*** SW: The Last Jedi - FULL SPOILERS BE IN HERE ***

379,819 Views | 3129 Replies | Last: 11 mo ago by Definitely Not A Cop
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How many academy awards do you guys think this will win? There are bound to be some SJW categories it's eligible for.
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Junkhead said:

AGGies0311 said:

No one has mentioned Luke milking and drinking the Alien
That's because we're all trying to forget it
I can only imagine

Can you milk me too Luke? I have nipples.
Buck Compton
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I get some of the complaints... and people are entitled to them. I won't waste time arguing the finer points of many of them (like people hating Poe's storyline). My full review is on likebpage 19 or something...

But if you don't watch closely enough to know key details (like the books not being burnt up), or if your primary complaint is that the "pissed on your favorite childhood character" by not having the fanboy spectacle of him mowing people down or ridiculously surviving a barrage from and then taking out multiple AT-ATs.... then your other opinions are pretty much invalid.
Old Jock 1997
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Buck Compton said:

I get some of the complaints... and people are entitled to them. I won't waste time arguing the finer points of many of them (like people hating Poe's storyline). My full review is on likebpage 19 or something...

But if you don't watch closely enough to know key details (like the books not being burnt up), or if your primary complaint is that the "pissed on your favorite childhood character" by not having the fanboy spectacle of him mowing people down or ridiculously surviving a barrage from and then taking out multiple AT-ATs.... then your other opinions are pretty much invalid.

Nobody expected Luke to take on that army by himself and win. His death was fine, though I hope we see his force ghost affect episode IX.

Finn, Phasma, Rose, Snoke, and to an extent Poe are all throwaway characters.

No explanation for how Rey has mastery over the force with zero training.

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My thoughts (mostly what they got wrong):

1. It's definitely not the movie I would have made.

2. I paid for a Star Wars movie, not a Guardians of the Galaxy in the Star Wars universe.

3. Didn't like several of the liberties taken with the Force and how that works - it seems like they are setting up Jedi / force-users to be like Marvel Superheroes; who don't need to develop the skill over time...

4. Bending turbolaser fire like cannon batteries... in space? (only thing I could think of was they calculated trajectory and specific gravity of the Resistance Cruiser and the energy had to bend toward the target?)

5. The First Order is not elite - they are bumbling stumbling idiots like Gen Hux.

6. The SJW message at the casino about "evil corporations" and "evil capitalism"...

7. Rose & Finn don't work

8. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Leia using the force to float back to a cruiser that is barreling through space, where she was ejected at high speed, and somehow her eyes and skin dont freeze off or get frost bite...

9. Laying on the plot THICK by directly telling the audience what you want them to know instead of allowing them to infer what's going on through speech and actions...

10. A public execution for Finn & Rose that takes too long to "execute" get's blown up by a lightspeed-cruiser-torpedo where ALL the FO stormies and Phasma disappear leaving Rose and Finn the only ones (unscathed) on the deck; and BB8 rescues them with a Chicken Walker sprinting to a lambda shuttle...

11. How did Rey escape - and rendevous with Chewie - undetected?

12. Military liberties taken ... Captain Poe pulls blasters on Vice Admiral Holdo in the middle of the hangar and nobody cares?

13. Space physics just doesn't matter anymore. An X-Wing pulling a 360 degree drift? Cruisers in space, lose thrust and somehow start "falling / tumbling" toward the FO dreadnaught? Again, bending laser-mortars in space?

14. Lastly, (for this list), Rey having ~2 days of training with Luke, and now beating down Snoke's entourage and out force-pulling Kylo Ren on the lightsaber to crack it in half....

15. They squandered several chances to put Carrie Fisher's memory in a very dramatic and meaningful context within the movie and ... how are they going to handle this?


I was expecting a 8 or 9 out of 10... My initial rating is a 5 or 6...

Things I really liked:
1. Visual effects, especially the lightspeed-cruiser-torpedo and Samurai-jack like brid's eye view silence of the destruction

2. Luke projecting himself and owning Kylo; that was a big head fake for me, and I loved the way it was delivered.

3. Kylo Ren's storyline, he has become the more intriguing character for me of the whole trilogy now. I am pulling for him to succeed, and just own everyone now (except Chewbacca). I think Kylo and Chewie, and maybe future force-Ghost Luke are the only characters I really care about. Finn? not really. Rose? Nope. Rey? still don't know ANYTHING about her... her parents just drunk junkers? I don't buy it... but now there is no anticipation for finding out more... Phasma? Throw away. Snoke? What a putz. Hux? A prequal-style C-3PO in the flesh.

3. Chewie flying the Falcon was very fun

4. Loved the Yoda intro, forcing Luke to experience the thing he was hesitant to do, and then saying "who cares about old texts?" ... leaving Luke to face the reality that he already knows - the old ways are done.


I just felt like the whole movie was out of step with the look and feel for what Star Wars fans are expecting and some of the dogma that is "known" about how the Force and the Star Wars universe is supposed to work.

Again, it's not the movie I was expecting or would have made; and it was on par with a X-men or a GotG 3 for me...
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Have seen it twice now, not a good movie. Spreadsheet Ag write up is good, agree with most of that.

Luke never uses his light saber. Let that soak in... Luke Skywalker. Ridiculous.
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So the options were 1) he goes out like Han 2)he goes out like Obi Wan 3) he goes out like Yoda.

We got a mix of 2&3, and the more I think about it the cooler it is.

Who says Luke is gone and that he can't return in the next movie for a final showdown with Kylo? They're just making stuff up at this point and Luke didn't really die ... he just faded into the force, so why can he just reappear? This new flick gave us force projections across the galaxy, a force ghost blowing the crap out of a tree, and Leah force willing herself back from the grave so at this point who says he's gone? JJ can do what ever he wants because there are no rules. Heck .... the entire Jedi order can show up in ghost form and lightning the entire First Order into Oblivion. Bottom line is ... they're making crap up so nothing is off the table.
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Mac94 said:


Heck .... the entire Jedi order can show up in ghost form and lightning the entire First Order into Oblivion. Bottom line is ... they're making crap up so nothing is off the table.

Yes! hopefully yaddle comes back:

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With how bad the humor was in that movie - might as well bring back a Yoda sidekick, Yogurt!!
Philip J Fry
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Cromagnum said:

Philip J Fry said:

Like most things JJ Abrams, it's a serial story without a plan. They make the **** up as they go and it's telling.

The mess of episode VIII was not brought to you by JJ Abrams.

He was an executive producer. A lot of the issues that we are having with TLJ is an apparent lack of road map starting with TFA.
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Philip J Fry said:

Cromagnum said:

Philip J Fry said:

Like most things JJ Abrams, it's a serial story without a plan. They make the **** up as they go and it's telling.

The mess of episode VIII was not brought to you by JJ Abrams.

He was an executive producer. A lot of the issues that we are having with TLJ is an apparent lack of road map starting with TFA.

Didn't know that. Fail on his part.
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Yeah just think, they honored Fisher by having her fly through freezing space like Superman.
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The idea that Luke was really thinking for a second about killing his nephew in the flashback was also ridiculous.

Don't buy the idea that he would have done any of that without talking to his sister or bro-in-law. "Uhhhh, he's got some bad in him - I might have to kill him in the middle of the night without telling anyone." That was poorly done I thought. They ruined that flashback, could have been epic.
3rd and 2
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I left the theater entertained, but mildly peeved. I couldn't tell exactly what was bothering me until after reflecting on the movie for a while. Basically, the writing sucked.

Disney should have hired Brandon Sanderson to develop the story then had the hack writers they got turn the story into scripts.

So many plot holes and wasted potential.
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Wonder if this was planned, or damage control:

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11. How did Rey escape - and rendevous with Chewie - undetected?
They said she took Snoke's personal ship I believe. And I doubt the FO were looking for her when most of their ships had just been cut in half. She left in the wreckage and met up with Chewie.
Buck Compton
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wesag said:

Holgos costuming was easily the worst of the movie. A night gown or evening dress. Really?
You're right. What is she, a Mon Mothma wannabe?!?!

Dumb take unless you had those same complaints about Leia or Mothma from the OT.
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I'm catching back up on this thread, and a lot of people that liked it are trying to justify bad scenes because the overall idea or theme was good.

It's kind of a Terminator 3 thing for me. Like the broad strokes of Terminator 3 were good, but it's how they actually put them on paper and then on screen that were bad.

Like yeah, I agree that Finn having a reason other than Rey to really join in the fight was a good idea, but that's the best they could come up with?
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vwbug said:

Wonder if this was planned, or damage control:

According to that article nothing was planned. They let the actors decide what to do:


"I think we were talking about it and it was Daisy [Ridley] actually who said it should just be Gwendoline's beautiful, piercing eye," Johnson said. "Just this perfect blue eye behind this metal monster. I loved that image."
These people had no Director or Leadership on set... it was a gaggle-**** of competing ideas, which shows in the movie.
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wangus12 said:


11. How did Rey escape - and rendevous with Chewie - undetected?
They said she took Snoke's personal ship I believe. And I doubt the FO were looking for her when most of their ships had just been cut in half. She left in the wreckage and met up with Chewie.
Did she ditch that ship just to jump on board the Falcon? Seems like the resistance could use as many ships as they could get their hands on.
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vwbug said:

The idea that Luke was really thinking for a second about killing his nephew in the flashback was also ridiculous.

Don't buy the idea that he would have done any of that without talking to his sister or bro-in-law. "Uhhhh, he's got some bad in him - I might have to kill him in the middle of the night without telling anyone." That was poorly done I thought. They ruined that flashback, could have been epic.
yeah, Luke's conflict should have been he was ignoring the warning signs of Kylo, then Kylo gets angry at being held back (like Anikan) and goes rogue with some students while Luke is away or something, it gets out of hand and the next thing you know the Academy is gone and Luke comes back to the mess/fire/destruction we saw in the TFA.
The Collective
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Yea, all of our theories sucked, because they were too good .
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"Phasma is the Kenny from South Park of this series," he joked.
Among those rooting for her return is Luke Skywalker himself. "I think she's got to survive," Mark Hamill said, offering up his own theory.

Wow how sad is that that the actors compared Phasma to Kenny from south park
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wesag said:

Holgos costuming was easily the worst of the movie. A night gown or evening dress. Really?
Read an interesting article yesterday with some backstory on her:
Urban Ag
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Thinking about it over the weekend.................there were a lot of flaws and misses that could have been easily corrected that would have improved the film overall. Cut Luke milking the space sea cow thing that looked like it was from a Dr Seus book. Cut Leia flying thru space. Completely omit Rey and Kylo having force chat. Was not needed at all, especially if they would have spent more time/effort on developing Rey and Luke's relationship. Cut the casino planet all together, just get Finn on Snoke's flagship some other way.

But the biggest plot twist they were obviously completely pot committed to was Luke finally joining the fight by projecting himself through the force. To me this was the part fans could not get past. And having it happen right at the end of the film didn't help. At the end of day, it was just kind of lame to have Luke Skywalker fight the First Order while meditating on a rock on the other side of the galaxy.

I kind of think any further involvement with Hamill will be very limited. As much as I love the guy, I get this feeling he was a pain in the ass for Rian and the writers to deal with. Luke's incredibly limited showing in TFA and abrupt ending in TLJ could have been somewhat influenced by that. Who knows.
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I'm still puzzled that anybody thought Snoke want going to die pretty quick. It looked like he was out there to die.
Urban Ag
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Honestly, I did not see it coming. I think they missed an incredible opportunity though on how they did it.
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Urban Ag said:

Completely omit Rey and Kylo having force chat. Was not needed at all, especially if they would have spent more time/effort on developing Rey and Luke's relationship.
Despite a lot of complaints about other parts of the movie, I actually thought Rey and Kylo's chats (except for the bit where she asked him to put on a shirt...) were some of the best parts. One person who knows exactly what place he wants in this world and is willing to do anything to get it, and one who isn't sure. She has all this power but isn't sure how to use it. Their yin and yang relationship and storyline is really good.

Plus, like it or not, this movie was always going to be about Rey and Kylo. Expecting anything else probably set you up for disappointment.
The Collective
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I liked the Rey and Kylo chats as well. I recognized that they needed to do something to develop their storylines together without them being in the same place. It was some of the best parts of the movie.
DB Coach
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Weren't they done with everything when Carrie Fisher died? There's a lot of people saying that she was useless for most of the film. I hate how they had her using the Force in space, but I think they were setting up Leia to show more grasp of the Force to actually use later in Episode IX. A couple of people close to production have been quoted as saying she was going to have a big part in the last episode.

I look at the new trilogy as a passing of the guard. Han having a big part in 7 and dying. Luke having a big part in 8 and becoming one with the Force. Leia having a big part of 9 and presumably becoming one with the Force.
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VanZandt92 said:

I'm still puzzled that anybody thought Snoke want going to die pretty quick. It looked like he was out there to die.
I don't think it's so much an issue with the fact that he died, as much as how it happened.

As far the on-screen canon, which is all most people get to see, Snoke was easily the most powerful force user we've ever seen. He was using force lightning with a flick of his wrist, he was whipping an extremely powerful person in Rey around the room like a mannequin, he bridged the minds of two extremely powerful people without them realizing that he did it.

And yet, he couldn't sense that Kyle was manipulating the lightsaber right beside him because he was... too focused on narrating Rey's death?

Plus, given how powerful he seems, I think people just wanted some more info on who he was, where he came from (he was obviously alive during the events of the original trilogy, so where was he? How did he become the leader of the first order? how/why did he find Kylo?)
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the real question is... why aren't Snokes or Kylos eyes yellow?
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My biggest issue with the Leia-in-space bit, aside from how ridiculous it looked, is just that it felt cheaply emotionally manipulative. Fisher died a year ago, so leaving in a scene where it looks like she died, only to have her come back felt, for lack of a better term, out of order to me.
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