And I agree that 64 player conquest kind of disappointed. I was looking forward to it, but in the end I think 32 players in BF3 (on 360) was a better sweet spot.
Sorry to nitpick, but 360 and PS3 were capped at 24 players (12 vs 12) back in the day. 32 is only possible on BF4 for the new consoles. Which I do agree is probably the sweet spot, still a lot of action, and if you have a good squad, you can make a difference. I do enjoy 64 occasionally just for the massive amount of chaos going on, but do stick to obliteration and rush which are capped at 32 players.
BF4 had a terrible launch and its their own fault for losing some of you guys, but for those like myself who stuck with it, once everything finally got ironed out it is probably the best FPS I've played to date. And is the main reason I wont be getting hardline, whenever I get the itch to battle field I'll just fire up 4 which works perfectly now.