Philo B 93 said:
My teenage kids attend a large school and love being modern teenagers. I told them this is the biggest movie of the decade. They let me know that if not for me, they wouldn't even know about this movie. Ie, their friends aren't talking about it. At all.
This isn't the same Top Gun we had in '86. Tom Cruise is ancient to kids, and Jennifer Connolly looks like their mom. That's right, I said it. Even Rooster is old enough to be their dad.
When I was 16, I liked Clint Eastwood. Yep, Firefox isn't a browser to me, it's a badass jet that Clint Eastwood stole from the commies. But my choices were limited. The competition was 3 TV stations, Atari 2600, about 30 cassettes (including mix tapes), and whatever 80s teen comedy was showing. And I like Iron Eagle a lot more than Firefox. These days, a grandfather-aged hero has a hard time competing with TikTok, Outer Banks streaming, weed vapes, and Snapchat.
But I'm glad the adults are showing up for it.
Give it time dude. It will soon infiltrate their Tik Toks and their "modern teen" bs will make them go see it.