This all makes sense from a messaging standpoint - but there are better ways to convey reckless behavior and the consequences in human lives.
To me, it gets back to lazy writing. Over emphasizing the message while botching the delivery.
The equivalent of a self-sacrificing gun fight with the hero firing a weapon NOT ejecting brass and having a closed bolt-cover the whole time. I'm done at this point...
"bombs" in the SW universe. Essentially "dumb" platforms dependent on a kinetic connection to detonate in an age of weapons able to eradicate planets is beyond absurd. Even if they have a mechanism to "launch" them...the user is still dependent upon them "floating" to their intended target and crossing their fingers that they connect. Even the cartoon series with the "Y-Wing" they had better sense. Larger, slower craft needing fighter support to deliver accurately delivered proton torpedoes (yeah, remember these? The things you can launch that destroyed the Death Star).....
Nobody cares. Work Harder