jetch17 said:
BlackGoldAg2011 said:
Sitting in the office now. Couldn't help but wonder as they took my blood pressure if they ever get blood pressures in the normal range for their pre-op patients.
Well, I can now officially add another recommendation for dr Williams at Y Factor if you are in Houston. Quick in and out and, not painless but pretty minimal. Numbing "shots" are a 1-2 (about like getting snapped by a small rubber band on the loose skin) and only thing that hurt was he was maybe a tad quick on the first side and it wasn't fully numb but even then at worst was a 4 for about 2 seconds.
i know this is an old post, but has anyone had any lingering pain issues after seeing Dr.Williams? - ill say im 2.5 weeks since the procedure at Y Factor and having to go see him again tomorrow for pretty considerable pain on the left side which has been constant since at the internal cut site.
for all the glaring reviews he has had about being back in the saddle 3-5 days later, this is really starting to grate on me.
not cool.
I had a bit more lingering than what I had typically heard others describe but it sounds like not what you are describing. My experience was roughly this:
-first day basically no pain, the numbing stuff was great
-first week, some decent tenderness, and a general pressure type pain if I tried to spend too much time up and doing things (8 days in I helped a friend move a couch and was pretty sore afterwards)
-second week, most pain gone but a bit back by the end of the day, and some general not so much pain, but pressure, kinda like mild blue ball pain
-after the end of week two I'd say basically all consistent sharp pain was gone
-from about week two to week 8 or 10 the blue ball feeling kinda came and went and every once in a while after vigorous "use", the site where I imagine the internal cut was would get tender and a tad swollen but a dose of ibuprofen would take care of it.
-stayed extra sensitive to my kids kicking/punching/head butting me in the nuts for probably 3-4 months. Not wildly so, but for sure noticeably more sensitive.
When I wasn't immediately back to "normal" I was a little worried (probably got some of the horror stories stuck in my head), but can say at this point I am fully back to normal in all but the intended change and do not regret the choice at all.