*** SW: The Last Jedi - FULL SPOILERS BE IN HERE ***

379,813 Views | 3129 Replies | Last: 11 mo ago by Definitely Not A Cop
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DanHo2010 said:

redd38 said:

DanHo2010 said:

I also enjoy McDoubles, but that doesn't mean they're good.

Actually, that does mean they're good.
No, it doesn't. Preference does not equal quality.

Who hurt you? You won't even admit that something you enjoy is good? That's sad, man. A McDouble might not be good for you, or be made of high quality ingredients, but you enjoy it because it's good.
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Another main complaint I have that won't be discussed here as we're more concerned with stuff like the physics of carpet bombing in space and Force shifting: the complete lack of romantic chemistry.

They completely whiffed on the casting and characters of Laura Dern and Kelli Tran. They didn't even try to get anything going for Oscar Isaac and Dern. That's a missed opportunity - this is Leia's replacement - why not introduce a young, hot spunky leader to spar with Poe and get some sexual tension going. Oh I guess they tried that with Tran and Boyega and it completely flopped. Could have put lupita nyongo in Laura dern's role, for example instead of wasting her.

Was the biggest romantic connection in this movie between Carrie fisher and Laura Dern?

Or what if Hux was a female and it gave Adam Driver some room to work in some sexually charged scenes.
Driver and Isaac appear to be the only decent actors that could come close to recapturing the Harrison ford vibe.
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The fact that Leia flying in space didn't get cut...
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wesag said:

The fact that Leia flying in space didn't get cut...
This isn't really a complaint, but more of a general question. Did she fly to the ship, or did she move the ship to her? Because if she can fly, it seems like the Jedi are really misusing their powers.
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twilly said:

Farmer1906 said:

Who does that even mean?
I'm assuming you mean "what" instead of "who"

I'll see if I can explain better. It didn't feel like a Star Wars movie. It felt like a visual conglomeration (like a comic) using items from the Star Wars universe.

The original trilogy, while was beautiful visually, had a substantive story behind it. Lucas may have been a bad director, but he's a good story teller. The story if TLJ seemed forced and was secondary to the visual aspect of the film. When I see a Marvel film, I get the same feeling. I couldn't tell you what the overall theme of any of Marvel films are, but I can remember all the cool stuff I saw in the films.
I'm thinking this is what a lot of the critics were referring to in their non-spoiler reviews. I read a lot of reviews stating "It's different from the other films, but still has elements from Star Wars". IMO...The Force Awakens had a different feel from the original films, and The Last Jedi had a DRAMATIC departure from the originals...but I still liked it. It's that feeling I have after watching Avengers, X-Men, Justice League, etc...just doesn't feeling like Star Wars. Maybe I'm just getting older? Maybe it's too much stale popcorn?
These are my reason it's a good, but not great Star Wars addition:
-Flying Leia
-Deflating Luke's role (even Mark is on record in being displeased with Rian's take on Luke).
-Killing off original trilogy protagonist one film at a time
-Finn/Rose forced story line
-Resistance is on the run from the overpowering FO from the beginning? wait...WHAT?! They just blew up their modern day death star!
-Talking to Maz while she's in a "union" dispute...weird and very prequel.
-Either minimizing or throwing majority of TFA plot lines in the garbage.
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TCTTS said:

The writer and director of The Last Jedi.
Some people live under rocks
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wesag said:

The fact that Leia flying in space didn't get cut...
during the movie I asked my wife if Carrie fisher died early on in filming and they were forced to use her corpse for the leia space scene and medical chamber
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Silvertaps said:

-Talking to Maz while she's in a "union" dispute...weird and very prequel.
Okay so in the sense of saying the things I did like about the movie (which there are a few spread out over several pages) I assumed this was a tongue-in-cheek poke at the prequels. Didn't she say something like "labor dispute, not something you'd be interested in" or something along those lines?
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wesag said:

The fact that Leia flying in space didn't get cut...
It's kinda funny you said that. Johnson could have edited the movie, reshot a few scenes, and just had Leia die off right then and there and it wouldn't had materially altered the overall arc of the movie, except....

I guess Leia had to be there so Luke could "phone in" to Crait and shadow fight Kylo.

I guess having two iconic characters die off in one movie is a bridge too far.
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I'm just glad that a large segment of y'all thought the movie was not good.

My gf thought I was overreacting to how bad it was. I too would put it in episode I or II levels bad. I would have given it a grade of C- at most. The part when Kylo was flying his fighter and started spinning, my girl friend said "I'll try spinning, that's a cool trick".

Maybe it's unfair to compare it to other Star Wars movies, but compared to the last one, Rogue One, it stunk.
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I thought it was a great movie and I had a blast watching it...one of the best movie experiences I've ever had.

I feel Star Wars is a victim of nostalgia. Here's what I mean: people hold the OT in such high esteem, for good reason, but want to tear apart every single aspect of the new movies that don't "make sense" or rip apart the plot holes. There is without a doubt problems with the OT but it gets held up on a pedestal and it doesn't seem that it's critiqued at the same level as the new films.

It's like people have this idea of the OT in their heads about what kind of films they are and how great they are and that they have no issues at all. The new films just aren't given much slack with some people.

Just my opinion.
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I think the biggest problem for the new sequels is that the anthology stories like Rogue One feel more like Star Wars than the new titular trilogy does.

The more I think about TLJ the less I find myself liking it. I think it's a mediocre film with some great moments but falls flat as a whole.
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I can appreciate that and understand that not everybody is going to love every movie. Feel is absolutely a huge deal with these movies.

For me the characters are why I loved this movie so much. To me characters are Star Wars and I can suspend belief on some of the other things
Saul Goodman
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Saw the film last night, here are my thoughts after having some time to digest:

I *think* I love this movie. It's a weird thing to say, but there were so many WTF moments that it wasn't until I had time to think and piece them together that I really appreciated them.

This is the most complex, philosophical Star Wars movie, and I love that kind of s**t. The more you dig into it, the more it rewards you.

Things I loved:
- The humor. Easily the funniest Star Wars movie, and it isn't even close. I know some people didn't like it and thought it undercut the tone, but I thought it was fantastic.

- All of the performances. I seriously can't think of a single actor/actress that didn't put in a good performance. Mark Hamill was amazing, Carrie Fisher was great (huge step up from TFA), Adam Driver was terrific, Kelly Marie Tran, Oscar Issac, etc., etc.

- Cinematography. Just a beautiful film. Best since Empire in that regard.

- Snoke. I found him to be compelling and I love his personality and (albeit limited) show of his powers. I was conflicted about him being killed in this movie, because I wanted to see more of him, but the more I think about it, I'm glad they did it. Let's Kylo be the big bad and truly makes this sequel different.

- Kylo Ren. Loved his character arc, and I find him to be fascinating. I appreciate that we can relate to him to a certain degree on a more personal level than all of the other Star Wars villains.

- Action sequences. The space battles, Kylo/Rey throne room battle, etc. I thought they were some of the best actions scenes we've seen in a Star Wars.

- Crait. Such a cool design for a planet, and it was executed to perfection. Can't say enough good things about it.

- Yoda. The scene was probably fan service, but I loved that they used him to deliver some really great lines and it brought so much weight to Luke's character arc from Ep. IV to VIII.

- Canto Bight. I didn't love everything that happened here (will get to that), but I love what this world introduced and potentially sets up for future movies. Some really cool big picture plot lines can come out of this, if JJ does it right.

Things I wasn't crazy about:
- Didn't love the Leia superman in space thing. Maybe I need to see it again. But it just felt a little...silly? I would've chosen another way to show her force powers.

- Rey left a little bit to be desired. I don't think Daisy Ridley was as good in this as she was in TFA. While I think this movie set her up to have some really big moments in Ep. 9, I just felt like I wanted more from her character arc in this particular movie.

- The whole Finn/Rose riding on a space horse was just kind of meh. Felt random and out of place. I think Rian could have come up with a much better storyline for them on that planet.

- Really was hoping for a bad*** Luke fight scene. I understand why Rian didn't do it, and I think it would've simply been fan service. But I can't lie and say it didn't leave me disappointed that we never got it in this new trilogy.

Considering how dense this movie was, I'm going to be thinking about this movie for a while, and I know I'm not remembering everything now. Looking forward to seeing it again - probably won't be able to rank it until the 2nd or 3rd viewing. I definitely think this is a better movie than TFA, but I'm trying to decide if I love it like I did the TFA. It's just so so different.

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I think there definitely is some of that to be sure, there were some holes in the original trilogy (although most of them are in Return of the Jedi, which itself is not a particularly good movie either.)

But one reason I think I don't like the movie overall, is because there are some points at which it was AWESOME. And those awesome moments make the not-awesome moments even worse by comparison.

The best scenes in the originals, to me anyway, are when very few characters are on screen. It's Han & Leia, Luke and Obi Wan, Luke and Vader, etc. The best scenes and moments of this franchise has always been the ones where everything going on outside of the main characters is stripped away and they have these scenes that define who the characters are.

And this movie had some of that. I liked the scenes with Rey and Luke, I loved the scenes with Rey and Kylo (except for the no shirt thing...) I loved the scene with Luke and Yoda. But it's those scenes contrasted against that mess at Canto Bight that make the bad scenes jump out even more.

I think that this movie gets so close to getting it right so many times makes it all the more disappointing that it got it wrong in so many other places.
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I have gotten to where I turn my brain off in Star Wars, but the Leia in space scene was downright offensive to my senses.
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Don't get me wrong, I love the characters. I think they've all been phenomenally casted and are really carrying the weight of a trilogy where the story is IMO falling very flat.

Rey being "World's Greatest" at using the force, learning lightsabers for Dummy's in 2 weeks, piloting the Falcon like Han Solo could only dream, etc. would be incredibly grating if Ridley didn't play her with such an incredible touch.

I also think Driver's performance as Ren is giving us one of the most compelling character arcs in the entire series.

I'm just not buying the connections between them all at this point. You're telling me that the First Order couldn't lightspeed jump another fleet directly in front of the non-lightspeed Resistance fleet? Or that non-Jedi force users can now survive in the full vacuum of deep space? There's just a lot of poorly thought out stuff that's detracting from great shooting and acting.
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Back to Aggie football. Disney can't fu** that up.
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Did Leia do anything important after she flew through space? Seems like they could have just let her die at that point. Then Luke sensing that could have been the reason he came back to help the resistance.

I also feel like Rey's parent reveal was wasted. First of all, it was basically Star Wars edging, building up to a climax then no climax. Secondly, I thought the knowledge of who her parents were was going to anger her in some way that makes her more tempted by the dark side, but it was just sorta "meh". She's a nobody, who cares? Not nearly as powerful as if she were someone that had been hurt or betrayed by good side somehow.
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Rey's lightsaber skills are another thing that people are talking about but doesn't bother me. She was kicking ass with a big stick before she had the lightsaber, and we already know she's incredibly strong with the force so her reactions would clearly be faster than any normal person anyway.
The Ice Cream Kid
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Yoda calling Luke "Young Skywalker" had me rollin'!
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Is it true that a scene with Snoke, Kylo, and Rey is just a rehash of the final scene with the emperor, Vader, and Luke?

I've also read that whereas Luke visited the reclusive Yoda to train and ultimately leaves early it is similar with Rey visiting a now reclusive Luke and abruptly leaving due to sensing something a la my friends are in danger?

Copy and pasting Return of the Jedi?

And Leia is flying through space?

And some of y'all liked this movie? Or are just trying to find some redeeming qualities?

Maybe it's me and just getting old.
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AGinHI said:

Is it true that a scene with Snoke, Kylo, and Rey is just a rehash of the final scene with the emperor, Vader, and Luke?

I've also read that whereas Luke visited the reclusive Yoda to train and ultimately leaves early it is similar with Rey visiting a now reclusive Luke and abruptly leaving due to sensing something a la my friends are in danger?

Copy and pasting Return of the Jedi?

And Leia is flying through space?

And some of y'all liked this movie? Or are just trying to find some redeeming qualities?

Maybe it's me and just getting old.
did you watch the movie or just trolling?
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redd38 said:

Did Leia do anything important after she flew through space? Seems like they could have just let her die at that point. Then Luke sensing that could have been the reason he came back to help the resistance.
I would make the argument that Leia did nothing in 7 or 8. She was mismanaged in both.
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While there are some similarities in the story to the OT (which I feel like you can say to some extent about any sequel) it never felt like it was a rehash while watching it.

The Kylo, Rey, Snoke scene has a similar dynamic but is not the same scene.

There are parallel between Luke/Yoda and Rey/Luke though....which I enjoyed
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bobinator said:

Rey's lightsaber skills are another thing that people are talking about but doesn't bother me. She was kicking ass with a big stick before she had the lightsaber, and we already know she's incredibly strong with the force so her reactions would clearly be faster than any normal person anyway.

I would have been fine with them giving Rey a saber-staff or spear or something similar. Having her be a martial arts expert in all forms of weapon-based combat makes absolutely no sense to me, at all.

Part of the problem is that the OT and the prequels already established the fact that lightsabers are ****ing hard to use.
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I agree with that to some extent and what really makes me sad is I believe (and Hamill has said) that IX was going to be Leia's time to shine. Unfortunately we won't get that anymore....I think they set up some great things in this one for IX with Leia
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What happen to Kylo Ren coming to Achto? I thought it was speculated that was happening. I wonder if that was deleted??
The Ice Cream Kid
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AGinHI said:

Is it true that a scene with Snoke, Kylo, and Rey is just a rehash of the final scene with the emperor, Vader, and Luke?

I've also read that whereas Luke visited the reclusive Yoda to train and ultimately leaves early it is similar with Rey visiting a now reclusive Luke and abruptly leaving due to sensing something a la my friends are in danger?

Copy and pasting Return of the Jedi?

And Leia is flying through space?

And some of y'all liked this movie? Or are just trying to find some redeeming qualities?

Maybe it's me and just getting old.
1. No, the battle was awesome.

2. At first, I thought Luke was being an old samurai master, testing if she really wanted training. But no - he really did not want to teach her. She did need to bail on him, I'll give you that.

3. I'd say more like Empire in a good way. Things don't look promising for the good guys.

4. The flying thru space is a necessary scene - it set up Luke vs First Order Army barrage.

5. I loved it.

6. I'm so old I saw the original in the theater.
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Not trolling.

Seeing the amonunt of dissatisfaction had me read spoilers. This is what I'm hearing. I'm asking, because if that's thats case I'll save my money.

Edit: And thank you all for the replies. I went through something similar with another beloved franchise in Aliens.

I have not seen Alien Covenant nor do I intend to.

Your comments here give me hope.

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I would have been fine with them giving Rey a saber-staff or spear or something similar. Having her be a martial arts expert in all forms of weapon-based combat makes absolutely no sense to me, at all.

Part of the problem is that the OT and the prequels already established the fact that lightsabers are ****ing hard to use.
Episode 9, Kylo gets wrecked in a lightsaber fight with the broom kid
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I know it's a long shot... but will Adam Driver get some looks for Best Supporting Actor at the Oscars?
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It was alright. 6/10. Enjoyed many moments, cringed at a few, was bored/"wtf is this happening" through a few scenes.

Disney could choose to try and cater to old-school fans and make a tight movie that ties together loose ends, or they could choose to cater to casual movie goers and younger fans and to also make sure to win some diversity/you go girl points for people that care a lot about that. We got the latter. Ah well, will enjoy it for what it was.
Urban Ag
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TCTTS said:

After sleeping on it I just can't shake the feeling that this simply isn't a good movie. I didn't dislike it, but it did next to nothing for me. More than anything I'm genuinely surprised to see how many people here feel the same. I cannot think of a single blockbuster that the critics loved but the fans didn't, quite like what's starting to become apparent not only here, but across the web as well. Man, what a fascinating twist.
I think a lot of critics probably approached the TLJ with expectations tempered way below where they were two years ago for the TFA. Not that I have anything to do with the industry, buy my expectations were pretty much at the "let's just see what happens". Lowered expectations, lower let down. IMO.
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I'm 75% certain that sequence was filmed. There's also behind the scenes footage of Rey running along the shore of the island at dusk, ignited light saber in hand, that obviously wasn't used. I also recall paparazzi pics from a location that looked to be filling in for the island, with Rey seemingly facing off against a small group of what looked to be warriors of some sort. Based in all of that, I, and many others, were convinced Kylo the Knights of Ren would at some attack the island.
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