve Avery, he really might have killed her. All the evidence seems so shaky though. He is suing a group for $32 million and lo and behold, after 8 searches, they find a key. Meanwhile, a mother and daughter search 40 acres with 10,000 cars and find the missing car within seconds. And then months later in the middle of the night they find a bullet fragment in a garage that would take me months to sort through. Meanwhile, the bone fragments are found in 3 different locations. Meanwhile, no blood, ever. And a cop reading a license plate after she disappeared. And a blood vial with a hypodermic hole in it.
Rule Number 32
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This show is absolute craziness. We have burned through 7 episodes in a row. First show to get me this hooked since lost.

If anyone learns anything from this show it is that cops are absolutely not on your side, ever.
Whos Juan
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I'm on Episode 8 right now and this is beyond crazy. I think the whole Avery trial can be summed up with this

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