helloimustbegoing said:
My biggest problem was why the Mosaurus was being friends with the whales at the end. It's going to attack a fishing boat for a few pounds of crabs, but not devour two massive lunches?
My wife and I literally LOL'd so loud in the last couple of minutes that people in front of us turned around and looked and our 13 year old got embarrassed. And the Pterodactyls flying off the lake in harmony with ducks (no stupid they would be eating them). If this were real life, we could blame inflation on dinosaurs eating the domestic meat supply and locusts wrecking the farms. It's not my fault! - /current US POTUS (either party).
As Yellowpot noted
, bio-engineered locusts equal end of the world. 100 species of dinosaurs roaming the planet, well we'll just learn to co-exist. LMAO. I can't believe Spielberg allowed his name in the credits.
Like the last film, the most fun was simply not taking it seriously and laughing at it. Some of the action sequences were good for sure. But this is just an all time high of incredibly ridiculous film making. And frankly, it's a massive steamer on the world that Chrichton so brilliantly created.