*** STAR WARS: ANDOR *** (Disney+)

227,535 Views | 1999 Replies | Last: 27 days ago by jokershady
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I thought for sure the girl was also one of them. Maybe he goes back for them? Would explain their loyalty to him which was something people were talking about a few pages back.
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Finally getting around to watching this weekend. Cassian said I had to.
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jokershady said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

I don't think it's so much that they work for the empire as it is they work in the empire. They're a quasi-governmental enterprise that does business with everyone, but they're so large they have their own paramilitary units and have jurisdiction over areas they operate in, sort of like the East India Company.
so is this like the sub-contractor argument from Clerks regarding the second Death Star?

No. Just saying they're a faction within the empire. I don't think they work directly for the empire at all. They're more like an autonomous area the empire ignores so long as everything is cool and calm, kind of like the Concord Dawn mandalorians in Rebels.
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Engine10 said:

Finally getting around to watching this weekend. Cassian said I had to.
Not only was r1 the best movie, other than maybe sw, it had the best droid - both in life and in termination.
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jokershady said:

This just hit me….

Remember in Rogue One…

"I've been in this fight since I was 6 years old!"

We're not done with Andor's past yet….y'all notice how there were no adults on Kenari in those flashbacks?

Think we're gonna see something more about that mine and perhaps the adults that were forced to work in it from the Republic and causing them to die….

Adults forced to work similar to being drafted. And no, probably not done with flashbacks. Interesting quote about being 6, looks like the flashbacks he was about 12. Then again Leia was supposed to be about 10 but ran like a 4yr old.
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I'm really digging the 1970 Paul McCartney look that Cassian is rocking:

Red Five
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Pirate04 said:

I apologize if already said. But does anyone else think all of his close friends, who also have dark hair and eyes, are also from Kenari?
I don't think so, because otherwise it wouldn't have made much sense for Maarva to be freaking out about who Cassian had told that he was from Kenari. If they were all from Kenari they would have already known that.
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cbr said:

Engine10 said:

Finally getting around to watching this weekend. Cassian said I had to.
Not only was r1 the best movie, other than maybe sw, it had the best droid - both in life and in termination.

Rogue 1 was phenomenal. I'd put it up there with Empire Strikes Back and A New Hope. Definitely above Return of the Jedi.
The Porkchop Express
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Saw a fellow swim team dad at the grocery store this evening. We talked about ANdor and he said the first 2 episodes were too slow. I felt bad punching him in the face in front of his kids, but it felt justified.
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cbr said:

Engine10 said:

Finally getting around to watching this weekend. Cassian said I had to.
Not only was r1 the best movie, other than maybe sw, it had the best droid - both in life and in termination.

Rogue One is easily my favorite Star Wars movie. Love the start of Andor so far.
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I ended up rewatching Rogue 1 again this weekend because of this thread and I have to say it might be my favorite SW movie.
Brad 98
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Will we see any movies or series that fall 5-10 years after "the Rise of Skywalker" ? I love Andor, but love to see some imagine a new bad guy or Sith in the same Star Wars galaxy
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I love Andor, but love to see some imagine a new bad guy or Sith in the same Star Wars galaxy
Did you miss Obi-Wan? There's an Inquisitor that can use a light saber AND knows parkour.
The Collective
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Apache said:


I love Andor, but love to see some imagine a new bad guy or Sith in the same Star Wars galaxy
Did you miss Obi-Wan? There's an Inquisitor that can use a light saber AND knows parkour.

Imagine spending most of your life and short career planning to take down Vader. This is how her long con ended up.

The Porkchop Express
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We might need to revisit the Star Wars Hottie Tournament sometime now that we've added Bo Katan, Bix, that wrestler chick, Ahsoka, and the upcoming Sabine.

Elliott went on the spaceship with ET and wound up with a middle-management job at a galactic corporate security company.

Not only did Aunt Petunia not tell Uncle Vernon she knew about the Dementors, she also forgot to mention she was a space pirate.

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Brad 98 said:

Will we see any movies or series that fall 5-10 years after "the Rise of Skywalker" ? I love Andor, but love to see some imagine a new bad guy or Sith in the same Star Wars galaxy

Probably not for a very long time. The sequel trilogy really hurt the movie side of the franchise. Kathleen Kennedy horribly mismanaged it with a lack of vision and continuity between the films. Solo didn't help either, but it may have been handicapped by TLJ. A large part of it was rushing to get TFA out the door and jump start the franchise instead of laying good groundwork for a trilogy of movies. They ended up looking at each one as standalones instead of as pieces in a set

Contrast Marvel with Star Wars. The MCU was planned out with characters and plot points years in advance. It was obviously detailed out on the fly in the form of the individual scripts, but where the story ultimately ended up and the major points of the journey already decided. That was over several films and characters with a litany of different writers and directors, and everything meshed because it all got a framework. Star Wars had no idea where it was going from day 1, and it shows. The storylines and characters are all over the place between only 3 films. Nothing really worked because there was no end in mind and no path for everyone to follow. The MCU became a multi-billion juggernaut in a genre that was previously thought to have only limited potential. The sequel trilogy was commercially successful based on nostalgia alone, but it left probably a billion on the table at the box office and Disney can't rely on that forever. I

think they tried to set up some storylines with the end of ROS, but those are likely DOA. Solo lost money, so anything standalone is probably not going to happen after the reception of ROS. It wasn't a flop, but it did worse than TLJ. The trend of the sequels and their impact on standalone stories is hard to ignore. Honestly, Rogue 1 is a bit of an outlier for Star Wars movies in the last several years.

They have to figure out how to structure a larger narrative, how to connect that to everything else they're building, and how to avoid all of the mistakes that made the sequel trilogy so bad before they start investing in anything new. It can't be another jumbled mess or they'll kill the IP. They also need to let the stink of the sequel trilogy fade so fans will be willing to give whatever they put out a chance. As much as many didn't like the prequels, they've aged well and everyone was lining up for TFA 10 years later. If TFA had come out 5 years earlier, I don't think it would have done as well because it would have been way too close to RotS and everyone would have been prepared for a disappointment.
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I didn't read everything you bozos posted (I kid, <3 you guys) but this show is f-cking nails. Raises the bar for Disney Star Wars to a really high level, after 3 episodes.

..and yeah, Bix is hot (I just saw Morbius a few weeks ago and already forgot she was in it. She was hot in that, too)
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I think there is a real chance we get a non-skywalker movie in the future. I'd love for them to just start making movies and not planning trilogies out in advance. Just start telling good stories in the star wars universe, they dont have to all interconnect. I actually think there is space in the industry for this approach, I think people are burnt out
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Taika's movie will almost assuredly be a one-off. And then after that I could see the current, post-Episode VI shows (Mando, Boba, Ahsoka, etc) potentially leading up to some kind of massive, crossover, event movie. Though, that would probably involve Luke in some capacity as well, so not exactly a non-Skywalker movie.
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He's gonna make an IG-11 movie, right?
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Would probably make the most sense. And could easily tie into the existing shows.
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Have now rewatched all three Andor episodes, and this is easily the best Star Wars has been since 2016. In fact, I have a feeling it's going to end up surpassing Rogue One, and if so, we're potentially talking the best Star Wars anything since 1980.

Cannot wait 'til Wednesday.
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That is the direction I think they're going for now, but it will be a long time, IMO. Taiki wants something completely new, which is admirable, but my understanding is that there's not even a story yet. I think it'll be awhile before a movie is made and released. Supposedly they want late 2023, but I don't see that happening. Kathleen Kennedy has said they're really focused on theatrical releases, but I think that's kind of lip service and they're putting their resources into Disney+ content. For one, they want subscribers, but for two I don't think a standalone movie would be successful at this point. Taika's might be at some point because he's a great filmmaker, but more specifically because he wants something new. I think a Lando movie would absolutely crater because it would be seen as another Solo. So would a Poe movie or a movie about any existing character. R1 was phenomenal because all of the characters were new and fresh. It was still tied to the original saga, but by just the right amount. That's the kind of movie they need.

I don't think any kind of big crossover movie of Disney+ content would go over well either. That would be the equivalent of the Paw Patrol movie or the Simpsons movie. It will inevitably be just a long episode with a bigger budget for better effects. A lot of people with Disney+ will simply wait for it to come out like they do for the next season of any show.
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ABATTBQ11 said:

That is the direction I think they're going for now, but it will be a long time, IMO. Taiki wants something completely new, which is admirable, but my understanding is that there's not even a story yet. I think it'll be awhile before a movie is made and released. Supposedly they want late 2023, but I don't see that happening. Kathleen Kennedy has said they're really focused on theatrical releases, but I think that's kind of lip service and they're putting their resources into Disney+ content. For one, they want subscribers, but for two I don't think a standalone movie would be successful at this point. Taika's might be at some point because he's a great filmmaker, but more specifically because he wants something new. I think a Lando movie would absolutely crater because it would be seen as another Solo. So would a Poe movie or a movie about any existing character. R1 was phenomenal because all of the characters were new and fresh. It was still tied to the original saga, but by just the right amount. That's the kind of movie they need.

I don't think any kind of big crossover movie of Disney+ content would go over well either. That would be the equivalent of the Paw Patrol movie or the Simpsons movie. It will inevitably be just a long episode with a bigger budget for better effects. A lot of people with Disney+ will simply wait for it to come out like they do for the next season of any show.

Gonna have to disagree with you here. Mando and Grogu are *hugely* popular. I'd argue that they're potentially more popular than even Rey or Kylo at this point. Combined with Ahsoka and Thrawn, and their stories coming to a head in the same movie, along with Luke wrecking shop again in some capacity, and it would be a massive event movie. Not to mention, when it comes to blockbusters, audiences are showing up again in droves. Give the movie an exclusive, 45-day theatrical run before it hits Disney+, and the audience will be there. Just like they are for Marvel movies.
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TCTTS said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

That is the direction I think they're going for now, but it will be a long time, IMO. Taiki wants something completely new, which is admirable, but my understanding is that there's not even a story yet. I think it'll be awhile before a movie is made and released. Supposedly they want late 2023, but I don't see that happening. Kathleen Kennedy has said they're really focused on theatrical releases, but I think that's kind of lip service and they're putting their resources into Disney+ content. For one, they want subscribers, but for two I don't think a standalone movie would be successful at this point. Taika's might be at some point because he's a great filmmaker, but more specifically because he wants something new. I think a Lando movie would absolutely crater because it would be seen as another Solo. So would a Poe movie or a movie about any existing character. R1 was phenomenal because all of the characters were new and fresh. It was still tied to the original saga, but by just the right amount. That's the kind of movie they need.

I don't think any kind of big crossover movie of Disney+ content would go over well either. That would be the equivalent of the Paw Patrol movie or the Simpsons movie. It will inevitably be just a long episode with a bigger budget for better effects. A lot of people with Disney+ will simply wait for it to come out like they do for the next season of any show.

Gonna have to disagree with you here. Mando and Grogu are *hugely* popular. I'd argue that they're potentially more popular than even Rey or Kylo at this point. Combined with Ahsoka and Thrawn, and their stories coming to a head in the same movie, along with Luke wrecking shop again in some capacity, and it would be a massive event movie. Not to mention, when it comes to blockbusters, audiences are showing up again in droves. Give the movie an exclusive, 45-day theatrical run before it hits Disney+, and the audience will be there. Just like they are for Marvel movies.

My son and I are pretty big Star Wars fans, and we really like The Mandolorian. But if they make a Mando movie its going to have to be really, really big stakes with some other big SW names just like you describe above to pull us into the theater to see it. Otherwise, we'll just wait to watch it on Disney+.

Like you said, if the Ahsoka show is really good and they were to then make a movie with Ahsoka, Sabine, and Mando finding Esra and tackling someone big like Thrawn then maybe we'd go see that in the theater.
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Honestly I don't see any other way a Star Wars movie could be made with those heroes as the focus
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What y'all are describing is giving me a Star Wars boner so yes I think it would be largely successful and I would go see it.

This is coming from someone who is very lazy about going to the movies and hated the sequel trilogy.
The Porkchop Express
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Crossover movie featuring Ahsoka, Luke, Fett, Mando, Grogu, the crew of the Ghost, and Thrawn.

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FL_Ag1998 said:

TCTTS said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

That is the direction I think they're going for now, but it will be a long time, IMO. Taiki wants something completely new, which is admirable, but my understanding is that there's not even a story yet. I think it'll be awhile before a movie is made and released. Supposedly they want late 2023, but I don't see that happening. Kathleen Kennedy has said they're really focused on theatrical releases, but I think that's kind of lip service and they're putting their resources into Disney+ content. For one, they want subscribers, but for two I don't think a standalone movie would be successful at this point. Taika's might be at some point because he's a great filmmaker, but more specifically because he wants something new. I think a Lando movie would absolutely crater because it would be seen as another Solo. So would a Poe movie or a movie about any existing character. R1 was phenomenal because all of the characters were new and fresh. It was still tied to the original saga, but by just the right amount. That's the kind of movie they need.

I don't think any kind of big crossover movie of Disney+ content would go over well either. That would be the equivalent of the Paw Patrol movie or the Simpsons movie. It will inevitably be just a long episode with a bigger budget for better effects. A lot of people with Disney+ will simply wait for it to come out like they do for the next season of any show.

Gonna have to disagree with you here. Mando and Grogu are *hugely* popular. I'd argue that they're potentially more popular than even Rey or Kylo at this point. Combined with Ahsoka and Thrawn, and their stories coming to a head in the same movie, along with Luke wrecking shop again in some capacity, and it would be a massive event movie. Not to mention, when it comes to blockbusters, audiences are showing up again in droves. Give the movie an exclusive, 45-day theatrical run before it hits Disney+, and the audience will be there. Just like they are for Marvel movies.

My son and I are pretty big Star Wars fans, and we really like The Mandolorian. But if they make a Mando movie its going to have to be really, really big stakes with some other big SW names just like you describe above to pull us into the theater to see it. Otherwise, we'll just wait to watch it on Disney+.

Like you said, if the Ahsoka show is really good and they were to then make a movie with Ahsoka, Sabine, and Mando finding Esra and tackling someone big like Thrawn then maybe we'd go see that in the theater.

With the way Thrawn was set up in Season 2, I think everything you're talking about will be set up through the different series. Not sure I'd be happy with, "Here's 8-12 hours of show setting this all up. Time to fork over $80-$100 to see the finale in a theater."

I think any movie would need to be somewhat standalone. If you're going to bring in all of these characters that have been developed elsewhere, then you're going to have a hard time bringing in viewers who haven't already watched Rebels, The Mandalorian, and Ahsoka. Otherwise they're jumping in mid story. They don't know anything about Sabine, Ezra, Ahsoka, or Thrawn or that entire storyline. A third of that movie would inevitably be explaining backstory. Think trying to watch Endgame without having watched any other Marvel movie. I really don't see that working unless Disney thinks people will subscribe to Disney+ to get the background before or after going in.

I think more realistically it would be something that ties into the wider movie side of the franchise and has them dealing with the arrival of the First Order since the timeline is between ROTJ and TFA. That would fall in line with the decision making we've seen from KK's leadership (overboard on tie ins and fan service) outside of R1. You can see that already with how they wanted Grogu's blood for cloning. He's probably the basis for Snoke/Palpatine. Honestly, that as a movie would suck. Thrawn could be the bad guy, but I think that would be kind of anticlimactic since he's already set up to be the bad guy in Ahsoka. He also doesn't make an appearance in the sequels, so we kind of already know how all of that turns out. You end up with a problem similar to RotS where the ending is already written.

At the end of the day, I think any kind of crossover movie is going to end up cheesy and disappointing. It would be better to have multiple crossover episodes similar to the Mandalorian being in BoBF. The CW's Arrowverse did a really good job of this, crossing over characters between the multiple series, and I think that would work much better here than what would probably end up as a double episode.
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I think hardcore fans tend to overestimate how much backstory a movie actually needs.

You compared to Endgame without having watched any other MCU, but it wouldn't really be that. It would be more like watching the first Avengers without seeing the other movies, and that would have been fine. Sure, the backstory is nice if you're a hardcore fan, but it's not really necessary if the movie is done right.

But that "if the movie is done right" has been Star Wars' problem lately.
Brian Earl Spilner
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They are absolutely building towards an Endgame type, crossover event. Book it.

And it will be massive.
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TCTTS said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

That is the direction I think they're going for now, but it will be a long time, IMO. Taiki wants something completely new, which is admirable, but my understanding is that there's not even a story yet. I think it'll be awhile before a movie is made and released. Supposedly they want late 2023, but I don't see that happening. Kathleen Kennedy has said they're really focused on theatrical releases, but I think that's kind of lip service and they're putting their resources into Disney+ content. For one, they want subscribers, but for two I don't think a standalone movie would be successful at this point. Taika's might be at some point because he's a great filmmaker, but more specifically because he wants something new. I think a Lando movie would absolutely crater because it would be seen as another Solo. So would a Poe movie or a movie about any existing character. R1 was phenomenal because all of the characters were new and fresh. It was still tied to the original saga, but by just the right amount. That's the kind of movie they need.

I don't think any kind of big crossover movie of Disney+ content would go over well either. That would be the equivalent of the Paw Patrol movie or the Simpsons movie. It will inevitably be just a long episode with a bigger budget for better effects. A lot of people with Disney+ will simply wait for it to come out like they do for the next season of any show.

Gonna have to disagree with you here. Mando and Grogu are *hugely* popular. I'd argue that they're potentially more popular than even Rey or Kylo at this point. Combined with Ahsoka and Thrawn, and their stories coming to a head in the same movie, along with Luke wrecking shop again in some capacity, and it would be a massive event movie. Not to mention, when it comes to blockbusters, audiences are showing up again in droves. Give the movie an exclusive, 45-day theatrical run before it hits Disney+, and the audience will be there. Just like they are for Marvel movies.
I think the trick will be, can they actually focus on it being a solid story versus "lets put all these characters in a movie"...which we all know Disney is capable of doing both, unfortunately.
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